A Call and A Connection

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Oh my god, I like him

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Oh my god, I like him.

Like...I REALLY like him.

That happened really fast, and it hasn't happened in a long time.

Every time I met his dark eyes across the table, any time our hands touched, I felt my heart beat rapidly and I felt like I could barely breathe. It was like there was this easy comfort between us that just felt soft and safe.

I'm really afraid that I'm going to do or say something stupid. And I'm a big flirt, so I need to make sure I reel it in. It's one thing to just be a flirt, but it's another when you genuinely like someone.

Every now and then my head would get this shooting pain, but I would look at him and it would fade away.

But now I've just realized that we drank a whole lot of soju, and this is messy. This is not good. I just officially met this man. I can't get all sloppy and confess. He'll think I'm crazy.

What do I do?!?!

I looked at my watch. 10:00. OK, well, we sat talking longer than I expected which means we likely drank slower than I thought, so I'm probably fine. It's fine. Everything's fine.

"I'm going to make us some coffee!" I said as jumped up. "Woah." I promptly sat back down. Sunghoon laughed. I realized I'd never heard him laugh. It was amazing. I felt my heart race again.

"Careful, there," he laughed again. "Do you need help?" He got up himself and started to sway. "Shit." he said, sitting back down, "how am I gonna get home?"

"Well," I began. I can't believe I'm about to do this. "I can crawl into the kitchen and make some coffee. That will help a little bit," I took a deep breath and smiled, "or...you can just stay here. At my apartment. With me. Or I can do both".

ohmygodohmygodSunoowhatareyoudoing??? I got up slowly to walk to the kitchen, my eyes squinting, and my jaw clenched as I braced myself for his shock - and subsequent rejection.

"OK. Both is good".

I opened my eyes wide but didn't look at him. OK!??! Another deep breath as I turned around to him, "that's great!" I smiled widely. "I'll just attempt to make us some coffee."

Slowly but surely, I made my way into the kitchen. I can't remember the last time I drank this much. And I have school in the morning. At least my first class isn't until 9, but it's going to take a while before my head stops swimming, and there's literally nothing worse than trying to sleep with your head spinning. Not to mention this damn headache that keeps radiating out of nowhere.

If Sunghoon was drunk, he sure didn't seem like it. I mean, I had seen him struggle to stand, but to hear him talk, everything was fine. "I'm just gonna call my grandmother really quickly!" He called to me. "I don't think she'd be worried, but just in case..."

I heard him curse at himself as he realized he had left his phone on silent. Then I heard one side of the conversation. I don't know why I heard him so clearly - the kitchen isn't that close to where he was sitting, and the coffee pot was starting to make noise.

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