Too Many Voices, Too Many Fears

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The trip had been long and a rather odd on after the cargo escort. It was no shocker that he knew a few tips in combat he had readily offered her to help her get used to her unshackled power. They had made a point to take advantage of protecting the cargo and Lady Chisato before their small group parted ways with the clan noblewoman to test it out as well when monsters attacked. Lumine had taken to his advise of taking advantage of the lemental reactions Electro could provide. They were just now arriving in the nation's capital of Inazuma City after a day's walk from the near by village after just managing to get poor Xiao away from the over excited villagers.

"Where do you suppose that tea house is?"mused Paimon.

"It should be right around here, according to the map Thoma gave us."Lumine pointed out.

Her expression was thoughtful as they casually looked for their destination. While not far away Xiao kept himself from sight but Lumine could always spot him as he stole a peek out from the shadows, eyes of gold gleaming like a cat's ever so faintly. Her precious yaksha didn't want the attention all these people gave him at the sight of him as his tattoo gave a soft glow. Nimble and swift the dark haired yaksha hopped down from the roof to land on the ground beside the girls as they arrived.

"Hm according to the letter this should be the place."noted Lumine.

"So it would appear."agreed Xiao. "Well, lets not just stand here, lets head inside."

"Hopefully we didn't keep Thoma waiting too long."Lumine agreed handing the invitation to the woman at the door. The girl like everyone else gasping at the sight of his very subtle traits that marked Xiao as not human. All it took was a sharp glance from tiger-like eyes, fierce like a hawk to keep her from saying anything as he followed the girls inside. The teahouse to no shock had a lingering, pleasant smell of herbal teas mixed with the soft scent sakura flower incense burning. Dark earthy tones of maple furniture dyed dark brown, cream, and blacks filled the building.

"Well now that we're here I wonder where Thoma is."pointed out the fairy.

"He'll be here."Xiao assured bluntly.

"Ae you sure? Because Paimon can't see him anywhere. Maybe he forgot his promise."Paimon said with clear doubt on her face.

"Hey, no fair not even a little faith? Who said I forgot their promise?"The girls turned their gaze towards the dog sitting on the counter while Xiao rolled his eyes looking towards the hallway. "I was beginning to think you forgot lil' ol' me."

"D-Did that dog just talk!?"

"Where did the human looking Thoma go!?"

""Don't act so surprised, I take it this is the first time you've seen me in this form? Didn't you see anything like this while in Liyue Harbor?"asked Thoma.

Lumine then hit her forehead with her palm as it began to dawn on her. Especially at how Xiao's gaze never left the hallway that lead to the teahouse's rooms. "This is a prank ain't it?"she asked out loud.

Sure enough out came the blonde fixer with a good natured chuckle. "Aw, you found me out. Alright, I've had my fun and I apologise but you kept me waiting for so long. What took yeah?"

"That's a long story. But we ran into a few issues but nothing we couldn't handle, but you're this close to getting an ugly nickname mister!"Paimon piped up while Xiao took to leaning back against the wall. The adeptus very flustered and frustrated just how much people were calling him a yokai when that was not what he was.


Thoma went on to apologize for putting them through such a test and went on to explain about some other matters. Including bringing up the fact he had known Kazuha's late friend that had been struck down by the shogun after loosing a duel before the throne. Though they were very, very relucant to help Thoma insisted they go to the statue at the heart of the city. The statue itself felt unnatural and Xiao had been sent on very high alert, to Lumine's shock. Actually being near it seemed to briefly had caused him pain before he had taken a bit of distance away into a near by tree. "Is he alright?"she thought with concern. She hadn't seen him react like this in a long time. Not since Aether and the defiled statue or even Dainslief for that matter.

"Xiao won't you come back over here?"Paimon called.

"No."Xiao spat. That...that statue was not normal nor natural and the gleam of seven colors in the wings. The malice coming off it was intense as he looked at Lumine in concern. But being the patient woman she was she turned her attention back to Thoma as he finished explaining the nation's situation.

However no sooner had she touched that statue Xiao saw her reaction and that alone made him act as soon as her frightened whimpers reached his ears before Thoma and Paimon's. "Get me out here, I d-don't want to be near this place!!"came her pained and frightened cry. Not wasting a second he was at her side seeing Lumine was clutching her head in pain.

"I've got you, hang onto me alright?"Lumine nodded and in a wisp of dark mist before Thoma and Paimon's eyes they vanished.

"Woah where did they go!?"gasped Thoma.

"Paimon might have an idea, Xiao really likes high palaces so Paimon thinks we should looks somewhere high up."Paimon said as they hurried off.

Meanwhile Xiao had taken Lumine into the shelter and safety within the branches of the giant sakura tree at the lower city square. Lumine trembling and in tears of fear and confusion at what had just happened. Her head throbbing, too many wailing whispers in her mind. "Lumine get a hold of yourself, talk to me what happened!?"Xiao's voice soft but firm as he got her to look at him.

"T-Too many..."she croaked.

"Too many what?"Lumine turned her gaze towards the direction of the statue before going to bury her face in his chest. Just what had happened to have frightened and hurt her this much? Not even against that Fatui had she behaved this way.

"Too many aspirations. I could hear all the desires of the Visions in that statue..."she whimpered. It was then Xiao realized...this land may prove to be far more dangerous for Lumine then anything she had faced before. The more he learned about his beloved the more mystery shrouded her like a dense fog. "Lumine who are you?"he thought in grave concern for her, keeping her protectively close.

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