038 ━━ iona the teacher

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these next few chapters will be the in-between of s2 and s3 so it doesnt go right into the next season


IONA LIKES- scratch that, she doesn't entirely dislike- the Sky People.

It's been a few months now since Clarke left- to where? Iona couldn't even tell you- and Iona has remained in Camp Jaha.

Thus far, they've welcomed her presence, not pressing for more details as to why she had joined their ranks. Instead, they hesitantly looked to her for guidance; she was often approached by the Sky People trapped within Mt. Weather, asking for instruction.

After all, most of them were traumatized by what had happened (rightfully so) and wished to learn defensive techniques to keep them guarded.

They were tired of being defenseless herd animals, Iona had learned.

Of course, the lessons came with their fair share of those students.

The ones with little interest in learning and more focused on talking, judging, or questioning Iona's every move. She'd almost snapped at them more than a few times, but when she remembered that her position could just as easily be removed as it was given, she withheld.

After all, she hadn't proven herself to these people yet. Well, to Clarke and Bellamy, sure, but to everyone else Iona was merely another grounder.

"Your hands are a great weapon," Iona said, holding up her hands in a fighting stance. "When you lose your sword-" she glanced around, her cheeks twinging red once she remembered her audience, "-your guns, I mean, you must remember you aren't totally defenseless."

Iona hummed to herself, calling forth one of the students with a come-hither motion of her pointer finger. He nervously approached, freezing when she took his hand and balled it up.

"I'm sure all of you are familiar with punching," She glanced around the students, watching an array of nods ring through the room, "but there's plenty you can do with your hands. Choking, scratching eyes out, abusing pressure points."

At once, Iona applied heavy pressure against the skin between his thumb and index, forcing a cry out of the boy.

She rolled her eyes at this, muttering, "So weak."

Before long, however, Iona had set a domino effect in place. Soon, every student was following after her technique, randomly pressing the pressure point on people's hands. It took a while for her to gather everyone's attention; screaming was required.

But once she did, another question was asked from the audience:

"When do we learn how to use that thing?" A familiar voice echoed throughout the room.

Iona stilled for a second, not bothering to turn, for she knew who she'd see once she did. Bellamy Blake's voice was all too noticeable amongst the light chatter.

Once Iona did turn, however, she had to suppress a grin.

There he was, in that familiar jacket with that familiar head of black hair, and then that familiar, breathtaking smile. At first, his gaze had been focused on her katana- the origin of his question- but they it was soon meeting Iona's startled eyes.

"Never," She teased, sending him a sly smirk.

Just to taunt him further, she drew the katana from its' sheath and flipped it in her hand, twirling it in her grasp. The steel caught a dim glare from the windows, illuminating the tally marks- of which had gained several more since her trip to Mt. Weather.

Bellamy shook his head, "That's too bad."

Eventually, all of the students had lost interest in Iona's poor attempts of being a teacher. It was never something she was good at. She was more of a... watch and learn type of person, as opposed to explaining everything in great detail until succession.

It just wasn't her style. She was master that could not teach. Ironic.

She accepted this however, merely sighing and tossing the sword she was using as an example off to the side. Approaching Bellamy- who was leaned against the doorway, arms crossed as he stared at her- she says, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You consider seeing me a pleasure?" Bellamy teased, sending her one of those sweet, sinister smirks.

For a split second, Iona's smile had faltered, because that was truth. It wasn't just some teasing little comment. It was real.

It was no secret the two had gotten closer within the past month. They weren't best friends' level close, but Iona considered him a good buddy. After all, she owed a lot too him, and he seemed to know that, but he didn't seem to care.

Bellamy seemed genuinely sweet and open to being her friend, which she appreciated in a time like this (where she was still trying to discover her identity).

"Sometimes," Iona responded, shrugging. Bellamy didn't pry at her hesitation, only narrowing his eyes for a second before humming.

"Come on, let's get a drink," He said, tugging her along to the campfire nearby.



(maybe idk)

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