078 ━━ not so good guy

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"SUPER HOMEY, this place," Iona yawns, glancing around the jail cell housing herself, Lincoln, and the rest of the grounders that were at Arkadia. "Too bad we don't have... you know... air conditioning or food or beds. Still nice, though. So nice."

Lincoln nodded boredly, "Yeah. Heard the people in this place would be better," He eyes Iona, who takes immediate offense, "Too bad they aren't."

"You know, if I wasn't suffering from a bullet wound, I'd totally kick your ass for that," Iona said, huffing. She leaned her head against his shoulder, sighing, as she glanced down at the hand that covered her wound, "Because I am, though, I'll let it slide."

"I think I could take you," Lincoln shrugs, smirking once she playfully slaps his thigh out of annoyance.

They sit there, for probably fifteen minutes- the time passing incredibly slowly as they have nothing, not even the dull clicking of a clock on the wall to aid them- until Miller begins approaching the cell.

Iona looks at him in disinterest, raising a skeptical brow as he starts out all threatening, as if he hated the pair, but she knows damn well she's actually one of his favorites.

Thinking that, she grins proudly.

"Careful," Miller warns, wearing a hard expression as he nears the door to the cell. "Heard this one's got separation anxiety from her metal, and he doesn't do too well all chained up. Hope you two don't cause a scene."

He threateningly shows his baton, and Iona rolls her eyes as Miller's fellow guards start snickering. They all eye Iona and Lincoln, giggling childishly to themselves as they supposedly remembered something from their past.

It was when they first met Lincoln, if she remembers correctly.

Then, the guard turns to her and smirks deviously. Grabbing something from beside him, he begins twirling it in his hands, and Iona tenses immediately once she realizes the stupid idiot has her katana.

The audacity of this kid.

"Little miss grounder can't live without this, huh?" He questions, pulling it closer and inspecting the metal. "The tallies are pretty cool; I think I'll keep it."

"They symbolize my kills," Iona smirked, before her expression turned icy and downright deadly, "Touch my katana one more time and I'll have another one to add."

He swallowed thickly- scared- but tried to cover it up with a quick roll of his eyes. Still, he set the katana down where it was originally, and Iona couldn't keep her eyes off the weapon ever since finding out it was that close to her.

"Good choice, pussy," She mutters, sending a glare to the guard in question.

While the other guard was distracted by Iona, she hadn't realized that Lincoln had gotten up until her arm was tugged roughly on. He managed to extend himself until he reached the door and was close enough to speak peacefully to Miller through the bars, but it still hurt.

When Lincoln returned, he slyly offered her a painkiller, and she downed it as quickly as possible, using her spit to get the pill down.

"So, what'd he say?" Iona murmured, leaning against Lincoln again. It looked natural, and like they were just quietly conversing like normal.

Lincoln sighed, "Octavia's safe. She got out with Clarke."

"Clarke was here?" Iona questions, glancing at him.

"She snuck in; tried to find some way to get Pike to Lexa, so she could execute him. They didn't succeed," He says, lacking a little on the details. Wordlessly, he looks at her, rocking his shoulder a little, in turn, causing her body to rock with the movement.

She smiled, shaking her head.

Still, something felt wrong about what was happening around her.

Bellamy visited the cell whenever he could, sneaking glances at the woman and sharing warm smile- but she noticed the icy tremor beneath. He was afraid; of what, she didn't know, but it couldn't be good.

What Iona didn't understand was why he didn't seem to be helping Clarke and Octavia. Instead, he was tossing new prisoners in the cell every now and then, wordlessly leaving them behind as he strutted off, returning only to demand they talk.

At the moment, Bellamy seemed far from the good she Iona had always seen him as. If anything, it was like they were on opposite sides of the fight.

Well, with her stuck in the cage and him on the outside peering it, it sure would appear that way.


the way my heart is not ready for lexas and lincolns deaths

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