A Revelation

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(**Author warning: I have now designated the story as mature just in case - though I'm not sure it's necessary

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(**Author warning: I have now designated the story as mature just in case - though I'm not sure it's necessary. DON'T WORRY!!!)


I know Sunghoon saw the letter.

I realized it as soon as walked into our room and saw it laying on the dresser. I had intended to hide it, but I knew that if he saw the envelope he would know for sure where it came from.  He just didn't know why. Guess he does now....

Ok, yeah, I skipped classes. More specifically, I skipped vocal classes.

I know it sounds crazy, but I may not go back at all. I can't sing anymore.

Maybe I can, I don't know. It doesn't feel worth trying anymore.

I never thought that the audition and the indie label was my only shot.  I just always knew it was my BEST shot. I also new I would get the contract. I continued to go to my classes through the end of the quarter, but my heart wasn't in it anymore, and my vocal coach could tell.

"Sunoo, what is going on? Are you even trying?"

I shrugged. I excused myself. I didn't cry.  I didn't really have any thoughts.

Then I just didn't go back.

I don't know how to explain the way I've been feeling over the course of the last few months. When the first bad thing happened, okay. But then it all kept raining down and I couldn't figure out why.

My headaches only stayed away for a couple of weeks, but the medicine did make them more manageable when they came on. I didn't tell anyone. I smiled and was happy and giggled and took care of my boyfriend and helped people find makeup.

Basically, I'd decided that I was cursed. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but it was clear something wasn't right.  I decided that I would just follow Sunghoon to his dreams. I didn't feel sure about anything at all in my life, but I felt sure about Sunghoon.  I don't care if we're relatively young.  We will make it.

I was sitting on the bed looking out the bedroom window into nothing. I heard the door open, everyone celebrating on the other side of it.  Then I heard the door close. I knew that Sunghoon was standing there. I couldn't look at him. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. They'd been threatening to fall for weeks and weeks, but they hadn't.

"Sunoo," Sunghoon said gently, "why didn't you tell me? What's going on?"

I shrugged my shoulders.  I couldn't turn around to look at him. I knew I would cry and I just didn't want to start.

I felt Sunghoon crawl on the bed until he was behind me.  He wrapped his arms around me and propped his chin on my shoulder.

"Please talk to me, Sunoo.  What can I do?"

Blessed-Cursed: A SunSun StoryWhere stories live. Discover now