A Diagnosis

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**Like, I'm gonna be honest, I adore Sunoo, but not in an in-love sort of way - more like a noona

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**Like, I'm gonna be honest, I adore Sunoo, but not in an in-love sort of way - more like a noona.  But this version of Sunoo is perfection.**

"Okay, but don't you think this is weird? Sneaking out of your apartment just to get medical care? It's not like you have to hide that from Sunghoon." Jungwon said as we left the apartment.

I had texted him in the middle of the night . Once I woke up I was unable to go back to sleep, so I told him that I needed him to meet me in the morning.

This had started with hitting our heads. Had we knocked ourselves into one another's lives somehow? How could things have just abruptly traded places? I needed research and answers.

I asked Wonnie to be at the house as early as possible. I knew Sunghoon would sleep in because it was basically his day off. I left a note on the bed saying that I was meeting Jungwon for breakfast and that I'd be back in a bit.

"So where are we going?" Jungwon asked.

"Well, first of all, I need to go to somewhere other than a random clinic and get my head checked out. I messaged this neurologist office in the middle of the night about what was going on in with my headaches and they said that they could get me in right away."

"Ok," Jungwon nodded, "but you said 'first of all' which means there's a second thing. So, what's that one?"

I turned to look at Jungwon and shrugged, "I guess we'll see if we have to."

What I hadn't told Jungwon is the revelation that I had come to. I was willing to see one last time if there was a rational, medical reason for what happened to us, but if the doctor couldn't help there were a lot of other people that understood things like curses, or blessings, or whatever seems to have happened here. Something almost magic, but not quite. At least, not for me. I needed Jungwon with me so I could prove I wasn't crazy. I know Sunghoon would have gone with me, but he would have felt guilty absolutely every single step of the way.

Jungwon and I walked into the neurologist office where Jungwon once again played "family". Once again, no one bought it, but conceded graciously, which I appreciated.  Having a head issue is terrifying.  You need your supports. 

Just as the doctor did at the walk-in, the neurologist started by asking me a lot of questions. Did my headaches worsen in times of stress (yes), were my headaches strong and acute or persistent (yes), Did I struggle with fatigue (I didn't realize, but I did).  What about amnesia? Mental confusion? Disorientation? (yes, to all of this, but I was unsure how real that was. I had experienced confusion about the state of my existence - this weird crisis I was having.  That left me disoriented for sure). Sleep disturbances? (all the time), nausea or vomiting? Sensitivity to light? (if the headache was bad enough and it was too bright) depression, irritability? (I don't feel irritable other than my life has fallen apart. There is a depression to that, but also the frustration of having the best part of my life intercept that. I had Sunghoon). 

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