Park Sunghoon-Cursed

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My body is starting to feel stiff

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My body is starting to feel stiff.

That's how long I've been sitting on my bed, knees pulled to my chest, arms wrapped around my knees, head down.

The letter from the school is laying open next to me. I must have read it a thousand times. Willing it to be different, I guess.

Dear Mr. Park,

It has come to our attention that your grades in the math department may potentially warrant academic probation.

As you know, as a requirement of your scholarship you are expected to maintain at least a B average in order to remain at the university at no cost to you. As your scholarship is specifically for dance, should you be placed on academic probation you will additionally be removed from the dance team.

Should you be placed on academic probation and remain unable to achieve acceptable grades, you will be asked to leave the university at the end of the year.

We request that your grades be restored prior to our next review at the end of the semester in order to maintain your scholarship.

University Board of Directors

I sighed. It's hopeless.

If I don't get my grades up, I can't dance. If I can't dance, I don't qualify for my scholarship. If I don't have a scholarship, I can't pay for school.

Simply put: I'm doomed.

Why? Why is it always me?

I looked around at my room. Just a tiny room in my grandmother's tiny basement. I love my grandmother but I tend to avoid her. She's always asking when I'm going to get another job, what I'm going to do with my life. How is dancing a career...

Part of the reason my grades dropped so much WAS my job. The person scheduled to relieve my shift at the convenience store would often not show, leaving me there for doubles.

All I did was work. Until I didn't. Because they fired me. I fell asleep ONCE.

I reached for my phone and opened up my texts. My only real friend, Heeseung, always gets on to me about how I don't talk about what's going on with me.

SP: You busy?

HL: 👀 Are you....texting?!?!

SP: If it's a problem
then I won't

HL: No! I'm proud of you! What's up?

I took a picture of my letter and sent it to him.

HL: Oh, wow. I'm so sorry. What can I do?

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