Ominous Revelations

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"You did WHAT!?"

To say Aether was livid was an understatement to the residents of Abyss. The mages, lectors, and heralds all flinching at the sight of Aether's temper baring its fangs due to Enjou's report just now. It wasn't pretty as the blonde's eyes flashed an eerie, unnatural hue of teal as his golden blade materialized in his hand. Descending the steps to the worn down throne of stone. His figure cast in shadow only broken by the glow in his armor and earring. "Told you only to observe and aid my sister. NOT TRY TO HARM HER!!!"snarled Aether. "Or was my orders not clear to you?"

"C-Crystal!"gulped Enjou hands up in surrender.

"Well he's done it."sighed an abyss hydro mage.

"Nice knowing you Enjou~!'teased an electro lector.

"Shut up Persephone!"spat Enjou as he glared at the electro lector. Only to end up letting out a pained and frightened help at feeling blasts of cryo with hydro get sent at him. The others only either laughing, cringing, or flinching as they watched the poor pyro lector receive Aether's wrath. Not only for failing to find the books but also trying to harm his twin....yeah that was not smart on Enoju's part. 

"You've gotten better at pulling the wool over someone's eyes again, huh?"

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"You've gotten better at pulling the wool over someone's eyes again, huh?"

Lumine said nothing and neither did Xiao as they began to walk inside. The hidden lab had not been an easy find, but this was the last spot the shade in the library had mentioned. So far they had found four out of five of the books the shade of the librarian wanted put back. This last one took them here to this large, ominous room that had not been easy to enter. Four large cages holding test subjects locked up tight. the vishaps snarling and becoming restless at the sight of Lumine. But one glance from Xiao was enough to making them hiss and try and retreat as far as they could to the back of their cages. The killer intent from him ringing the message loud and clear: back off or die.

"What do you suppose he was talking about anyways?"Paimon asked.

The lab room itself was dusty, damp, and some how cobwebs covered much of the corners and walls. Lumine went over to one particular cage locked by an elemental monolith. "Now how do you suppose we open it?"she heard Xiao think out loud as he investigated. The symbol on the lock was for cryo and inside a snarling cryo modified vishap glared threatening daggers. They had nobody in their company that could use cryo element.

"This is a problem."hummed Xiao.

"Maybe we should go to the surface and go get Ayaka or some device?"Paimon suggested.

However Lumine didn't budge from where she stood beside it, very lost in her thoughts. Slowly she closed her eyes taking a deep breathe. It was faint so, so faint but she could feel it like water breaking through leaks in a broken glass. "I might be able to pull it off, but..."she thought. Before their eyes the glowing bits of her armor shifted from violet to cryo blue, her hands cast in a frigid glow as dark static over hands tried to keep it caged.

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