The Crow Tengu

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This chapter contains scenes of torture and soldiers abusing their authority!!


Upon agreeing to help Ayaka with Inazuma's Vision Hunt Decree, the young clan princess had requested they aid an ally that had been taken away into custody. That was when they met Yoimiya, a young pyro Vision holder. Getting into the prison...not something the trio had expected to do. That had been the easy part with the spunky and talkative pyrotechnist blonde woman. Actually with how spirited she was Lumine couldn't unsee just how similar she was to another talkative archer she knew back in Monstandt. So here they were after splitting up from Yoimiya to broaden their search. The prison halls deep in the stone of the earth was dark, damp, and shocker there. Wood was the material of choice from the walls, to the ceiling full of chains and red paper lanterns, to the doors and even some of the prison cells.

Thankfully the cells were empty at this time and moment. Staying to the shadows and keeping low the small celestial fairy, the blonde traveler, and dark haired adeptus sneaked by the guards. At the sound of one patrol approaching Xiao was fast to grab the girls and pull them up into the banisters. Paimon seemed to begin to open her mouth to protest but Lumine was fast to cover it as Xiao motioned with his finger for quiet.

"So he's over with some of the guards right now being questioned?"asked one guard roped in red armor.

"Yes they just started the interrogation on what he has done in making counterfeit visions."confirmed the other robed in violet armor.

"Their talking about Masakatsu."hissed Lumine softly Xiao turning his full attention onto them.

"Quiet, we might learn something."Xiao was quick to softly point out. So they turned their full attention to continue listening in.

"Yes he's just a little farther in."informed the guard. The trio not making any effort to move waited until the two guards were long gone. Once they were they hopped back onto the floor with a soft thump of their feet. No words needed to be said as they nodded to each other knowing were their goal was now. Quickly and quietly they hurried but were soon greeted by the anguished, tortured screams echoing off the walls the closer they got.

"Quick hide!"hissed Paimon as she pointed at the source of the sound.

The sound was chilling and bloodcurdling but for Xiao it made old memories surface making him clench his teeth as the stench of blood greeted them. Staying low they peered over the corner just enough to look. The room itself was large and decently lit by the glowing lanterns and the odd lamp here and there. Prison cells with wooden frames and steel bares could be found in each corners of the room. Dark iron chains hanged from the ceiling to link up with the large glowing red metal chandelier above at the center. Lone tables for the guards could be seen on the east and west side of the room not far from the empty cells. A huge, lone samurai's oni mask and helmet hanged from the ceiling A distinct dark violet drapes hanging from the ceiling over the wall behind it had the commission's crest on it. More, smaller silver chains hanged down on the wall behind the drapes. At the far end a steep wooden staircase could bee seen in the corner leading up to the next floor.

"You think your little trick could fool us?"hissed the first guard.

"Yes you'll pay for that!"shouted second guard brutally and roughly grabbing the poor man.

"Ha! Locking you up was just the beginning!"spat the first one as Masaktasu let out a defiant, pained whine.

At the center of the room crimson had splattered and pooled to seem into the wooden floor. The metallic stench of fresh blood hard to bare for the adeptus's sharp sense of smell. But it was the sight of what the two soldiers were doing that ran his blood cold and made Lumine turn white as a sheet in fury. Masakatsu's pained screams at the sadistic guards beating, kicking, and even slashing at him with their spears. Their tone harsh and cruel as they mocked him and this was the sight Yoimiya had returned to.

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