Contracts Can Be Amended

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Jueyan Karst was not safe.

Liyue was not safe.

Since the sudden attack Xiao had moved to different hideaways with Lumine and Paimon. Taking to domains and ruins wherever he thought would work. During that time Lumine was growing stronger and autumn was long over. A blanket of glimmering white snow now covered the lands, casting mountains once painted in autumn hues into a silvery white. A crackle of a small fire within the ruins that over looked Luhua Pool. The steam from the crystal clear springs still a stunning sight to behold. With November having come to a close and December finally starting the long nights had grown all the much colder and cruel.

Lumine was growing restless but she still didn't quite had the strength to move anywhere on her own. It frustrated her to no ends with how active she usually was. She had to rely far more on Xiao and Paimon then she was used to. "I hate having to hide like this..."she thought with a frustrated sigh staring up at the moss covered ceiling. Her gaze turned over to where Xiao sat doing some maintenance on his polearm that was long overdue. a whetstone in hand as he sharpened the blade of brilliant jade.

Xiao felt just as frustrated and restless, always on the alert for anybody that came too close to their current hideout. Lumine was nowhere near well enough to walk on her own let alone wield her sword. A soft sneeze and hoarse cough catching his attention as he stopped what he was doing and went over to her side as Paimon tended to her friend. Worry clear as he crouched down his hand moving to part her hangs to rest on her bandaged forehead. "Bit warm."he thought in concern. Was the pain causing the fever again or something else? It was this time of year humans tended to get sick most often. Their current environment wasn't exactly the most sanitary either.

"Mind if I intrude?"the rich, deep voice that graced their ears as their heard a tap tap on the stone.

"L-Lord Morax, why are you here?"Xiao yelped in surprise.

"Oh its Mr.Zhongli, hello~!"waved Paimon as the ombre haired man entered and walked over.

"How is she fairing?"he asked smoothly.

"Honestly? I feel like Dvalin smacked me half way to Dragonspine and back."sighed Lumine in discomfort. Damn her head was really hurting and these sudden hot flash and cold weren't' helping matters. Not to mention her throat felt like it was scratched raw. The wound on her chest was what really bothered her though at present. It hurt still with each breath she took and more when she would cough or sneeze.

"She started developing a fever this morning. Paimon thinks she's catching a cold."the fairy explained.

"I'd wager so with how cold it has been the last few days."Zhongli said offering a sympathetic grin down at Lumine as he took to sitting on a near by boulder.

"Why are you here though?"Xiao asked in a mixture of worry and interested curiosity.

"I'm here because I have reason to do so, Xao my boy. Miss Lumine is also a friend of mine so I was concerned."Zhongli began. Memories of old flashing in the eldest of the seven's mind. Briefly the sense of deja vu as he looked at Xiao and Lumine as he recalled the events that happened as they overlapped with such old memories of somebody he had let slip away. Gone before he had realized far too late what he had lost. "My Courtship Rite was never completed."he sighed making shocked stared and gasps. "I-It broke me that day."

"That day?"echoed Paimon.

"Zhongli is there something you never told me?"Lumine wandered gently carefully heaving herself to sit up with a bit of help from Xiao, wincing in pain from the effort brought forth as her hand wrapped around her chest and shoulder.

"Careful Lumi."reminded Xiao. Xiao though couldn't be realize the meaning in his words to them. If Zhongli had been going through the Courtship Rite with her centuries ago then it explained so much. But it also made him frown. "Lord Morax, how far were you in the ritual with Lady Guizhong?"

"First stage and second was close to starting....I got no further before the battle that took her from me faster then I had realized."Zhongli admitted his voice actually cracking in sorrow at the memory. Hearing this shattered even Xiao's heart for an adeptus even the prime himself love was sacred and extremely rare. Even rarer that the courtship rite would happen. For the loss of the intended it...Xiao had no idea this what happened. "It broke him. Was that when he truly started to errode?"they thought as the former archon clenched his teeth and hid his eyes. But the soft tears that threatened to fall remained, hidden in the shadows of his gloved hand. Silence hanged in the air but only briefly before he turned his amber eyes onto the trio, Xiao specifically.

"Xiao you have something I was denied. I told you once and I will say it not make my mistakes. You're already on the final stage of the rite and the war is long over. The time of the adepti needed by Liyue is over and it is with this reason...I set you free."Zhongli stated making Xiao grow even more confused and started.


"Let me explain, your contract still stands but you are no longer bound by these borders. Do you remember your oath?"Xiao swiftly nodded.

"I do, 'Restore order through slaughter, purge evil through battle. To this we dedicate ourselves to you Prime of the Adepti.', those were my words."Xiao affirmed echoing the vow he made all those centuries ago after being freed from his shackles.

"A contract can't be broken but it can be amended. Yours has been amended, you are free to leave Liyue as you see fit but on the condition you are doing this for yourself, for what you desire."Zhongli's expression turning firm. "Do you agree to these terms?"

"I do."Xiao hadn't even hesitated to their surprise. But Zhongli smiled reaching out to pat him on the back. Now that that matter was out of the way there was another the former lord of geo needed to address.

"Xiao, take Lumine and return to Inazuma. I reached out to an old friend and she has agreed to offer you assistance and sanctuary to you all."Zhongli advised.

"Oh, who offered to help us Mr.Zhongli?"asked Lumine.

"The Electro Archon, whom you are already acquainted with and Miss Yae."Paimon let out a squeak at Zhongli's words. "Miss Ei has offered to take you all as her honored guests at her palace. You'll be safer there then here in Liyue."

Xiao sat in silence as he thought this over and the more he thought it over the more reasonable it sounded. But this was not just his decision to make. So golden eyes met honey amber as he spoke, "His offer is reasonable and the Fatui dare not anger or mess with the shogun. What say you Lumine? Shall we accept?"

"I don't see why not."Lumine began but now was keeling over from a nasty coughing fit. The burning in her chest growing worse as the strain threatened to reopen the healing wound. The action making those around her hurry to her side in concern. Though it was small blood had begun to seep into her nightgown from her back.

"Easy now, Miss Lumine."soothed Zhongli as Xiao took her into his arms wrapping the blanket tightly around her. The poor girl whimpering as she wrapped her arms around Xiao's neck as he picked her up like a bride and rose to his feet. "Xiao take her and leave, she needs the care Miss Yae can give her. Do not let Lumine slip away like Guizhong did for me."

"On my honor and life history will not repeat itself for us, Lord Morax...and I thank you."Xiao whispered glancing over his shoulder.

Then before Zhongli's eyes the trio vanished in a golden white light thanks to Lumine's abilities. A nostalgic but sad smile as he put out the fire and stepped out to be greeted by softly smalling flurries as he turned his gaze to the heavens. Had he done the right thing setting Xiao into true freedom? No longer bound to protect Liyue as he once did. Free to follow the Traveler he loved so dear. With a smile he realized yes he had done the right thing. "And so, another chapter on Liyue closes and another begins. Where shall your final contract take you, young yaksha? As like the phoenix of Natlan you have found your wings and started anew. I too shall walk my new path."

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