Getting To Comfortable

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A few days by now had passed and by now the ceremony to bid farewell to Rex Lapis was almost complete. The last few days were clear and brought a pleasant and soft warmth cast all across the continent of Tevyet. The soft breeze carried away blossom petals and stray leaves and golden grasses on the wind. Bird sang gleefully while lizards scurried away post haste through the tall grass. To say the least, things had been busy for Lumine.

"Well I think that should about do it for today. Anything else we need to do, Mr.Zhongli?"Lumine asked.

"No, that should be about everything for today, Miss Lumine. I'm sure you probably have work still to do for the guild today, yes? I won't hold you any longer. Just meet me tomorrow at Dihua Marsh."Zhongli explained smoothly as he looked through the list in his hand.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."Lumine grinned waving farewell.

"Bye bye~! We'll see you tomorrow!"called Paimon as she followed after Lumine.

The guild had given her a rather difficult one this time and it was making her nervous actually

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The guild had given her a rather difficult one this time and it was making her nervous actually. The expedition team had come across quite the problem in the ruins and were gathering capable adventurers to handle it. Naturally, she had been called in to help of course. Problem was Lumine was not completely familiar yet with the area. "What am I going to do?"she thought looking at the detailed report on the task given to her.

"The quest got you looking troubled. Is everything ok, Lumine?"Paimon asked in concern peaking over her friend's shoulder. They had stopped at one of the peaks overlooking Luhua Pool. A spot that had very quickly become one of Lumine's most favorite places to come purely for the view alone.

"Because I am. If the report is true...and the rumors are anything to be believed, then we got a problem here over near Tianqiu Valley ruins."sighed Lumine. After a bit more thought she smiled at getting an idea. There was a few people that came to mind but she was fast to dismiss them all except one. The video image of a nimble and agile adeptus with a sharp-tongue she had grown to know quite well lately.

"Paimon, do you mind going back to the inn and checking on our supplies? Something tells me we'll need to be prepared for this one."Lumine asked as she got up and started to walk down the cliffside hill.

"Yes, Paimon can do that. But what will you do Lumine?"Paimon asked curiously.

Lumine smiled and looked over her shoulder at her floating companion, "To go see if I can get a helping hand."

"Alright, Paimon won't be long."Paimon then in a flurry of stardust vanished, leaving Lumine all alone. So Lumine continued on her way before in a golden white light vanished. She hoped like the last two times she could find him. But then again...nobody or anything for that matter had ever escaped her when she used her keen elemental sight. In mere seconds she arrived at Mt.Hulao and began her descent. "Mountain Shaper won't mind me being here...right?"she thought. The male crane adeptus was harsh and didn't like trespassers, but he had upon their meeting seemed reasonable. The trail of anemo had lead her down the amber covered mountain to a grove full of flowering plum and peach trees.

Their delicate, dainty blooms caressed by the rich, earthy mountain air on this steep grassy and rocky slope. Tiny little emerald finches sang as they preened themselves in the branches without a care. Geo and Anemo crystalflies slowly fluttered about with the butterflies through the sea of soft white and pale pink blossoms. It was a breathtaking sight she was amazed she hadn't found the first time she had been here. "So pretty..."she thought in delight at the scenery. Her honey amber eyes though soon spotted somebody leaned back against one of the tree's trunks. Growing curious she went closer and saw an astonishing sight.

It was Xiao, deep in slumber and softly snoring away seemingly oblivious to the world around him. Lumine had remembered Goldet telling her and Paimon that Xiao would quite literally work himself until his own body forced him to stop due to injury, pure exhaustion, or combination of both. Quietly as she could, she tipped toed over to him for a better look. Lumine was completely mesmerized just how gorgeous the young yaksha was. Sure, she'd seen him plenty before but it had almost always been with him injured. So seeing him like this, safe and well made her heart flutter.

Especially now seeing this part of him that made him look so content and innocent. Almost like the cats basking carefree in the sun over back at the harbor. "Hm...what should I do? I want to ask him for help but I also don't want to disturb him."she thought as she quietly watched him from where she crouched beside him. Oh she felt so torn about it now as Xiao looked so cute and for once not suffering. Not to mention Lumine didn't get to see Xiao asleep often if at all. "Best to leave him be. Maybe Chongyu is free today?"she thought slowly standing back up. Yes she would let her adeptus friend sleep so she began to carefully leave unfortunately her foot ended up snapping a twig in her path.

"WHO THERE!?"snarled Xiao instantly waking up and lashed out resulting in poor Lumine to yelp at getting pinned and cornered to one of the trees. Xiao had been expecting an enemy or some foolish mortal seeking adeptal favor. His eyes turned wide at seeing it was in fact Lumine. Realizing what had happened slowly he let go and backed away, "'s you Lumine."

"I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to startle you. I came looking for you because I wanted to ask you for some help. But you were sleeping so..."squeaked Lumine looking rather guilty for disturbing him.

Xiao huffed as he looked away, "No respect for the ways of the adepti! You claim I was sleeping? How foolish."

"Huh?"Lumine stared looking rather confused and dumbfounded by the sharp remark.

Xiao though was trying desperately to hide how flustered he was feeling not to mention frustrated. Just why hadn't he sensed her coming a lot sooner!? Normally his senses were just as keen as his fellow adepti if not sharper. "This is not good, I'm getting too used to Lumine's presence. So much so that I can't even sense her approaching me like I used to...."Xiao thought in concern. Why had he grown so comfortable and so at ease around this single mortal? Why did he make him feel like he was once more soaring to heights that not even the birds of Liyue could reach? It was all so perplexing and confusing.

Lumine honestly felt just as flustered, her mind wandering to just moments ago. "H-He was...he was so close to me!"she thought, her heart jumping into her throat. Both their faces redder then Diluc's hair. Just what was happening and what game were the fates playing with them to make them feel this way? Lumine did not know.

"So what is it you wanted to ask me?"Xiao said trying to break this awkward tension.

Smile smiled bright as a star at his question and his golden eyes soon noticed the geo crystal core was still there. "She liked it!"he thought. Once more that strange warmth began to grow, flickering burning in his heart and soul. Why would such a simple action make him feel overjoyed and why for that matter did he care did she liked it or not? He did not know.

"Well there's been a primal geovishap causing some problems."Lumine began. So Lumine went on to explain everything on the task the guild had given. That the primal geovishap had been causing some cave ins and other problems to were endangering people coming and going through the ruins. Xiao agreed to lend a hand not long afterwards and true to his word helped deal with the pesky ornery reptile that had been causing havoc. Thanks to him the damage had not been severe but neither Lumine nor Xiao had gotten out of that fight unscathed by the time they left the ruins' chamber behind them. Lumine though as they made their way back to the inn had noticed Xiao multiple times have his gaze wander to her. What was going through his mind? And what had started to change between them? Neither knew just how tight the knot the red thread had twined between them.

"Lumine?"Xiao spoke suddenly as they climbed up to her suite.

"Yes, Xiao?"she asked.

"If you ever need my help again, just call out my name and I will come."

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