Yae's Guests

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Narukami Shrine was quite the amazing sight with its blooming sakura trees and the sacred one at the heart of it that looked a lot like a fox. With the matter with the swordsman handled they had been surprised to find Miko Yae invite them into her home here at the shrine. Her room at the shrine was rather simple and elegant as expected with its cream and black walls, tatami floor mats, and what seemed to be stove pit at the center. Around a low table with some red cushions was a scattered sea of books in the process of getting looked over for publishing and scattered ink pens.

"Well, dears welcome to my home. It is far too late, so you shall be my guests, no?"hummed Yae.

"I suppose you have a point."Xiao sighed taking to sit down on the far side of the room to watch the world go by outside.

"We appreciate the hospitality Miko Yae but why would you?"Lumine asked as she took a seat on one of the cushions. She was more then happy to accept the plate full of sakura mochi and steam cups of green tea. Paimon's mouth by now, no shocker, was already watering at the sight of the treats. Over at the near by pot over the crackling fire the sound of something simmering and bubbling could be heard. A mild but rich fragrance swirled to fill the room that also was some how rich as well.

"Well as I told you I am expecting much from you but I also am curious about you as well."chuckled Yae with a mischief of a fox-like twinkle in her eyes as she stirred the contents of the pot. "You had an encounter with the rifhounds did you not?" That made the trio turned their gaze on the kitsune in astonishment.

"H-How did you —?"

"Know? Oh Lumine-chan, the evidence was all over your bodies including Xiao-chibi."grinned Yae making Xiao flinch at the nickname she used.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that! You're just as bad as Cloud Retainer, Lady Yae."huffed Xiao in protest. The girls giggling at his pout that made seem like a bristling cat.

"Oh hush, its adorable and you're not taking away my fun, lil' bird."Yae dismissed with a teasing tone. Which only succeeded in making him even more flustered as Yae filled the bowls with what Lumine could see was some kind of noodle soup in a rich looking broth. Two tiny fish cakes had been place on top of slice of what looked like fried tofu and topped green onions and chives.

"Here you are, on the house. Narukami Shrine's special kitsune ramen."Yae informed as she set the food down on the table in front of the girls. "Please give it a try, I did put in the effort just for you after all."

"Paimon eagerly accepts~!"giggled the fairy in delight as she started digging in. "Hey it's really good try it Lumine and Xiao."

Lumine thankfully had grown used to using the chopsticks due to her months in Liyue so with ease she had the long noodles secure in her chopsticks. With a few quick blows to cool it down she slurped the noodles up. "Hey this is good. Xiao, you gotta try this!"Lumine said in delight, earning his attention briefly. The young yaksha though made no motion to move from his spot just offering a disinterested almost bird-like hiss.

"Still the picky eater as ever I see."stated Yae grabbing one of the manuscripts for an upcoming light novel.

Lumine though being the persistent one set her chopsticks down and grabbed a bowl and put some of the kitsune ramen into it along with some extra tofu. Maybe if she was the one offering the food he would try it? It was worth a shot. So grabbing another pair of chopsticks she went over to sit in front of him with a smile. Xiao turning curious as she offered the steaming bowl in her hands.

"I don't want it."he protested.

"Please? I'm sure if you try it Xiao that you'll like it. The tofu's not strong and the broth is actually light despite looking rich."Lumine urged. "So can you try it for me?"

Xiao sighed and took the offered ramen and noticed what the blonde had done. She had opted to exclude the rich fish cakes and onions that would have disagreed with his sensitive stomach. Instead there was an extra piece of fried tofu. But reluctance remained on his expression as the girls watched him expectantly. "Fine I will try but only because you ask me to."he sighed giving into Lumine's request. So taking the chopsticks he cut into the tofu first, dipping it in the broth before taking a bite. His golden eyes lit up in surprised delight before went in for another bite and another. While the tofu had been fried it was as Lumine promised, mild in flavor and lightly seasoned. The soup too was not strong and pleasing to his finicky pallet.

"Oh, you actually got him to eat something other then that almond tofu? How interesting~."Yae mused with increasing interest at the sight. Xiao had from her knowledge and talks with Morax and Ganyu had been a picky eater. So for this young woman to succeed were many failed pointed to many things including just how much he trusted her.

"It's often touch and go but I discovered he'll eat something if either I make it or if the flavor isn't too strong. But tofu seems to be his favorite I have noticed."grinned Lumine as she went and grabbed her own ramen to enjoy too.

"That is quite the impressive feet, dear Lumine-chan. Not many realize just how particular the adepti's diets are. Though there is the rare exceptions such as him."chuckled Yae with mischievous, enigmatic grin.

Once dinner was finished and the night began to cast its long lingering shadows silence hanged in the air. Sitting in the open door way the young adeptus looked out to the clear starry skies died dark navy hue. Lone rain of falling pink electro charged petals coming to fall from the sacred tree and float just above the indigo colored grass. While inside sound asleep on the futon was Lumine content in her dreams. A soft smile graced his lips as he stole a glance over at her slumbering face. "She looks so fragile like this."he thought.

"So have you told her, Xiao-chibi?"Xiao looked over to see a large pink and white kitsune with Yae's earrings and Vision. It had surprised hi ma little bit but also not at the same time as the fox envoy came to join him on the windowsill.

"Lady Yae so you're out of your human form and would you stop calling me that."he noted.

"Good gracious, both you and Morax-kun. Always so swift to dodge the questions I give every single time."yipped Yae.

"If you are inquiring if she knows about my karma then yes she does."he dismissed in a soft tone.

"Ara ara~! That is not what I was speaking of young adeptus. I am asking have you truly told her? Does she really know your past, lil' bird?"hummed Yae turning violet eyes onto the sleeping blonde as Xiao tensed growing silent. "I'll take that you didn't tell her then Golden Winged King, she deserves that from you my lil' bird."

Xiao's brows furrowed at her words not taking his gaze of gold that gleamed like cat eyes in the night off of Lumine. He knew the fox envoy before him that was a very close friend to his lord was right. "Lumine...she only knows part of my past...."he thought. "What are you trying to say, kitsune?"

"I do wonder, what am I trying to say, hm~? But whatever you do I wonder can you protect her from those that would so gleefully steal away that smile? For what is a star but something that can be so easily snuffed out despite its brilliance."Yae then hopped down shifting back into her human shape as she took her leave. Leaving Xiao alone to his thoughts that were turning worried and dark. But one thing kept surfacing in his mind...who wanted or was after Lumine?

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