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The echoing melody of the marsh as rain fell heavily that morning, the wind howling a little. The branches of the old gingko tree going rap tap tap against some of the inn's windows. People traveling to Liyue Harbor, Monstandt, or who knows where rushing frantically for the shelter of Wanshu Inn below. Unknown the sharp golden eyes watching from the top balcony was the lone Vigilant Yaksha himself as he was just returning that mid May morning. Rain never bothered him but it did make his job and contract a bit harder since this rain had been falling heavily the last week since they had returned.

Xiao quietly sleeked inside going straight for his room, having no desire to be noticed by the humans below. Thankfully his floor was forbidden to enter except for the handful of staff and of course Lumine, Zhongli, and whomever had Xiao's permission and blessings. Unfortunately the rain left him soaked but he had other priorities right now as he opened the hidden door vanishing inside. Xiao's room here was rather simple but comfortable in design. Baring a mix of Liyue and Sumerian ancient designs. Candle and old metal oil lamps burned casting a gentle glow. Over in the bed with its rich green sheets came a soft groan almost drowned out by the steady rhythm of the pitter patter of the rain on the roof.

"Your still in bed?"he called as he walked over grabbing a towel no doubt the girls had set aside for him. The blonde poked her head out from under the soft downy blanket with bleary eyes. Honestly she had very little energy, headaches had been coming and going rather often and grew worse as the days passed. Which left her feeling even more moody and exhausted. She let out a soft mumbled greeting clutching to his stuffed dragon, Mora under the covers. The doll itself was old, ancient even but had been expertly crafted by Guizhong's gentle hands after Morax had brought him to the now late goddess after freeing him. One thing Xiao learned fast was Lumine's love for cute and fluffy things like stuffed toys, cats, foxes, and yes rabbits.

"I haven't been feeling well today either."she admitted sleepily watching him remove his gauntlets and boots to set aside. Xiao noticing she was in fact shivering a little, making him frown.

"Feeling cold?"he asked in concern.

"A little. Though I don't know why..."she sighed curling up tighter under the covers in some attempt to warm up. Letting out a pleased hum at feeling his hand run through her messy hair. To her surprise she watched him step back and shift to his true form as easily as breathing. With careful steps, minding his talons and long tail feathers he went over to her on the large bed. Xiao being surprisingly gentle as he nudged her to come snuggle closer as he laid down, wrapping his wing around her. "So soft and warm."she thought with blissful content. Xiao grabbing the blanket with his sharp hawk-like beak to pull over her for a bit more warmth.

"There. Feeling warmer now, Lumen?"he hummed.

"Mhm...Feels a lot better actually. Thanks Xiao."she thanked softly earning a purr from her beloved bird yaksha as he nuzzled her. It still baffled her how he purred but it was always so cute and endearing. Apparently being something he only did with her according to Ganyu. But in this form Xiao could detect it better now there was a faint change to her scent. Her astral floral scent seemed heavier which was very odd. He couldn't wrap his brain as to why that was happening but was snapped out of his thoughts at her soft pained whimpers.

"I don't know if you should still take that commission tomorrow for the miners. Not in your condition...Your headaches seem to be getting worse and hitting more often."trilled Xiao with an anxious clap of his beak.

"I'll be fine tomorrow, I just need to sleep it off."Xiao didn't look so convinced as he stared directly into her eyes. Her reflection gleamed in his sharp golden eyes as his pupils expanded to accommodate the dim darkness. She could feel his worry that had not faded and only grew as he was helpless to do much at all to help her in her state. "I need the mora, Xiao. Miko and Paimon used it all up the entire time we were in Inazuma....no mora means no food. It also means no almond tofu for you either."she explained snuggling up more into his soft feathers. An upset "scree" of dismay and how she felt him tense just now made her giggle. But she felt so warm and content like this in this gentle but tender moment she felt her eyes begin to droop close. Her chest hurt and her head throbbed and she felt cold...But his strong wing around her like an extra blanket and his soft feathers helped. Enough so that by now she was drifting off asleep without his notice.

"Then we're going tomorrow. it just a simple investigation, it'll be an easily laughable task just don't push yourself. Hm?"Xiao soon noticed that Lumine had fallen silent. "Lumi?"

Sure enough she had fallen asleep into a light doze making his gaze soften as he looked down at her slumbering face. She looked a pale but that was probably her headache's fault. With a soft and affectionate coo he nuzzled her before laying his head down by her as he curled up around her to warm her up further. To be honest he still didn't feel right letting her go tomorrow but she was so stubborn. It'd be better to go with his darling goddess to keep an eye on her and help if required. She would be fine since they were just snooping and investigating. "So why is it I feel this sense of foreboding?"he thought in concern. For now he would watch over her as always and just enjoy this moment of rare bliss. Paimon would be back later after helping in the kitchen no doubt. So let him enjoy this moment while it lasted.

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