022 ━━ unwanted guests

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EVERY PLAN was halted, however, once Bellamy spotted a reoccurring pattern about the door that had mysteriously slid shut. Iona, who was supposed to be heading back to the grounder cages and prepare for the signal to release them, was pulled right back into Bellamy's arms within not even two minutes of her leaving.

Together, they sat within eyeshot of the door, watching as people were being dragged out one-by-one to some classified level of the mountain; this occurred several times every few hours, each time with a new Sky Person.

Iona and Bellamy had shared a look, one that read the same thing: blood transfusions.

After reporting their findings back to Clarke, Maya had revealed that she found a way to get into the vents and travel in the direction of the lab and the room the Sky People were trapped in.

Problem is, in her condition, Iona wasn't capable of exploring the vents, and she didn't maintain enough arm strength to lift herself into the opening; which left Iona with one possible option: stay with Maya.

Iona huffed to herself, watching Bellamy climb up into the opening.

"Bye, I guess," She muttered to herself.

Maya shook her head before grabbing Iona's hand, to which the Akru instantly ripped her hand away from the woman and hissed, "No thanks. I can handle myself."

Maya sighed but allowed the woman the freedom to walk as she pleased.

Before long, the two had been running in circles around the mountain looking for Iona's weapons but had instead run straight into two guards and a woman being dragged to some testing room.

Maya had looked sickly at the idea of following them, but Iona hadn't hesitated.

She began to sneak after them, following them down the hall and into a room Iona knew read nothing but pure trouble. Dead students were littered everywhere upon different tables and Iona withheld a sigh, sticking to the shadows.

The girl seemed to have a little fight in her, though, as she shoved a guard into a few boxes and began running straight to the doorway.

As the guards followed, Iona took a pair of scissors she'd found on one of the tables and stabbed it into the left guard's neck, right as Bellamy came running in and shot the other.

The girl cried in relief, running over to hug the now unmasked Bellamy.

"You alright?" Bellamy questioned, which was only met with cries.

Maya, who had been hesitant to follow Iona down, finally entered the room from where she'd been residing in the hallway, and observed the pair, saying, "Come on. We have to find someplace safe for her."

As they traversed the halls, Bellamy tugged Iona's arm. She grumbled about having someone touching her, but she was immediately hushing herself once she saw what was presented to her.

He held out her katana between both of his palms, and Iona's jaw dropped in pure awe.

She admired the shiny steel- someone had cleaned the blade since her last slaughter- and the fancy leather-coated hilt. The commander's seal was printed upon the large expanse of material, with the letters I.V. printed on the bottom.

She smiled up at Bellamy, a genuine, heartfelt smile that had his own lips twisting up to match her expression.

Without much of a second thought, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed in gratitude, "Thank you..."

Bellamy nodded, hesitantly rubbing her back in soothing circles.

"Yeah- you're welcome... I, uh, found it in weapons' room when I passed."

It might sound silly, but Iona's always had a spiritual connection with her katana. When she ran her fingers over the tally marks engraved in the blade (one for each kill), she got a sense of serenity that nothing else could give her.

It was as if all was right within the world again as the hilt was placed back in her hand, her natural ferocity returning to her as she twirled it between her fingers.

She felt unstoppable.


Once Bellamy and Iona's exchange was finished, Maya urged them to find a place to reside until they could be sure they were in the clear.

Maya's room was the first idea that came to mind.

The four of them trudged over- Iona failing to mention the gathering blurry black spots beginning to litter her vision- and entered the room, finding a man upon a couch that instantly rose to his feet at the sight of them.

Iona didn't hesitate to extend her katana, smiling wickedly at the familiar feeling. Although her grip was shaky, she still held the blade with confidence, and the man was sure she'd attack if given the chance.

"Please..." Maya instantly said, "Leave the katana out of this."

"Just in case," Iona shrugged.

The man instantly relaxed once she lowered the weapon, staring over at his daughter for any possible answer.

"We need some place safe to stay, Dad, please-"

"No!" He whisper-yelled, "They have to go. Now."

Maya shook her head, "No, please, let me explain-"

"Maya, you know how dangerous this is. What do you think you're doing?"

There was a pause long enough for Bellamy and Iona to share an unsure look before the next word was spoken, and it came from Maya.

"I'm doing what Mom would've done."

Instantly, Maya's father shook his head. He looked over at the three, eyes warily darting to Iona's katana, as he said- in as polite of a voice as he could muster, "I need you to leave."

"I'm afraid we can't do that," Bellamy started.

Iona glanced over at him, correcting, "Won't."

"It's okay, guys. He's going to help us," Maya says, looking her father in the eye. "My parents were part of a movement against using outsider blood. My mom refused the treatments, and it got her killed. She was willing to die for what she believed in."

The man's voice dropped to a whisper, "Maya, you were five. I couldn't leave you alone."

"I'm not a little girl anymore. We won't get caught if you help us. They're... killing them, Dad," Maya said in an attempt to bargain.

The man sighed to himself, looking between the three strangers before finally, he spoke:

"Just this once."


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