Yoohoo~! Lumine's A Target!?

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Nights in Inazuma were always so bright and shockingly lively. paper lanterns casting a soft, warm glow as sakura petals scattered in the evening breeze as the citizens went on their marry way. Lumine hummed, feeling relaxed and content as she left the public hot spring bath house. Evidence of soft steam from the hot water still a bit present. She was not sure how they managed it but they got Paimon to give herself and Xiao some time to themselves. She couldn't see her beloved yaksha but the tingling sensation from the mark on her neck told her he wasn't far away.

"I wonder if he went to that sakura tree near the city entrance again...?"she mumbled aloud to herself. There was one thing she had always noticed and that Xiao loved his high vantage points such as trees, roofs, and the tori gates. Not a surprise considering she knew now what type of adeptus he was. "I still haven't really seen what he actually looks like...just his wings."she thought as she stopped to grab some dango milk from the food cart. However as she went she couldn't help but feel she was being watched. "Huh?"she thought as she looked around curiously.

How odd.

That is until she spotted a familiar little ninja scurrying off just below the stairs. That had defiantly been young Sayu. Finishing off the dango milk she tossed the bottle in a near by bin and decided to investigate just as a wisp of dark mist appeared beside her. "Lumine did you — Hm?"Xiao turning just as curious at sensing Sayu. "What's Sayu doing here?"

"I don't know but I was going to find out. Want to come with?"Lumine whispered.

Xiao grin in softly at her request briefly, "To ask something so trivial that is just like you. But I admit I'm intrigued, so lets us depart."

Typical of her fiancé, always so sharp tongued. Saying one thing but his actions and affections always betrayed him. The look of curiosity like that of a tiger cub or the countless ravens of Inazuma. "Let's go then. Think you can track her Xiao?"she asked hurrying down the stairs as she kept her voice down.

"Ha! Easily."he smirked.

Xiao's sharp senses started working over time as he started to search the area. Eventually discovering the tenuki outfit clad ninja. There was an odd barrel with a leaf and...a tail!? Finding her by some stairs near a stone lantern, Xiao picked her up by her hoodie. Causing the illusion to vanish. "There you are."

"Oi! put me down Xiao-onii-sama!!"yelped Sayu as she managed to struggle free, landing on her feet. "Aw...you saw right through my disguise...Odd...not even the shrine maidens can find me."

"Hello Sayu."greeted Lumine.

"Your tail was sticking out again Sayu."giggled Lumine.

"Huh!? my tail was sticking out!? Ooohhhh.....not again..."groaned Sayu in frustration and surprise.

"I'll give you points for effort. The illusion would have been flawless if your tail hadn't betrayed your location."Xiao lightly chuckled in soft amusement. This small mortal was amusing

"I must have been too nervous and failed to use my ninjutsu properly again..."Sayu sighed. The young child growing bashful. "So, um w-what do you need Xiao-onii-sama and Lumine-onee-sama?"

"We were about to ask you the same thing, Sayu. Why were you following me since the bath house?"Lumine asked making Xiao turn surprise. This little ninja had been following his bride from the shadows? But why!? Sayu going on to list off what were clearly excuses.

"Sayu, real reason. Now."scolded Xiao.

"N-No really, honest! I'm not up to anything I promise!"Sayu swiftly protested. "I'm just a little tired and thought I could take a quick nap." Sayu being well, Sayu soon yawned as she stretched a little in her usual mannerisms. Slowly she started to walk off, "Well guess I'll be going now."

Lumine though was fast to act and with a glint of mischief in her golden honey amber eyes that Xiao now knew well she spoke with a hum, "Oh well, Perhaps I'll tell Ayaka and Ayato that I ran into you here Sayu. I'm sure they'll accommodate my questions as to why you were."

Sayu froze mid stride before rushing back to the couple in a panic, "No, please anything but that Lumine-onee-sama!!"

"Then tell us the truth Sayu. Why are you following Lumine?"asked Xiao in a sharp but some how gentle tone. It was almost like hearing an older brother or father...it was rather endearing to Lumine.

"Ugh...you're both just as difficult as the shrine maidens..."whined Sayu.

"Then I expect an honest answer please, Sayu."rebuked Lumine.

"Fine but don't complain about the truth no matter how crazy it sound ok?"the duo gave a nod of agreement. "So you know I'm with the Shuumatsuban, right? Well its our job to handle matters that the higher ups don't like. Which some times includes assassination..."

Xiao instantly tensed and it had not gone unnoticed by Lumine as she offered hushed words of reassurance. "Go on, Sayu..."she urged gently.

"Huh? You're not scared even a little? I was just sent by an order to try and assassinate you yeah know, Lumine-onee-sama."questioned Sayu. Her words making Xiao snarl. Who would dare target Lumine!? Whatever fool had done this was now playing a very dangerous game.

"Who ordered this foolishness?"he demanded managing to reign in that temper. "Sayu, tell me right now."

"Easy Xiao, I think I have a plan..."

Sayu and Lumine both grew curious at this. Lumine went on to explain the plan she had going so far as to give a loc of her hair and even lend her flower hairpin. But the one given to her by Xiao she dared not part with. The geo crystalfly core glittering in the moonlight as she and Xiao watched from the shadows in the field. Sayu pulling off the plan beautifully in fact until Xiao appeared before the true culprit. His fury a frightening sight.

"You do not get to threaten my mate, or can your simple mortal mind not comprehend this?"he snapped pinning the spear into the sand just inches from the outlaw's head. The man was furious and frightened. He had not expected to encounter the one everybody in Inazuma was calling Lord Suzaku.

Suzaku, the guardian from the west the bringer of the wind. His wings of majestic vermillion gold gleaming beautifully in the moonlight when he had them out just moments ago. Shielding the outlander from view with such tender, affectionate care. But what had impressed Xiao and Lumine was little Sayu's own skills and how hard she had worked to free the little girl from these fiends. However These men had learned true fear having to learn the hard way how dangerous it was to mess with the intended of an adeptus. Especially a yaksha that would and could take on fallen gods and monsters daily.

"H-Have mercy on us lord Suzaku-sama!"pleaded one man.

"You've done it now boss, we told you not to go after the Traveler! We kept telling you she was chosen by a yokai but you never listen!!"shrieked another.

"Shut up!"snarled the boss as they were taken away by the much older ninjas that arrived on scene.

Things starting to calm down Xiao with a "tsk" and swift kick tossed his spear back into his dimensional storage. A content purr as he watched Lumine with such motherly and gentle care hoisted up a sleepy Sayu onto her back. "Don't worry about me, Onii-sama and Onee-sama....I'll be just fine...zzz...."mumbled Sayu as she dozed off. By now the sun bad begun to rise casting the seashore in pastel golden hues. Sayu's soft snores ringing in their ears as Xiao walked not far behind. A faint but tender smile at the sight. On a primal level his instincts thrilled happily with yearning and hope. She was so gentle but also firm with Sayu; such a warm that just seem to fit. maybe, just maybe...would something like this be permitted in their future some day too? Unaware that Lumine was sharing similar thoughts as they headed for the Kamisato Clan's estate. Excitement and possibilities of what their future would hold ringing like a soft serenade in their hearts.

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