058 ━━ uneasy

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IONA LOST track of time. The seconds blurred into minutes and minutes became several, before she was questioning whether or not it had been an hour since she last saw Bellamy.


Iona regretted allowing him to infiltrate her thoughts, even if just for the smallest moment. Now she couldn't stop worrying about him. Was he okay? Did he know she was gone? Did he know she was okay?

Hell, did he even care at all?

Grumbling under her breath, she angrily scratched the side of her face, rubbing the skin raw until her pretty tan skin was colored a bright pink. 

Jakob stared at her in concern. He knew they were searching for a friend of hers, but he didn't suspect she'd get so riled up by the feat. After all, Iona rarely took after people, and hardly even noticed when they were gone.

So, if it was Clarke, she had to be incredibly special to the woman- a thought that truly piqued his interest- or the other side of the spectrum. If it wasn't Clarke, then what was it; who was it?

Jakob didn't have a moment longer to consider the question, because the second he reached over to tap Iona on the shoulder (to try and talk about it), he was pushed into a tree nearby, a gun held directly to his temple.

Iona didn't have very much time to think.

Jakob, with a confused cry, had been ripped right from her side. As she drew her katana, mind in a flurry, she turned to face whoever was endangering his life.

Out of all the things she expected, Bellamy Blake was not one of them.

While she was happy- an understatement, if anything- to see him, she had to wonder why he was here. He was supposed to be with Pike and Kane, so why was he here? And how exactly did he get here?

Her questions overpowered her joy, as she shoved it to the back of her mind. She couldn't think of Bellamy right now. Clarke was her focus. She could think of him after she did the rescuing.

"Bells..?" Iona questioned, katana dropping due to her false alarm. The man sent her a surprised stare, and she took that moment to examine his outfit. "Why are you dressed like an Azgedan soldier?"

"Well, I..." He trailed off, face turning a subtle shade of pink.

He ignored finishing his sentence, faking a cough, and turning his attention back to Jakob. The man was staring at him in question, a look of disgust upon his face; almost as if he was saying 'how dare you touch me?!' and Iona was sure he was actually saying that internally.

"Who's this guy?" Bellamy grumbled. He wasn't holding the gun to his head anymore, but he kept his shirt tightly clenched in his balled fist.

Iona sighed. She reached over, smacking his hand and signaling for him to let go- something she noted he did with heavy reluctance- and continuing to walk, unphased. "A childhood friend. He will help us find Clarke."

Jakob and Bellamy shared an intense, although confused stare.

Both of their gazes signaled they had no idea who the other was and were incredibly alarmed by their sudden greeting.

Bellamy's gaze was far more hostile, while Jakob's was almost sassy, like he thought himself too good to be in Bellamy's presence.

Which, in a sense, he did. He'd learned something from the Ice Nation: Skykru had no rightful place on their planet. If anything, they should be- according to the teachings he's received from his lessons- slaves to the tribes, especially Azgeda.

Iona didn't seem to think the same- something that truly caught Jakob off guard. 

She was always so public about her opinions. If she thought one thing, she didn't hesitate to tell you, and her mind was rarely changed about anything. She was really good at standing up for her beliefs; so why was this not one of them?

Jakob huffed to himself, breaking his eye contact with Bellamy and chasing after Iona with a quiet cry, "Ona!"

Bellamy couldn't quite explain why, but the nickname made his blood boil. He knew it wasn't uncommon for people to call her that, but it just felt different when it came from him.

As if there was a hidden meaning behind the three letters.

Grumbling, he tossed his gun over his shoulder, following behind Jakob. He debated yelling out her name, too, just to see who she responded to first, but he decided against it.

That'd just be petty, and for what?

It wasn't like he cared about how she knew this Jakob guy, or why she trusted him- hell, he didn't care if she had feelings for him either.

It wasn't his problem.

Still, Bellamy felt uneasy.


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