A Lullaby To Heal

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The skies were a dark, angry inky greyish black to cast a monstrous shadow over the violent waves. A heavy squall crashing onto the ship to slicken the wood underfoot and hand of the sailors of the Crux Crew. Thunder rumbled and roared as waves crashed and churned with the storm. Lightning coming to light the sky asunder with violent flashes as the crew worked to keep the ship on course but also everyone safe from the sea's wrath. True to form the spirited captain of the Crux shouted out her orders and directions as the scurried and hurried to put them into play as the night went on.

It showed no sign of calming or stopping any time soon for they were now days away from the eye of the storm that caged in the Land of Eternity. Below deck lone lanterns swayed with the steady creaking of the ship as waves and rain collided with the port hole windows. In one of the hammocks the soft sea sick moans of a celestial fairy with a circlet crown of rose gold could be seen. Discontent by the choppy seas shaking the boat with each wave and howl of the wind. Towards the back a lone cot could be seen in the small ship cabin as small nick knacks slid about in the dark of the night. Long shadows cast like slithering serpents to fall on the sleeping young man.

His short hair dark with visible teal undertone hues, his body lean and nimble. It was very hard to notice due to his long side bangs that fell past his jaw line, but his ears were to a small elven point. A very distinct green tattoo that seemed to vaguely form some kind of bird glowed softly in the darkness on his arm. His fair skin having broken out into a cold sweat as his face contorted in fear and distress as he grew restless in his slumber. Voices crying in madness, agony, fury, and fear reeked havoc on his slumbering subconscious.

This got so bad it alerted the petite, short haired blonde woman with eyes of honey amber reading a book not far away. A silk powder blue and white floral night gown with pale lace. Her eyes turning to concern at his soft whimpers beside her. With greatest care she closed her book and set it aside before moving closer to him. She had not expected his hand to sudden grab her wrist firmly, his eyes shot open to reveal a brilliant hue of gold tiger-like eyes. His breath hitched and to Lumine he was white as a sheet.

"It's alright Xiao, it is just me."she soothed as he stared in shock.

"L-Lumi...?"he croaked still very shaken as he loosened his grip on her wrist. It took him a moment but he soon realized where he was. This was not Wanshu Inn and this was not Liyue he knew and loved so dear. Lumine moved herself so she was sitting with her back against the wooden walls of the ship's hall. Her hand gently grabbing his to give a reassuring squeeze.

"You had a nightmare didn't you? Is that why you refuse to sleep?"she asked softly. Xiao growing tense and the look of pained distress was all the confirmation she needed.

"So what if I do? Not like I need something so trivial as sleep."he huffed.

"Everyone needs to rest at some point. So can you try? I will be here at your side."she tried to encourage and reassure.

Xiao sighed as he squeezed her hand and she could feel him shaking. Had the nightmare been that severe? Did his karma not even leave him be in peace in his repose or was this the seeds of his own traumatic woes? It broke her heart to see. A tender touch of her her thumb across the top of his hand urging him to relax if only a little. "Sleep, Xiao. I won't leave."she once more reassured her soft, but firm promise to his ears.

Xiao tried his best to relax but those voices still haunted him, mocked him like ravenous wolves. The constant ache having increased during this trip, carrying that horrible threat that always tried to pull him under. The concern on her face did not help as he adverted his gaze up to the ceiling where a lantern swayed in a corner. Lumine could see he was still struggling but she also knew he hadn't slept in days. "He needs to sleep but those nightmares...wait maybe that will work?"she thought and offered a soft smile.

"Xiao just listen to my voice and focus only on it."she whispered.

"Alright, but only because you are the one asking this of me."he sighed, closing his eyes.

Lumine's smile only grew with affection and gentle sincerity as she let the young yaksha keep his grip on her hand. Slowly she once again moved just a little so she could do the one thing that seemed to have become his favorite thing: stroking his hair. It resulted in a soft purr and an almost bird-like hum of contentment. But it was what his dear beloved did next that surprised him. She started to sing in a language not found anywhere of this world... 

Vargen ylar I nattens skog
Han vill men kan inte sova
Hungern river I hans varga buk
Och det är kallt I hans stova

...It was soft and ethereal, like the gentle sound of familiar flute he had heard all those years ago. The tone of her soft lullaby was gentle and was setting him at ease and quieted his racing heart, calming his mind and soul. As the otherworldly lyrics flowed from her lips and the gentle, loving caresses of her fingers through his hair he felt himself be eased into slumber....

 ♫ Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
Ungen min får du aldrig

...Lumine's gentle lullaby faded into a soft hum as she watched Xiao's breathing slow and even out. The firm grip on her hand loosened but remained the now slumbering adeptus mumbling her name as he was lulled deeper into his dreams. Unaware he was nuzzling into the blonde traveler's touch as he did. It was adorable to her own tired eyes as she yawned, looking out to the stormy sea. Her breath hitching at the sound of the crashing thunder. She never liked thunderstorms as they frightened her a little though she wouldn't admit it.

Only a small handful knew this hidden fear as images of a nation burned asunder flashed in her mind with each crash of thunder in her ears. She couldn't bring herself to wake and worry him not after getting him to finally get the rest he so desperately needed. So carefully and silently she lied down to snuggle up to her precious and beloved yaksha. To her startled squeak Xiao's arm moved to hold her close as he muttered softly with a sleepy sigh. Briefly she blushed being so close before smiling and whispering, "Goodnight, my beloved yaksha." Then she surrendered herself to her own dreams. Just a few more days and they would reach their destination. What would the land watched over by the Electro Archon herself be like? They would find out in due time. For now she was content in this comforting and tender but innocent moment of repose.


[A/N: Here is the lullaby's English translation....

"Wolf Song" - Astrid Lindgren

The wolf is howling in the forest of the night
He wants to, but cannot sleep
The hunger tears his wolven stomach
And it's cold in his burrow

Wolf, wolf, don't you come here
I will never let you take my child

The wolf is howling in the forest of the night
Howling out of hunger and moaning
But I will give him a pig tail
Which suits a wolven stomach

Wolf, wolf, don't you come here
I will never let you take my child
The wolf is howling in the forest of the night

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