She Would Have Adored You

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Spring was slowly coming to and end and with it the promise of the summer warmth on the late spring breeze could be felt. The land lush and green and so full of life. The blossoms that once graced the trees had started to completely fall away to dance on the breeze, leaving for yet another year. A rush of anemo disturbed the flora as a corrupted group of monsters fell with pained screams, lifeless. The long dark haired yaksha not batting an eye as he left the carnage behind after flick of his jade spear to splatter the corrupted blood off it's sharp blade. He permitted it to soon vanish after cleaning it at the water's edge.

Six days.

That's how many past since Lord Morax put that temporary seal to hold back the rite had passed. But the agony was making itself known, making it difficult to function let alone purge these monsters. He gazed down at his reflection seeing it happen again as his primal side snarled and howled making flinch as he felt that same shock go up his spine. His features changing as the watery reflection showed teal shift to vermillion and markings shift. His eyes changing between gold to green like some tricked out light prism.

"Shit!"he gasped in agony.

There was no denying it as the sudden shift stopped, returning him to normal. The seal would shatter at any moment now like Morax had warned him. "I'm out of time and she doesn't know what's happening..."he thought in horror. He didn't want to hurt her; not his precious and beloved blonde. Thankfully that annoying fairy had kept her word and stayed away after his birthday. He felt hot and the agony was unlike anything he was used to. The primal urges nag and snapped at him like angry snakes.


He needed to get home.

So without hesitation, stumbling a little into the near by boulder he grabbed the sigil holding it tight. Muttering and managing to choke out the Words of Permission, the shimmering portal opened for the serenitea pot. He knew Lumine would be busy inside there today going through the twelve gifts from the wedding with Thoma's help in the tea room. He just needed to get home to her. It was the only place he could lower his guard and be safe. So as fast as he could he dashed into the portal, entering into the lush meadow of the vineyard. Paying no heed to the ninja dog that was Lumine's ninkin they had acquired back in winter.

"Aru?"Kageroumaru whimpered in concern at seeing Xiao rush by. The ninkin could smell it, sense it even. Was his master's mate going into breeding season like the yokai did? He was no fool. The "bird being" his scent was changing. But he went right by Kageroumaru without a word which puzzled the young akita inu.

Lumine had heard the front door open and had left Thoma back in the tea room. Curious to see who had entered her house she was delighted to see it was Xiao. "Welcome home."she greeted with a smile beginning to walk over. But joy turned to concern at seeing how pale Xiao looked. Habit and instinct took over for Lumine and she hastened to his side before he could collapse. His forehead resting on her shoulder as she held him close. "Xiao what happened? You don't look so good."she asked. He seemed to be in pain yet no evidence his karma was at play here or any wounds.

"I-I'll be..alright...j-just help me get upstairs...please..."he managed to rasp, making Lumine's eyes turn wide.

Xiao was asking for help? For him to do that was rare. That alone made her worry as she slowly nodded and slowly helped him up the stairs. "Thoma!"she called.

the blonde came out of the tea room poking his head around the corner, "What's up?"

"Something's wrong with Xiao I need you to go to the washroom and get the usual stuff for me please and some ice."she called over her shoulder from up from the second floor railing.

"That's concerning. Sure I can bring them up and I'll go brew some tea too."Thoma agreed hurrying for the washroom on the main floor.

"Make sure it's chamomile tea, Thoma. Zhongli told me that's more to Xiao's liking."she instructed. She recalled her recent talk over lunch on Xiao's birthday a few days ago when trying to figure out what to make Xiao. The topic of Sumerian and Liyue teas had come up. Zhongli informing Sumerian chamomile tea being a favorite of the yakshas for it's calming effects and mild flavor.

"Will do I'll have it up in a few minutes."Thoma called as he hurried off on his task.

Quick as a wink Lumine guided and opted to bring Xiao to her room instead of his room. Her cat, Shadow tilting his head before scurrying out the door after sniffing the air curiously. Now what had gotten into that cat? It was normally so nonchalant. Carefully she eased him down onto the bed and got him to lie down. He took a shaky breathe of relief, keeping his eyes closed for now, resting a hand on his stomach. Home...he was home. Lumine's astral flower scent soothed and comforted. But he could sense her concern tickling the back of his mind.

"Forgive me for worrying you again...I d-do that a lot..."he whispered feeling her petite hand grab and stroke his hand as she sat by him.

"Your used to pain but I've never seen you like this."she confirmed parting his hangs to rest her hand on his forehead. His face was flushed as sweat dampened his fair skin. Yet...she felt no fever, how odd.

"Darn Indarias..."he suddenly muttered.

"Indarias?"Lumine echoed.

Slowly Xiao opened his eyes to glance over at her, "Indarias was t-tribe. She was the c-closest w-what you'd call f-family..."

"What was she like?"Lumine soothed growing interested, secretly excited he was opening up on his past.

"A lot like you, v-very gentle and patient...b-but she had a temperament like w-water....very unpredictable. She was strict...but k-kind..."Xiao explained as he recalled. The hydro yaksha had been the most patient and adaptable of the five of them but also the healer of the tribe's guardians. A sad but small smile came to his face as he took Lumine's hand and twined his fingers with hers. "Indarias would have adored you....welcomed you into the tribe even."

"She sounds a lot like a mother."Lumine hummed in amusement.

"She was...a very loved dragoness..."Xiao agreed.

"I'm sure we would have gotten along really well. I'd...I want to hear more about your tribe, Xiao. Let me know more about you, let me understand."she urged trying to distract him from his condition. Thankfully it seemed to be working for now.

"I brought what you asked Lumine-san."Thoma called entering the room. In his arms were the tray of tea and the various others items. Even the distinct metal container full of the peach colored pills. Carefully he set it down on the kokatsu table. "I better go though I need to head back to Inazuma."

"Thanks Thoma."Thoma nodded as he left, Xiao glaring at Thoma. Xiao didn't like the fact Thoma was here near Lumine right now once again his instincts screaming as clenched his teeth. Thoma though left closing the door behind him just as Xiao could feel the seal starting to break. Lumine's concern growing with his discomfort. Slowly she stood up and stroked his cheek before kissing him on the forehead. "Stay here, Xiao I'm going to go get some help. I shouldn't be more then a half hour at most."she soothed, feeling him desperately grab her arm with a trembling hand.

"Please..."he tried to plead, eyes shifting to a dark jade green. Gently Lumine removed his hand offering a tender and loving smile.

"It's alright, I promise I'll be back."Those words alone eased him as he watched her leave. His troubled and pleading gaze in her mind like a photograph from her kamera as she appeared in Xiao's room at Wanshu Inn. The golden teapot shimmering on the side table nearby. But who could she turn to with Zhongli currently too busy with work and the other adepti too busy at present? Lumine's eyes turned wide as only one option came to mind. Determination in her eyes she left in a shimmer of golden white light for Liyue Harbor's Bubu Pharmacy. Swiftly running through the streets with great haste and up the stairs to the building in question once arriving. A serious look as she smacked her hands onto the counter.

"Get me Dr.Baizhu right now and i won't take no for answer!"she hissed.

"Y-Yes Lady Travaler!!"squeaked the receptionist, instantly seeing who she was. The man hurrying to. If anybody could help her help Xiao's current situation while everyone else was absent, it would be Baizhu. She had not long to wait as the greenette with the white snake around his neck came out.

"My, my back so soon Miss Lumine?"

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