Don't Deserve Your Love

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It had been at least 48 hours.

Two days of anxiety!

The poor adeptus couldn't think straight with the worry he had been feeling since his lord had revealed the truth behind these emotions. His tiger-like gaze not leaving the horizon painted with the pastel hues of dawn. Morning dew slid down the lush tree leaves that hanged from the ancient tree's firm branches. Near by the sound of the water wheel turning could be heard in its endless rhythm. His sharp gaze was like a hawk as down belong the inn's guests were stirring as they went on their way towards the stone gate or towards wherever human matters took them. Most were merchants and adventurers, that was a given. But they didn't interest him as he let out an annoyed hiss.

The cause of his anxiety was a certain blonde woman that had been suffering in her suite with a high fever. That mortal doctor with the talking snake and even Lord Morax had tried to reassure him Lumine would be fine. Her spirit and body were strong, very strong as she had been able to handle not one but three adeptal energies at once. "Then why do I feel so guilty?"he whispered to himself with a tsk. No, he knew why he felt so bad because one of the three had been his own power.

He wondered...there had been a medicine Ganyu's adeptus parent had made when she got ill. Then there was the medicines Lady Guizhong taught Lord Morax to make. All extremely effective and worked wonders. His mind made up Xiao stood up and vanished in a dark mist. Maybe Cloud Retainer or Ganyu could help?

It was mid afternoon by the time Lumine began to stir into the waking world with a drawn out and annoyed groan

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It was mid afternoon by the time Lumine began to stir into the waking world with a drawn out and annoyed groan. The pesky sunlight not exactly doing wonderings for her splitting migraine as she grabbed her spare pillow and buried her head under it. "Too bright..."came her raspy whine. She felt like utter and complete crap with how hot she felt despite today actually being rather mild with the weather. Her body damp with sweat making the sheets stick to her like sicky tree sap.

"You're still not feeling too good huh?"came the high pitched voice of the celestial fairy. But like the good friend she was she flew over to the window and closed the curtains. Paimon had been tending to her when Xiao or Goldet wasn't here. Slowly she hovered back over leaving a trail of stardust as she went to her friend's bedside. Slowly Lumine poked her head out from her hiding spot as she tried to sit up.

Bad idea.

The room spun and she fell flat on her back with a moan so instead covered her eyes with her arm in frustration. She hated being confined to bed but what was she suppose to do? Her damn body was her enemy right now and the wounds that were healing didn't help matters. Her head and body ached and everything felt like she was in the clouds. "Hm I wonder what he's doing right now...?"she mumbled.

"Who? That yaksha? He's been sulking on the roof since he brought you to the inn after you fainted. Paimon can't even get close to him with how cranky he's been."pouted Paimon.

"Oh Paimon, don't be too harsh. He's probably been worried all this time and he just found out Rex Lapis is alive."breathed Lumine tiredly. Yes he probably had a lot on his mind. But so did she with the way he made her feel. Those strong arms, his nimble and agile body that moved like the wind, his sharp but smooth voice, his personality though prickly like a chestnut on the outside was actually very loyal and sweet...oh Celestia was this her fever talking or had she fallen for Xiao!? It was the only explanation she could of what rational thoughts her fever permitted.

"Lumine why are you so red? Paimon hopes your not feeling worse."Paimon asked making Lumine flinch before pulling her blanket rapidly over her head in an effort to hide. Paimon even with how dense she was let out a giggle. "Oh Paimon understands now. You like him~!"

"Eek! P-Paimon want to be emergency food?"came her snap, making the fairy squeal in fright.

Xiao let out a startled and angry hiss as outside the window he had to duck as Paimon fled frantically. "What the hell was that about?"he grumbled. Oh well it did not concern him as he climbed into the suite to find Lumine awake and looking right down flustered. However Lumine blinked in surprised delight at spotting him. " y-you didn't see that did you?"

"Hmph, I'm not going to ask what just happened."he sighed as he walked over to sit down on the side of the bed. "You should be resting, Lumine." he urged persistently. Lumine blinked in surprise as she felt him slide his hand under her bangs to rest on her forehead. His stoic face hard to read but his eyes shined with concerned affection.

"X-Xiao what are you doing?"she squeaked and noticed for the first time the odd looking vial in his other hand. It was tear shaped with crystal clear glass as a golden dragon that looked a lot like Zhongli's exuvia vessel snaking around it carved into the surface. Even the cork was glass to her surprise. The liquid inside was an icy blue and translucent giving it a rather pretty shine to it. "And what is that in your hand?"

"Hm? Oh this? Ganyu made some medicine for you. Take it."Xiao said giving her the bottle. "But do not be stupid and drink the entire thing. That is no human medicine, Lumine."

Lumine looked at it in curiosity but smiled sincerely and brightly at Xiao who was looking away with a bright tinge of pink to his face as he tried in vain to hide it. She was not fooled though and had a pretty good idea that Xiao had sought out the half qilin cryo user for this. "Has he been feeling guilty all this time?"she pondered. "Um Xiao just how much of this would be safe for me to take?"she asked holding the vial up.

"Give it here."Xiao quickly grabbed it and uncorked the vial spotting small empty glass near by as Lumine looked right down baffled. He grabbed the small glass and ended up pouring about what looked like a quarter of it into the glass and handed it to her. "Take it, it'll help you feel better and heal faster."

Lumine obediently grabbed it from his hand and downed the shimmering blue elixir. It tasted something foul but good medicine usually did. Satisified that she took it Xiao grabbed the cup and set it and the vial aside on the nightstand. To her further surprise the medicine acted extremely fast but now she felt funny and it was getting cold as she began to shiver. She hadn't expected it to act so fast, nor had Xiao, but the fact she was shivering proved it was working. Slowly, to her shock, Xiao climbed up onto the bed pulling the blanket over her shoulders. He then with a firm but gentle tug he pulled her close into his arm.

"W-what are you doing?"she stuttered.

"You will feel cold but it will pass. I-I'm not used to these emotions I'm feeling but make no mistake I'm only doing this because I can't stand seeing you suffer."he whispered holding her close. Still he received that smile, that beautiful radiant smile as she snuggled up to him. Her head coming to rest on his shoulder with a delighted hum.

"Hm...we can figure it out together because I-I think I feel the same."she mumbled sleepily as her eyes began to droop close, desperately she tried to fight this fatigue. She could feel his strong hand begin to tenderly run his fingers through her hair only making it harder to stay awake with how good it felt.

"Don't try and fight it, Lumine. Surrender yourself to your dreams and sleep."he soothed. Before his eyes Lumine finally did give in to slumber. Medicine made by the qilin, even a half qilin were extremely effective and he knew this too well when extremely rare cases he got ill. Drowsiness and the cold sensation were normal side effects as this simple remedy for fevers worked its magic. Already color was returning to her complexion as she slept deeply, nuzzling into him making him blush. He was not sure how to react right now but this felt right to him. Just holding her here in his arms, the one place she was safest from harm. But her words earlier made realization gleam in his eyes. "She feels...she loves me? Is it possible?"he thought. Why did this realization that she felt the same make him want to soar to the heavens? And did he really deserve her love when his hands were so stained with sin and karma as his were?

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