A Jealous Yaksha!?

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The gentle ebb and flow of the crystal clear, shimmering ocean at the harbor town of Ritou, Inazuma shimmered with reflecting sunlight. It was a brilliant sight as boats from the odd merchant or fishermen came and went. The cry of the sea gulls ringing in the air with the hustle and bustle of people both local and note went about their business. The sight of maple, pine, and thunder sakura trees in full bloom just as beautiful. The oriental style of the walls, clothes, boats, and buildings were not too far off from that of Liyue's own with clear differences. While Liyue favored more bright, vibrant earthy tones with gold and red Inazuma seemed to be more darker and mellow with hues of greens, violets, and greys.

Still the sight amazed even Xiao from where he sat casually on the top of the mast briefly looking at the new and forgien sight. His sharp gaze turning back down with interest at the pale haired wandering samurai briefly. He then, turning his complete attention back to the blonde below on the deck as she hurried over to the ship's railing to get a better look.

"Inazuma, we're finally here!"cheered Paimon.

"It's defiantly something."she agreed looking around until she spotted the dark haired adeptus up on his current favorite perch. All these months in Liyue and these weeks as passengers of Beidou's crew had taught her a few things. The first was Xiao seemed to love high places and was rather picky about where here relaxed once able to look down at the world below. The second were his nightmares, almost constantly they haunted him like rapid wolves. The third Xiao responded extremely well to soft songs and more gentle music thanks to Kazuha and herself. Something she now regularly took the chance to do, just hum a soft lullaby or tune to ease and soothe his woes. As predicted he was again up there just above the crow's nest.

"How's the view from up there, Xiao?"Lumine giggled in delight as she raced her voice.

"Hmph."he sighed before vanishing in a wisp of dark black and green mist to reappear at her side, startling the poor celestial fairy near by. Not far away Kazuha's gentle smile graced his lips as he hopped down from his favorite spot.

"Well here we are, Lumine-san and Xiao-sama. I best hurry and make myself scarce, after all I am a wanted man here in my homeland."Kazuha informed calmly.

"Oh yeah...Paimon forgot about that."Paimon stated quickly.

"Get yourself below deck, samurai."Xiao agreed with not too much interest it seemed. However his eyes betrayed the young yaksha as he glanced at the young mortal warrior of many talents.

"Again, thank you Kazuha."smiled Lumine, the samurai returning it in kind. The trio watched as he disappeared below deck just as the small boat was lowered for them and Beidou to board. Their journey in Inazuma had begun at long last as they were taken to the docks. Sitting on some wooden crates was a young man in his late teens to early twenties with long blonde hair tied up in a crimson red hair tie rope bow in a low ponytail. His eyes were a stunning jade green full of a playful sort of kindness as he tossed a single mora coin in hand. His clothes had a interesting mix of Inazuman and most assuredly Monstandt fashion. A red, black sleeved coat that cut off around just bellow his ribs. Along his forehead was a very distinct black head guard with tiny almost oni style inspired horns. His hands bore black fingerless gloves with guards on the top of his hands and he had more Inazuman style black pants and boots. A rope like sash was tied around his waist line and at the base of the bow they could see the shine of a pyro vision.

"Ahoy there!"called the blonde man, his accent most assured that from the Land of Freedom but carried a tinge of Inazuman to it as he hopped off the crates to race over. "I've been expecting you." Xiao had in an instant turned tense avoiding this man's gaze as he stubbornly stayed close to Lumine. His guard only going up even more despite sensing no malice from this man.

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