013 ━━ self-destruct

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hi again :> i've prewritten like 4 chapters actually bc i have a free day today so i'm gonna write as much as i can. anyways!! if i posted a kol/klaus fic or an embry/paul fic would anyone read them? and which one? :D


"YOU TRAITOR!" Iona yelled loudly. Within seconds, she had tackled the broader man to the ground. Her hands wrapped around his neck, applying pressure strong enough to force his breathing to slow to an eventual halt.

Lexa watched, allowing the girl to go on her momentary rampage; Iona knew better than to kill him. It would be a crime to steal his life before everyone in their village had a chance to decorate his skin in markings.

"I was..." Gustus gasped for a heave of air, and Iona placed her katana against his throat, removing one of her hands, "...trying to protect her."

"By endangering her life?!"

Iona grasped at her leg, retrieving a small dagger she'd placed in a hilt opposite her katana, and dragged it across his face. Gustus groaned, but he did not fight; he knew of what his fate would entail.

Once Iona was satisfied with the cut across his eyebrow, eyelid, and down to his cheek, did she finally wipe the blade off against her trousers.

"That is enough," Lexa said quietly.

Iona raised from her position against the man and nodded, placing the dagger back into its hilt. "I am finished. Put him on the tree."

Guards gathered around Gustus, lifting him from the ground and preparing to tie him to the tree much like Raven was. As they did this, Iona wandered over to the girl. She allowed her tears to finally flow freely and fell into Iona's arms once her bindings had been cut.

"Medic!" Iona yelled across the courtyard, summoning forth one of their several healers. Although the Sky People were eager to complain, she handed Raven to her most trusted- and her own personal- healer.

It was not that her view on the Sky People had changed- and most certainly had not changed in terms of her opinion of the current situation- but more that Iona would admit when she was wrong.

She had jumped to conclusions about Raven even though she had tried to defend herself. It was for that reason that Iona made a slither of an attempt to make her wrongs turn right.

"She will be safe," Iona said as Bellamy, Abby, and Kane approached her.

Abby shook her head, "She needs immediate medical attention-"

"And she is getting that," Iona assured with a slow nod.

"Reiki will handle her with the utmost care, I can assure you. You can even go see her in my tent-" Iona reached an arm out once Bellamy began to take off in that direction, gripping his wrist and halting his movement, "but do not interfere with her treatment."

Bellamy eventually nodded, shrugging out of her grip and darting towards her tent, soon followed by Abby and Kane.

Then, Iona turned to the beam, staring angrily at Gustus who was now tied up in Raven's previous position. His overcoat was being removed and his shirt ripped in half, exposing his stomach to their bloodthirsty blades.

Lexa had been the first cut, Indra had been the second, Iona was the third, and eventually, hundreds of cuts littered Gustus' body.

He was shaking, lips quivering in pain with the most subtle of groans escaping his lips.

It was a slow death, to cut a man until he bled out.

At first, they'd remain strong, eyes on the commanders that had doomed them to that fate in the first place. Then, their resolve would slowly crumble; by the 50th cut, they'd be gasping for air, and their wounds would only grow more and more intense.

Once everyone had left their mark on his skin, Lexa's turn had cycled around yet again.

But this time, it would be his death that her cut would engrave.

She stalked him as if he was the rabbit and she was the wolf; ready to pounce and devour that of which was left of the man.

Lexa stared at the man she had trusted with her life and come to admire as somewhat that of a father figure or an elder brother. He had always been there for her, openly guiding her throughout the world.

"Be strong."

Even now, he continued to guide the woman before him. As she got into fighting stance, mistrust swimming in her eyes, and pride swelled within Gustus'.

"Your fight is over," Were the last words Gustus heard- as they should be- before a perfectly kept blade was driven through his heart.


has anyone told u that u look amazing today cuz u do

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