001 ━━ news of war

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IONA VALANA has always been a valuable asset to the Trikru Nation. In the Sky People's terms, they are described as Grounders. Anomalies that survived the atomic bombing that ended Earth as they knew it.

Iona has never referred to herself as Trikru, however. She holds high respect for her clan, but she prefers to be a lone wolf. She calls herself the Akru, or a grim reaper.

No one else in her clan holds this title, but make no mistake, they are just as ruthless as the fearless Trikru commander is.

Once her people were viciously slaughtered by a Sky Person named Finn, she became furious. Enraged by all of the bloodshed and the body of her younger sister, Eyvana, being found on the ground, bullet wounds invading her beautiful tan skin, Iona demanded revenge.

She demanded war.

She demanded nothing shy of misery for the man who took her sisters life, and the lives of many innocents just like her.

Gripping her katana tighter into her hand, she looked out from the highest floor of the massive stone tower, watching with glinting eyes as troops rushed in a confused flurry. Lexa led their masses with ease, controlling the chaotic group with her strong and demanding voice.

At times, Iona envied Lexa. Her cousin had always been the far more ideal, more perfect idea of a leader. She was kind, understanding, yet just as ruthless, and had a knack for strategic and bloody battle that even Iona couldn't match.

Iona still loved and respected Lexa, however.

In truth, they were cousins, but in reality, they were sisters.

Blood-pact sisters sworn through the crimson of the fallen, and the promises of the future. It was a bond unattainable to all but commanders, and the two of them knew it far too well.

Descending the stairs with her hand comfortably gripping the hilt of her katana, she lazily approaches Lexa, eyes darting between the men surrounding her and Indra, her right-hand woman.

"Walk with me?" Iona questions, nodding her head over to a rocky path that weaves in and out of the city. Lexa looks over at Indra before nodding. "Any news of war, dear commander?"

"None you would be pleased with," Lexa reveals, tucking her hands behind her back as she walks. "We are due a meeting with the Sky People soon enough. Their leader, Clarke, had promised us information we cannot refuse."

"And you buy into the scheme?" Iona glances over, raising a perfectly cut brow.

A token of war; a symbol of death. She'd stolen the life of an Azgeda commander many years ago and wears his most memorable marking as her bragging rights.

Lexa doesn't say anything for a moment. She stares forward, unblinking, at the road ahead. "Would you prefer I refuse their offer?" She questions, "Are you so faithless in my abilities to spot a trap, Ona?"

"Quite the opposite," Iona jests. "I'm afraid you'll spot every trap down to the ones even they fail to recognize."

Lexa chuckles, nodding her head, "Yes. Your faith is never misplaced, is it?"

Iona suddenly stops walking, staring over at Lexa with a steely sexpression. "I certainly hope not, because all of my faith is placed in you."

"An honor, dear Ona," She nods, not sparing a glance over at her cousin, "but I must remind you of the upcoming war."

"My favorite subject," Iona smirks, eyes glinting darkly. Her grip tightens around her katana without thought. "Do share."

"You will be accompanying me in my meeting," Lexa declares, leaving little room for argument. Iona hums, nodding to herself. "I require utmost focus, and I do believe your presence would cause quite the stir, yes?"

"Why's that?"

Lexa's face falls, "Because they'll meet the commander of the village their people slaughtered."

Iona nods curtly, attempting to withhold her emotions. Deep down, she wants to rip Finn's head off for what he did to her dear sister- and in time, she will have her revenge.

"Yes, I do believe that would cause quite a stir."


GRIM REAPER¹, bellamy blakeWhere stories live. Discover now