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Everywhere you look in this run down, crumbling building there were countless scattered books and scrolls all dating many centuries back, possibly even before the archon war even. The building itself was slightly slanted with age as all around were scattered flickering candles casting a dim flicking light. Moss and ivy covered much of the stone surfaces and rotting bookcases. The room having a sort of ancient, musky scent that was not pleasant to Xiao's sensitive nose. Their small group looking around when Paimon's sharp cry alerted them.

"There's somebody upstairs, guys!"she called.

Kokomi, Lumine, and Xiao followed the fairy's line of sight and sure enough they could see somebody there. "So there is. Shall we go greet him?"Lumine suggested.

"Seems only proper. Didn't you say there would be somebody to greet us, Kokomi?"Xiao pointed out.

"Yes."Kokomi confirmed following after her friends. A look of suspicion crossing her fair features as they made it to the top of the stairs. Standing there investigating the carving of an ancient map was a young man seemingly in his mid to late twenties. He wore a rather plain soot grey kimino with simple sandals. His body frame slender and lean and was easily above average in height. His straight, some what long ebony hair shined a healthy gleam in the light of the lantern in his hand he set down. Moving his hand to adjust his glasses with a look of intrigue on his face.

"Hm...not there either. I need to find it and soon..."he mumbled under his breathe.


The stranger turned his attention at hearing the greeting, a look of amusement and curiosity as he spoke, "Uh oh, trying to trespass are we?" he raised his brow thoughtfully at spotting Kokomi and grinned. "No, I don't that's the case. You have the Divine Priestess herself with you. I must correct myself then."he turned his gaze as he walked around Lumine, Xiao, and Paimon rubbing his chin in interest. "That makes you three the heroes meant to replace the one that failed the first attempt for coral, yes?"

"That's right!"Paimon confirmed puffing out her chest proudly much to Xiao's annoyance and Lumine's amusement.

"Three?"giggled Paimon. "So your counting Paimon too? Yay~!"

"Good for you Paimon, you got upgraded from floating pet."teased Lumine playfully, earning a puff of protest from their fairy companion.

"I must say I'm quite shocked to see an elemental being down here. Suzaku I believe they call you in Inazuma? How amusing."he hummed politely. To Xiao's dismay he went straight for Lumine and pulled back her scarf but to his delight Lumine was fast to send him flying back with a blast of anemo.

"Eek! I-I'm sorry."she squeaked, Xiao actually cracking an approving grin as he crossed his arms.

"N-No it's quite alright. I was curious as to why you had some bandages around your neck. i should have asked first, that is my mistake for stepping out of bounds."he apologized earning a huff from Xiao.

"I don't believe we met, sir. But I'll be overseeing the safety of my champions here for the ceremony."Kokomi stated bluntly her gaze of suspicion not wavering. It was instance, leaving a pressure in the air that was inhuman.

"Yes, yes. I am aware of the situation and can understand why you want to ensure their safety after the encounter with the vishap pod. Naturally, Sangonomiya Shrine can't possibly so short handed that the Divine Priestess herself must accompany her champions and only send one."he grinned, almost teasingly and mockingly so. Making Kokomi furrow her brow with a displeased hum. His smile grew brighter as he moved over to pick up some kind of notebook he had set aside. "Consider my expectations exceeded seeing not one but three of you heroes. You have out done yourself Lady Sangonomiya Kokomi."

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