A Relationship

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We had settled into a new routine

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We had settled into a new routine.

Having Sunoo with me made my already dream-like reality that much more of a dream. But I never feared what life would look like when I woke up - I knew that we were the real deal. Endgame.

We were coming very near the end of our junior year. Sunoo and I were going to classes during the day, then I would teach three dance classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. On Saturdays I taught all day.

Sunoo, meanwhile, got his money back and decided to start saving up. He took a job at a high-end make-up studio which he absolutely loved. He was working hard in his classes and with his vocal coach. But I did notice that he was no longer going for auditions.

We spent our evenings together studying or watching TV and movies or just hanging out. Sunoo transitioned really easily into living with me, but I had never had a roommate that wasn't a parent or grandparent, so it was a big change for me to just live with someone all the time. Even if I was happy about it. I would sometimes forget and jump when he came around the corner from the kitchen and he would crack up.

I could see why it was easy for him. Even though he had his own place and lived alone before, he had friends over constantly. So much so that he had a closet full of extra clothes, toothbrushes, etc.

Everyone on our dance team had been offered some kind of deal or deals and yet no one had really taken any of them. For Beomgyu, none of them included what he really wanted - to be able to produce and write for himself. For Yeonjun, most of the jobs were choreographer or dancer, and he was afraid he would get lost in the crowd.

"I don't think I have enough experience as a choreographer to take that on yet," he had told me and Heeseung, "that's a lot of responsibility to be expected to just crank out routines one after the other".

Heeseung and Jay almost signed under the same label as trainees. The problem there was that they would be older trainees, and there were no guarantees.

As for Ni-Ki, he did start working. Ni-Ki started dancing in MV's and on stage as back-up for a big label. He only committed to part time. He was in a situation similar to mine in that there was no actual contract, but they did ask that they be able to counter any offer he was given once he was ready to work full-time.

Everyone was surprised that we were able to get jobs without iron-clad contracts. That was the main reason the others didn't want to sign anything.

For the singers, Taehyun and Huening Kai were constantly in the studio working on demos. Most of the time Beomgyu was with them mixing and writing. Every day he asked Sunoo to come. Sunoo had been his partner for three years now when it came to making music. Sunoo always said no. He would say he had work or that he just wanted to stay home. When I asked him about it, he would usually find a way to turn the conversation to something else in the blink of an eye.

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