A Dancer

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I woke up early the day of the competition because I hadn't gone to sleep

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I woke up early the day of the competition because I hadn't gone to sleep. Not well, anyway. I wish I had taken Sunoo up on his offer to come over because I always sleep well when I'm beside him.  I thought I'd be distracted when I really would have just relaxed.

I knew it wouldn't be a problem, though. I was ready to perform, and I didn't feel at all tired.  I was just ready to get out there. 

My grandmother has been really calm about my not working while I've been training for this show, but as soon as it's over she'll start up again about how I need to find work. I'm honestly really hoping that this turns out to be some work.  Or just a foot in the door - something I can show her and help her feel less worried about bills.

I got dressed, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. This is definitely a time where I'd rather be early than late. I really wanted to call Sunoo, but I knew he was probably still knocked out.

Nothing would be going on for at least a couple more hours. I wasn't even sure what the line-up for performances looked like yet. 

I had just rounded the first block when I heard my phone ring for FaceTime.  It was Sunoo. I smiled brightly as I answered the call, then immediately laughed.

"What?!?"Sunoo giggled.

"Sunoo, your hair," I laughed as it was sticking up everywhere. He pulled it into a hair tie at the top of his head. Even though he set the phone down I could see him pouting as I laughed.

"I'm about to go get ready," he said, "I was going to have to go back and get clothes, but Taehyunnie's gonna let me borrow some clothes."

"Good," I smiled, "I want you coming straight to me - no distractions." I was relieved he wasn't going back to Ni-Ki's.

"TELL HIM ABOUT THE MESSAGES!!!" Taehyun yelled in the background.

"What messages?" I asked, concern growing on my face.

"Nothing," Sunoo looked nervous, "I didn't let Ni-Ki know I was staying here last night and I fell asleep and -"

Taehyun grabbed the phone from Sunoo so I could see his face - angry. Note to self: avoid making Taehyun angry. "Sunghoon, he basically was like 'I need you' and then when Sunoo didn't answer he was like 'FUCK YOU'.  Not really, but basically. I mean, those words were said, but not necessarily like that or in that order.  Whatever, you get it."

"I - I really don't even know what to say..." I answered, "Do you want me to say something to him?" Internally I was begging him to say no.

"NO!" Sunoo and Taehyun answered together.

"Seriously, you need to focus on the show - and getting along with Ni-Ki for the show. That's why I didn't want to tell you to start with." Sunoo said the last part through gritted teeth as he side-eyed Taehyun.

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