Unshackled Lightning

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Just how many times was Xiao going to get mistaken for these beings called yokai? Lumine could see how it had annoyed her dear adeptus but seemed to humor Paimon. It got to the point Xiao had vanished somewhere. But Lumine knew he wouldn't be far away; he never was since they left Liyue. "He's probably found a spot he likes up on the roof or something of that manor."she thought biding farewell to the clan noblewoman she had agreed to help deliver a letter in exchange for a travel permit.

"Lumine."Paimon had practically jumped out of her scarry scarf as Xiao suddenly appeared right next to her. Lumine having now grown used to it was unfazed.

"Eeeeiiiii!!! Q-QUIT DOING THAT TO PAIMON!!"she snapped before Xiao rolled his eyes.

"So noisy. I'm not supposed to be here remember?"he scolded sharply. "You know what, never mind mind." Xiao sighed in annoyance with the celestial fairy before turning his gaze onto Lumine with arms crossed. "I found something that should interest you."

"What did you find?"Lumine asked instantly intrigued.

Xiao motioned for the girls to follow him, "This way."

So Lumine and Paimon followed him towards the back of the large clan estate's garden and up the small stone stairs. A couple of lone maple trees stood in twisting knots on the steep hillside cliff that over looked the sea. A couple of cranes taking off at the sound of their foot steps ruffling and crunching the fallen leaves. However it was what stood alone at the top that caught the blonde traveler's attention. Her eyes going wide at the sight of the statue of the Electro Archon herself. Like with the statues of anemo and geo it was faded and crumbling. Broken pieces around it as ivy and moss had begun to cover it due to age.

But make mistake it was indeed a statue of the seven archons as Xiao came to a stop to put his hand on it to stroke the one smooth marble service. "I found it while I was scouting the area. It might be able to help you if what you informed me is true."he stated. Actually Xiao had been on purpose searching this very object out after sensing it's dormant power. The statues all had strong connection to their respective archons after all. Maybe she could find a clue here to her desire of finding Lady Baal? Maybe even help sever her shackles.

"This will actually do a lot more then that, thank you Xiao."thanked Lumine in delight as she came to stand in front of it. "You and Paimon better stand back."

"Paimon's moving just don't touch it yet!"squeaked Paimon hurrying to fly a safe distanse away only for Xiao to grab her and hurry to the safety of the manor's roof top.

"Why did you grab Paimon like that? You could have been a bit less rough."pouted Paimon.

"Hmph, I could have just left you down there if you prefered."countered Xiao.

"N-No, Paimon's fine with this."gulped the fairy.

Down below Lumine slowly lifted her hand and reached out to lay her palm flat on the crumbling pillar. She closed her eyes as if in prayer and all around them the ground began to shake as the air grew thick with an unknown elemental energy. Actually wherever a statue of the electro archon could be found the ground shook as they lit to life in a bright sacred glow. The broken bits slowly surfacing to float. Static electrical current went wild before returning to the statues as they were restored of what was lost. A responding shockwave causing Xiao up on the roof to grab Paimon and brace himself to keep themselves from getting blown away in the aftershock.

Lumine could feel the shackles on her weaken further as it sent a thrilling chill up her spine making her hair rise. Yes she knew this feeling — this sensation — well indeed. The feeling of another link in her chains being severed as the parts glowing orange with Geo turned purple before their eyes. Her eyes shot open to reveal very briefly that same ominous teal hue. Only it had weakened considerably from the last two times and a stronger, fainter golden aura that escaped mortal eyes. Oh but not Xiao's as to him the extremely faint outline of six brilliant wings shot from her back only to vanish. Xiao's eyes wide in awe at the strange phenomenon and as the light faded, so did the trembling of the earth.

"Finally."she whispered. That made three of her shackles gone on her powers now. Eagerly she raced a hand and willed electro to flow across her hand in a wild static. A pleased smile before she summoned her sword that gleamed a vivid blue to let loose a blast of electro blades towards the sea. "Just what or who are you Lumine?"thought Xiao as he stared down at her to meet her smiling face. More then ever Xiao was adamant that Lumine was no normal mortal...if she was even mortal at all.

Meanwhile in a dark realm full of pristine white sand and crumbling stone tori gates mediating in the air sat a lone figure in the shadows that gleamed red as blood. Eyes of indigo violet shoot open in astonishment at feeling a jolt go up her spine. Something had just reached in and touched her elemental energies. A hushed whisper in her mind and scent of the stars with an unknown flowers tickled her senses. Whatever it was she did not like it one bit as her gaze turned sharp and cold. All around her electro energy began to crackle as her eyes gleamed bright with a soft glow. Whatever had just entered her eternal realm would learn that lightning always struck twice and without mercy...

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