A Big Misunderstanding

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"Preeettttty sure you fucked up," Heeseung told me, and Yeonjun nodded in agreement

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"Preeettttty sure you fucked up," Heeseung told me, and Yeonjun nodded in agreement. Jay was still in his own world with Jungwon. Which I know makes Sunoo happy. And Sunoo happy makes me happy.

"Of course, I did," I answered, "we all know I'm a fuck-up. I should have known better. Of COURSE he isn't interested".

Yeonjun and Heeseung exchanged confused glances at one another before looking back at me.

"Hoonie, no!" Yeonjun exclaimed, "the cutie really likes you. Like really, REALLY likes you. It's written all over his face, all over his body language - "

"- all over the way his entire heart seemed to shut down when you looked like you'd rather vomit than be with him," Heeseung added.

"WHAT??! I didn't do that!" I knew I didn't. I was embarrassed.

"Yeah, you did. You looked like you wanted to run."

"Or die," Yeonjun added matter-of-factly.

I put my arms on the table and lay my head on top of them. "So what do I do now?" I asked, my voice muffled. Here I go again with the Bad Thing of the Day.

"Calm down, Hoonie, this is totally salvageable," Yeonjun assured me, "You just need to tell him the truth".

My head shot up from the table. "The truth?!? I just met him. I can't tell him I like him!"

"Of course you can," Yeonjun answered, "It's the easiest thing in the world. And sweetie, I think you're going to have to. As soon as possible," he added, leaning in toward me.

"What do you mean? Why?" I asked, looking confused.

"I know you're new to all of this, but I know boys, and I know Beomgyu's pretty face and every expression he makes - "

"-but- to be clear - you don't like him?" Heeseung asked Yeonjun with a smirk on his face.

"Of course not," Yeonjun nodded curtly, "I just like to look at him. THIS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED!! The point: the look on Beomgyu's face when he looked at Sunoo was genuine worry, and honestly a little bit of fear."

"Fear?!?" Now I was thoroughly confused.

"Yes. Fear. Have YOU ever seen Kim Sunoo sad? I can't imagine many other things making Beomgyu show that face".

I threw my head back on the table. Ugggghhhhhh. Why am I such a fuck-up?? We aren't even dating, and I already hurt him? How is that possible?? And by all accounts he's literally the worlds happiest human.

"Hey - Jungwon, right?" Yeonjun called across the table, causing Jungwon and Jay to stop their discussion and look his way. "I need Kim Sunoo's phone number from you, please," He smiled, then added, "And I look very forward to undoubtedly seeing a lot more of you". He winked and Jungwon's face flushed. Jungwon jotted the number down and handed it to Yeonjun. He then turned to me, phone number in hand.

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