A Supportive Boyfriend

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**I had to use it, he is LITERALLY being supportive 😂**

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**I had to use it, he is LITERALLY being supportive 😂**

I really didn't know what was going on. 

Why did I just find my boyfriend at a fortune teller's shop investigating his face?  Why did my face get read?  What exactly is happening?

On the phone, Jungwon just said "Hey, I think you need to get down here and talk to Sunoo," and I headed exactly where he told me to go. I did not expect it to be here. 

Sunoo and I walked hand-in-hand, Jungwon just ahead of us, as we started to walk toward what I now knew to be a neurologist's office. But I needed to know what was going on. So, I stopped dead in my tracks in front a cafe and pulled Sunoo to a table just outside. Jungwon, looking exhausted, said he would let us talk for a minute and go inside and order some coffee.  

Sunoo was looking down. I couldn't tell if he felt embarrassed or ashamed or angry or disappointed.  His face was impossible to read. He's always so happy that in the times where he isn't, it's difficult to know until he tells you.  

I held both of his hands in mine. 

"Sunoo...talk to me.  I'm here for you. I love you.  Please tell me what's going on."

Sunoo took a deep breath and looked up at me, a big crocodile tear falling down his cheek, "It's just...it's stupid," he said. 

"Nothing you say is stupid," I told him.  

"This is," he took another deep breath. "Ok, so last night after I fell asleep, I had this dream. I realized in the dream that all of these...events...had started when you and I met.  More specifically - when we crashed into each other.  Not just the headaches. But..."

He sat there quietly, obviously having no idea what to say next, so I waited. After gathering his thoughts, he continued.

"Well. My life has always been easy and perfect.  And then you walked into it and it became even more perfect. Except it didn't," he looked up at me and must have seen the horror in my face as my heart plummeted to my feet.  He's breaking up with me....

"No, NO, Hoonie - you are perfect and we are perfect.  But after that night, after we collided, everything got...messy. But only for me.  Everything in your life started to go perfectly. You, who had always had disaster. And PLEASE don't misunderstand me - I don't want bad things for you.  I am so happy you're happy. I am SO happy to be with you.  But...when I woke up from my dream, I had this weird feeling in my gut that we traded places. That all of the things that have happened to me...GOD I sound like a stuck-up brat," he looked up at me, "I don't know.  I just wondered what hitting our heads together really did. So I went back to the doctor.  And then I went to the fortune teller. Because, ultimately, I feel like I'm cursed." 

He looked at me with resolution in his eyes. I didn't know whether to laugh at how ridiculous this was or feel slightly offended that he felt my previous life was cursed. 

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