A Special Surprise

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Summer's warmth hanged thick on the breeze as the rich smells of cooking festival food hanged on the wind as cherry blossoms danced like falling rain. Everywhere laughter of children and the excited chatter of Inazuma's citizens filled the air. All of them dressed in festive kimonos and many wearing the festival masks that mostly appeared to form a kitsune's face. Some wore them on their faces while many opted to have the masks just rest on their heads to the side. Lanterns bright in hue shined bright in the evening light as they swayed with the breeze.

Left and right vendors shouting and giving out rewards for their games and fortunes. Some taking and giving orders for sweet or even savory treats to the festival goers. Stray cats and dogs even got in the fun hoping to steal or be given something for their eager stomachs. Everywhere joy and smiles filled the hustle and bustle. A sight a small group had been greeted by. The group consisted of two young girls, a female celestial fairy, and two boys respectively. Everyone had been startled at the sight of the pale blue haired woman robed in a blue kimono with soft floral and wave-like patterns and a dark blue sash but their excitement grew into cheers as they greeted her. In her hair was a simple dark blue bow hairpin. This was Lady Kamisato Ayaka, the first daughter of the Kamisato Clan of the Yashiro Commission that had organized this entire festival.

Beside Ayaka was an eager and smiling blonde Monstandt born man with jade green eyes that shined so playfully. He had a bright red yukata with black and gold flame like patterns to it. "Come on, Ayaka-sama lets not dally here and go enjoy ourselves."insisted the blonde grabbing Ayaka's hand to pull her along with a smile.

"Eek! T-Thoma no need to pull!"squeaked Ayaka.

"Hey wait up for Paimon!"squeaked the fairy robed in a pink and white kimono with little rabbits, stars, and moon on it. She stopped though to give a quick wink to the boy with the teal underton black hair. Then leaving a trail of stardust behind her she hurried after Ayaka and Thoma to join in on some fun and games. The dark haired adeptus sported a yukata that was not far from the same color scheme as his usual clothes. The only difference was the vermillion breezy pattern that formed a rising bird with long feathers. "How ironic."he thought with a tsk. He hated that he was amongst so many carefree people but...today he would make an exception. He had to for his little plan to surprise her to work and it seemed to be. The entire way here the blonde girl beside him was smiling looking beautiful in her pink and red floral patterned kimono that had small star-like patterns. A simple flower pin broach fastened to her dark sash.

"Come on Xiao!"she giggled.

"No need to pull my hand Lumine!"he protested as he was pulled along.

However Lumine noticed he had not once protested about the noise or the rabble even ignoring the odd comment about others mistaking him for a yokai due to his more subtle features. Actually he seemed to be trying everything he could to keep her distracted and thoughts away from the one missing on this day. Actually both Yoimiya, Thoma, and even Ayaka had been dragging her everywhere the last couple days. "What are they scheming?"she thought holding her new kitsune mask close. The mask itself was rather cute being white with some red and cream markings.

"You've been acting weird, what's going on?"she finally asked.

"No idea what you are talking about."he dismissed but Lumine was not convinced by the small suspicious gleam in her honey amber eyes. Xiao though to her surprised grabbed her hand and lead her away from the crowds and past the lone tori gate at the top of the hill. To her shock waiting there was Ayaka, Thoma, and Paimon around a violet colored picnic blanket. All over was various foods ranging from not just Monstandt cuisine but Liyue and even festival food from Inazuma. But at the heart was a lone cake decorated to look like a starry sky with two purple roses and a single tiny pink one all made from frosting. She was speechless at the sight.

"Wha...What is this?"she choked out on the verge of tears.

"Aw don't cry today's suppose to be special for you isn't it?"reassured Thoma. "Nineteen is a big deal here you know."

"Yeah come on and smile, Lumine it's your big day isn't it? Paimon helped Ayaka make a cake."giggled Paimon but the tears from the blonde woman only continued to flow.

"I-Its not fair I should be happy but it doesn't feel the same without my twin brother here..."sobbed Lumine. She was startled though at feeling a gentle hand from Xiao wipe away her tears with a firm expression as he tenderly caressed her cheek, moving his hand down to cup her chin and lift it so she was looking at him. "X-Xiao?"

"Lumi he's not here but for as long as you'll have me I will follow you."he purred into her ear softly before kissing her cheek. Lumine was stunned only able to stare as fireworks began to fly and light up the sky.

"Oh looks like the fireworks are starting."pointed out Thoma.

"Hey that one that just went off formed a bird and a dragon!"squeaked Paimon in shock. Xiao at the sight smiled taken by the sight but his gaze was on the awestruck look on Lumine's face painted with different bright hues from the fireworks. His expression turned tender as he looked at her, a pleased bird-like hum as he reached into his kimono and pulled out a small antique box that was rectangular in shape. Distinct shimmering pieces of noctilucous jade forming what seemed to be some kind of bird dancing with a dragon. He had to hop into Lumine's home but thankfully Zhongli had been there in Lumine's study library. After bringing up the topic that had bothered him the former Geo Archon had been more then happy to help, presenting this box and its contents inside.

"Lumine?"Lumine looked over at Xiao calling for her.

"Yes, Xiao?"she asked while not far away the others were still enjoying the fireworks.

"I-I...I have this for you."Xiao then set the small antique box in front of her, now looking very much like an anxious tiger cub. If he had tiger ears they probably would have been perked high and twitching right about now as he watched expectantly. Lumine was surprised at the gift but smiled and picked it up carefully. Lifting open the lid her eyes grew wide at what was nestled safely inside. It was a Liyue style hairpin welded from gold to look a like like again some kind of elegant bird with a single brilliant diamond carved to look identical to her astral asters hairpin. Four tiny sando pearls attached to the long thin gold tassels could be seen as it tickled her fingers as she held it up. The tassels themselves where attacked to a gold plated floral looking Liyue triangle.

"Well say something, don't just stare."huffed Xiao.

"Its so pretty."she said in delight caressing the simple but beautiful hairpin. Xiao carefully took the hairpin from her hand and slipped it neatly right beside her twin flower hairpin. Lumine offering a delighted smile. "Thank you Xiao."

Thoma then took noticed and smiled, "Well I'll be. Never thought I'd see that old tradition of Liyue's tonight."

"Another old tradition? Paimon thinks there's too many, Paimon can't keep up."sighed Paimon.

"An old tradition?"Ayaka and Lumine wondered.

"Yes, quite. But I think I'll let our adeptus friend explain since looks like he wants to."Thoma pointed out before grabbing a stick of dango. Sure enough the young yaksha looked like flustered mess blushing redder then the hair of Natlan's people.

"Damn Monstandter."he grumbled under his breath. But the way Lumine was looking at him with such a puppy look he found himself sighing, covering his eyes in embarrassment. "Why do I have to be so bad at these human things?"he thought. But gather his courage he did in order to try and explain. She knew some of Liyue's old ways and traditions because of how much time she would spend with his lord. So it wouldn't be too hard to explain to them? Maybe.

"In Liyue for as long as I know it is an old tradition to give a hairpin to the one your courting. Rex Lapis did for his lover as did Ganyu's blood kin."he sighed trying to explain while once again blushing red as an apple. His words alone earned him a tackling hug from the blonde making him yelp in surprise. The tears were back but these weren't tears of sorrow, no not with that smile that shattered the stars and made the coming fireworks finale pale in comparison. So slowly he held her close with a pleased um while the others laughed in delight at the sight of these lovebirds.

"Happy birthday Lumine."

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