Lover's Oath

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Zhongli had been busy relaxing in Lumine's library study going through some paperwork he had brought with him from work. The soft cry of mountain birds as the trees outside the window were beginning to bud and unfurl with lush new leaves. However in this quiet serenity of this pocket domain he now visited often his thoughts wandered as he glanced outside. He wondered how Lumine and the young yaksha adeptus were doing in Inazuma. Was the recovery going smooth or had they hit more bumps in the road? He did not know.

As if he thoughts had summoned him the door opened to reveal before his eyes the young yaksha in question. What startled him was seeing for himself the changes that were probably so easy to miss for many but still so noticeable. Xiao's hair normally having teal undertones to it now had a shine of vermillion undertones The diamond on his forehead once violet now a dark crimson while his eyes a shade of green that put the finest jade to shame. His hand slamming on the desk another clear change and indication of the change."So this is the final stage of a bird yaksha adpetus going through the Courtship Rite. How interesting."he thought in quiet amusement. Seemed in this state the old Alatus before his enslavement had surfaced.

"Lord Morax I want to talk with you."he swiftly stated with a determined fire in his eyes.

"Xiao I will always have time to speak with you on matters but such behavior was not required to grab my attention."Zhongli softly assured and scolded. Xiao gaining a look of embarrassment as a result but his glance was sincere and apologetic. "Now," Slowly Zhongli set his pen back into the ink well before sitting back. "What is it you want to talk about my young yaksha?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Lumine."he began growing flustered.

"Oh? About the Traveler?"Zhongli had a pretty good idea what was going through this young adeptus's mind. Influence of this sacred Courtship Rite or not it'd be pure folly not to notice. Not after everything that had transpired over the year. Was he taking a cue from Ganyu and Yanfei's parents? Extremely likely. "What is it about her you wish to discuss? I trust she is making a swift recovery?"

"Lumine is fine. But what I want to talk about is I want your blessings to let me ask her."Ziao firmly stated. There it was and to Xiao's surprise Zhongli was laughing which confused him greatly. "Why are you laughing? I'm being serious about this."

"Oh Xiao I know you are and I hold no disapproval towards it. I'm laughing because I was expecting you to eventually come seeking my blessings to do so."he smiled.

Xiao's eyes turned wide in surprise before turning to delight, "So you will approve? You'll bless it Lord Morax?"

"Of course."Zhongli stated as he looked at the calender before letting out a hum in thought. "It's been a full year has it? Lantern Rite starts soon."

"Which is why I need your help."Well that was rare, Xiao was asking for help!? It really caught the attention of the former Lord of Geo. "I am listening Xiao, what is it you need my assistance with?"he asked.

"This what I want you to do and it must be done with perfection, M'Lord."


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