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One bye one Fatui were being sent flying in all directions if they weren't slain in the process. The cause? One very, very protective and pissed off yaksha adeptus. A very territorial one at that as streaks of anemo danced across the field pond to strike his foes down before they knew what had happened. Spears of anemo ascending out of the ground with each harsh plunge he made. Fury blazed in his eyes of gold that gleamed ominous towards his foes in the sea of howling white. Like a dark phantom or beast stalking his prey he struck again and again.

The Fatui no where near able to get close until finally their numbers had dwindled. Barely any scratch could be seen on the yaksha despite their efforts. "How is he so strong?"snarled a mage.

"He's not human! YYYAAAUGGGHHHH!!!"shrieked a sniper as the jade spear sliced right through him before he knew what hit him.

"M-Monster! He's a monster!"stammered another as he was now shaking in terror.

Blood soaked and splattered the yaksha's body as the blood stained the snow red as he took step after menacingly slow step towards them. "You are not welcome here, mortal. You targeted the one that I'm in the midst of the Courtship Rite with,"Xiao grinned as his eyes turned jade green the teal undertones turning vermillion. Gone was the quiet calm fury as a more bold and venomous sneer took its place.

"You dare to touch the intended of an adeptus!? Worthless fools!"he laughed in a mocking, berating tone as he vanished from their sight into the sea of white The sound of wings churning the storm as the remaining fatui frantically tried to pin point him. "Disappear!"

Before their eyes was just like the reports said: a massive bird of great beauty and elegance. A sharp, curved hawk-like beak of a predatory bird as talons gleamed, sharp as they curved to a dangerous spear-like point. All it took was one might razor sharp blast of anemo from his mighty wings to send the remainder falling to their dooms. Slowly he landed as he form reverted back to what it was in his human shape. He stumped a little as he went back into the cave. "Damn so the Courtship Rite is still in effect. Have I already progress to that stage?"he muttered under his breath. He could feel an intense need to go back, a need to assure she was fine and still where he had left her. A need to stay beside her as her emotions tingled at the back of his mind.


She was worried for him.

Mixed in seemed to be the pain she was still in like countless sharp thorns. But he also felt so exhausted after all these times switching between his true form, mid transformation, and his human shape he preferred to be in. He ended up stumbling again but somehow he made back into the domain and quickly cleaned himself up and got into some clean clothes before making his way back to where Lumine was.

"Don't give me that, where is he? Where is Xiao?"came her weak cry that had gained strength and volume. She sounded worried and upset.

"Lumine stop you're going to hurt yourself like this, he'll be angry if you don't listen to Paimon!"protested and pleaded the fairy. What Xiao had returned to was Lumine stubbornly trying to hoist herself out of bed despite the words of Cloud Retainer and Paimon. Her honey amber eyes turning wide at spotting the young yaksha looking haggard and exhausted beyond compare. Minor cuts and scrapes and grazes already starting to heal before their eyes.

"Xiao you're alright!"she greeted in relieved delight. The stress that had allowed her to move in the first place now left her behind and swiftly was reminded of the wounds she had. Xiao seeing her crumble into herself from a sharp cry of agony made he bolt over with a burst of anemo. Firm but gentle hands forcing her to lie back down.

"I thought I told you not to move, Lumi."he scolded. Some how thankfully her wounds had not reopened.

"Where did you g-go? C-Cloud Retainer...said you...you sensed trouble...?"she whimpered.

"Just some trespassers, nothing to be concerned about. Now it is still quite late you should be resting."he insisted with a soft hum.

"You need it too. You...you look ready to pass out..."she stubbornly protested, some of her old feisty nature showing up again. That was a good sign in his eyes it meant she was starting to get better if only a little if she had this much fire in her.

"Hmph. Fine, but only because you're the one insisting on this."Xiao huffed before snuggling up to her. Lumine letting out a sigh as she wrapped her arms around him as the instant his head had nuzzle into the crook of her uninjured shoulder he was asleep. "He must have been fighting or something to get this exhausted."she thought running her hand through his hair earning a soft mumbled purr. Whatever had happened at least he was safe and had come back to her. She had been so confused and worried after being startled awake earlier, feeling a sharp tingle from the mark on her neck. The anger she had some how sensed only had upped her stress. But now she felt exhaustion take hold again as she softly hummed a tune that was all too familiar to Xiao and Cloud Retainer both.

"Thank you for coming back to me Alatus."she whispered, her voice too soft and meant for the slumbering adeptus's ears alone. A content smile as he subconsciously sleeked out her loving touch that slowed as slumber too took hold of her. Cloud Retainer let out a soft chuckle as she walked over before grabbing the blanket in her beak and pulled it over them.

"So the Courtship Rite has reached the final stage. Not long now this one so does assume."she chuckled with a pleased hum seeing the young yaksha's hair shift again briefly to vermillion undertones.

"Courtship Rite? Final stage? Paimon doesn't get it. What final stage?"asked the fairy softly.

"One shall see soon enough and very soon one must wager."hummed Cloud Retainer beginning to walk away. Leaving the very confused fairy behind the crane adeptus made her way to leave the domain. After all she had a certain former Lord of Geo to go contact. 

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