Yaksha's Lullaby

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Days had passed since the incident, during that time consciousness always seemed to just barely come before so cruelly being snatched away from the petite blonde. Voices sounding muffled every time and yet became clearer each time she started to stir. Gentle hands and the subtle scent of qingxin flowers mixed with mountain air close to her, never straying far. The tickle of the occasional soft and smooth feathers grazing her skin urging soft murmurs from her. The odd soft whimpers of pain ringing in the ears of the golden eyed adeptus sitting beside her.

Within the confines of Cloud Retainer's domain of this abode she was safe. She could rest and heal quicker here then out there in the city where every shadow now harbored ill intent of her foes. Her complexion was pale and signs of fever from the pain she was in wrecked havoc on her petite body. A sight he did not like to see her in and probably never would get used to. Not after the Lord of The Vortex, not after her fights in Inazuma, not after she had been poisoned in that factory, and most defiantly not now. Not far away a fire crackled to provide the warmth needed as the celestial fairy was out like a light for the night in the near by chair. Paimon had worked herself into exhaustion from worrying over her friend that lay tucked in tight in the futon.

Not once had the young dark haired adeptus left Lumine's side; too afraid that if he did something bad would happen again. "I miss hearing your voice...I miss your smile...."he thought with a sigh as he wrung out the cloth before setting it back on her forehead. Within the last few days her consciousness always seemed to escape her; never awake for more then a moment's breath. But each time was becoming longer as the others kept trying to assure him but their words never seemed to amount to much.

"....Xiao...?"the weak and barely audible rasp caught his attention in that instant. Half lidded honey amber eyes were glancing over at him to his surprise and his relief. "Wh-Where am...I...?"

"It's alright, nobody will harm you here Lumine. You're safe here in Cloud Retainer's domain."he soothed reaching out to stroke her cheek. Not needing to be told, he already had a bamboo flask in hand and carefully propped her head up to let her drink the cold spring water. Something she was more then eager to do after everything that had happened. Coughing a bit from drinking it just a bit too fast before he helped her back down. Damn everything felt like it was on fire but it was her chest and shoulder that bothered her the most and her upper back.

"C-Cloud Retainer's domain?"she echoed hoarsely.

"Yes. I was not about to leave you in the city with their negligence. Baizhu is one thing but to hell was I leaving you...n-not after what happened."he huffed as his gaze became shadowed by his bangs. Lumine's frightened, pained screams and the feel of her blood seeping through his fingers into his clothes...was not one he ever wanted to experience again. Had he been a moment later she probably would have died. It was so faint human ears probably would have missed it but Lumine's weak giggle like tiny bells caught his attention as he felt her hand come to rest on his knee.

"I'm not going anywhere."she smiled weakly. "I'm not easy...to get rid...of..."

But already he could see what little energy she had was spent as he returned the smile. More then content now that seeing though it was slow she was coming back to her old self. But it seemed this time she was showing a reluctance to go back and give into her slumber. A painful whine leaving her as she tried to curl into herself but Xiao had been fast but careful to force her to lie still. "Don't try and move or you'll open up your wounds. You must try and rest."he rebuked gently.

"H-Hurts too much to rest."she gasped.

Of course it was hurting and it was making him feel upset all over again at those damn Fatui. They had done this to her...they had hurt her, tried to kill her. They had made her feel fear and emotions no doubt a stranger to this remarkable woman of well over 519 years old. With a deep breath to calm his rising temper and steady his mind he turned his attention to her.

"I know you're in agony right now but as you've shown for me, that will pass. I can't do much but maybe this will ease and calm you, Lumi."he soothed as before her surprise he had reached into his dimensional storage to pull out a long flute of some kind. It was ancient but intricate in design with dark wood trimmed with gold. By the looks of it the flute seemed to have been made from bamboo.

"You can...play...?"Lumine blinked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm a bird adeptus. Is it really so odd?"he asked as he prepared to play the wind blown instrument.

"Not at all odd."she grinned up to him in delight. "I would...love to...hear you play."

Xiao gave a soft smile and brought the flute to his lips and instantly the soft melody began to play. The tune echoing off the stone walls of the ruins in an almost ethereal tone like lullaby. His fingers dancing smoothly across the flute's key holes as easily as he soared on his wings or handled his jade spear. The tune alone Xiao was pleased to notice soothed her just as much it did himself. Slowly he watched her relax and be eased back into slumber's welcomed embrace as he continued to play the soft tune. Seeing her deep in slumber he stopped and allowed the humble dihua flute to vanish back into his dimensional storage.

"Xiao we have trouble at one's borders."came a familiar cry.

Xiao's eyes turned wide before turning to fury as he too had sensed it. Some unwelcomed company had arrived and were ascending the mountain straight for the domain. "So they found us."he hissed slowly getting to his feet.

"So one would assume to be the case. Their intentions are clear as the crystal waters of Luhua, they intend to target the one that bares your favor and affections."Cloud Retainer hummed in annoyance. How dare these mortals be so foolish? This mountain belonged to her!

Xiao wasted no time and went over to start poking and prodding at the fairy. "Oi, Paimon wake up."

"Ughhh....Paimon's awake so quit poking Paimon!"grumbled the fairy sleepily only to squeak at seeing it was Xiao. "Eek! What did Paimon do now?"

"Nothing I need you to stay with Lumine and don't you dare leave her side this time."he stated firmly as the long sash of his winter robes swayed gracefully with each of his movements. His jade spear appearing in hand as he made way to leave. "Do you understand? Do not leave her."

"Paimon understands and will watch her like a hawk. But um...where are you going?"Paimon questioned.

"To deal with some...guests. Some very rude guests."he stated before hurrying away. Xiao had no problems making it to the domain's portal doors and stepped out into the waiting world. Slowly he stepped out of the cave into the waiting storm that had brought with it the howling winds and sleet. Winter would be coming soon if the wind's frigid bite and the sleet was any evidence to go by. Like rats the Fatui had begun to make themselves known as they came from the winding path Xiao was waiting for them. "You won't be getting to lay your eyes on her, you won't even get near her."he thought with a growl. These fools were going to know just why he had survived over two millennia and the last yaksha remaining. They would know fear.

"The target must be in that cave, forward men!"came the sinister chuckle of a Fatui maiden mage.

"He's the only one there. What is he, stupid?"laughed another of much larger stature.

"Whatever he'll fall and Lord Harbinger will be most pleased with us."jeered another that seemed to be wielding that same odd weapon that injured Lumine days prior with. Xiao said nothing as only venom laced his leer right at them. Killer intent so intense it made feel like deer cornered by a predator. Winds of anemo began to howl and swirl with the snow and rain. Before their eyes it seemingly formed some kind of screeching, furious predatory bird.

"Disappear and prepare to die fools."he snarled and charged right at the in coming Fatui. While inside the domain Lumine slept but a worried whimper escaped her as Paimon and Cloud Retainer stayed by her side. All Xiao knew these fools would not get to set a single foot close to that cave. Not while he drew breath.

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