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The stars were beautiful and clear tonight as they twinkled and reflected like brilliant diamonds on the water's surface of the marsh. Stray petals from plum and sunsetta blossoms danced on the night's breeze. A beautiful, strange contrast to the furious sight of the young yaksha just finishing up dispatching some monsters corrupted by the vengeful auras. Carefully he removed his mask feeling the after shock begin to take hold, making his body wail at him in agony. However it was mild compared to the previous episodes he'd get from his karma.

He looked up at the stars and in an instant his thoughts wondered to her. Lumine had been so busy back at Liyue Harbor helping prepare for the Rite of Parting. The same rite so many adepti had received to send off their spirits to the heavens. It was important lest Morax's soul be unable to find his way. Xiao knew this as he made is way back towards the inn. His keen eyes spotting something of interest high up one of the peaks here in Wuwang Hill. With a dash and nimble leap he found the lone flowers. Their five white translucent petals easily reflecting the moonlight as they danced gently in the spring breeze fresh from the previous nights rains. They were Qingxin flowers; a plant he knew well and could only be found here in the mountains of Liyue.

It had been what was fluttering away glowing in geo energy that caught his eye though. For not far away was a swarm of of geo crystalflies. So with a burst and a flash of anemo he jumped forward and expertly snatched one out of the air before he landed safely on the ground below with cat-like ease. The crystal core from this, he was not sure why but he wanted to give it to her. The thought alone actually bringing a rare smile to his face before he vanished in a wisp of dark mist. 

It was dark

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It was dark.

Unnaturally and uncomfortably dark.

But the more she desperately ran the more she found she was not moving nor could she reach him. "Aether please don't go!"she wailed. Her fertinal twin brother with the long blonde hair in a braid and honey golden amber eyes looked behind him. His gaze was cold and bitter. They weren't the warmth she knew so well. A dark sort of blue and black fog seemed to begin to roll in behind him.

"You made me wait too long, sister. You're too late."he stated as he began to walk away.

"No don't! Please Aether don't leave me!"she wailed desperately trying to catch up. but he remained out of her reach....

Xiao quietly sneaked into the suite he knew Lumine was using and thankfully still was. As he entered his sharp hearing reacted to the sound of frightened and distressed whimpers and sobs. "Lumine?"he thought looking around for the source. Sure enough curled up in the bed was the petite blonde traveler herself. She must have just gotten back this evening. "Don't...Don't leave me...Please Aether c-come back....please brother..."came her frightened sobs in her fitful slumber as Xiao came to stand at her bedside. Her words and distress hurt to see and the one thing he hated to see was people suffering like he did. But why was it his distaste for suffering was very strong involving this mortal, Lumine? He was not sure.

But what he did know was this ominous dark blue and black aura that coiled and snapped at her like some kind of serpent. It was not karma, no this was different and it was threatening her through her slumber. "You aren't allowed to touch her whomever you are."he thought with a soft growl. It had been a very long time and he had been advised against using this ability by Lord Morax. But maybe since it was to protect and help Lumine it would be ok? It wouldn't worsen his karma? There was only one way to find out.

He would need to adjust and tweak this adeptal art of his on the fly but instinct and experience gave him confidence. So slowly with a gentle gloved hand he caressed her cupped the side of her face as he leaned in. Tenderly, softly muttering the ancient Liyue tongue and kissed her forehead. Instantly devouring the nightmare and ripping the abyssal energy away with his other hand, squeezing it until it vanished, devoured ravenously by his own mist. Then taking the geo crystalfly core in hand placed it snuggly in her hair before sitting down as she let out a sleepy sigh. She mumbled softly as she relaxed nuzzling into the young yaksha's touch a sincere, rare soft smile on his face.

Her nightmare had been rather weird taste Xiao had noted. If he had to describe the taste it was reminded him of something bitter and spicy. He'd eaten plenty of dreams before but nightmares were never one he liked the taste of. But this had been out of kindness of his own choice to do so. "That's right I wasn't ordered to do it. I did it because I wanted to help her....but why?"he thought. Imagines of a young mortal that looked almost identical to Lumine but male flashed in his mind. This mortal was clearly her blood kin so why....why did knowing her kin was the cause of this nightmare made him feel anger? Then there was the matter he had felt something, some unknown power like suffocating chains around Lumine when he had helped her. "Just who are you Lumine?"he thought curiously. Oh well, it mattered not at this point of time.

"Sweet dreams, Lumine."he whispered. His hand coming to rest on her's as she slept with a content smile on her face. No longer would nightmares haunt her as only tender, warm, and sweet dreams remained under Xiao's watchful eyes.

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