063 ━━ projecting

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IONA HAD never felt so strongly overwhelmed before in her life. There she sat, legs crossed, arms resting comfortably between her thighs, as she stared blankly across the room; her katana was in a display upon the wall, the key dangling tauntingly.

Her katana was hers, available at any moment she wished to use it, even with it locked up in a glass box. She knew why Lexa had taken it from her, for she could've easily acted out of anger and created a brawl.

Why she left the key, however, was lost upon her.

Well, at the current moment, everything was lost upon her.

Iona's recollection of the past hour had faltered significantly, making her struggle to understand what had just happened. She made up with Lexa- right?- while also being kidnapped by the very same woman.

Oh, and shot with an arrow.

Iona couldn't begin to describe the past 24 hours in words (not that she would even try). She met up with an old friend, was kidnapped twice, and found Clarke- Clarke?

What happened to Clarke?

Instantly, Iona jumped up, darting across the room and unlocking the glass case housing her katana. She grabbed the weapon, sheathed it, and then headed out of her room, walking into the halls.

Now, for the second time, she had to find the woman.


Iona's home had never felt so foreign.

It wasn't foreign in the sense that she didn't recognize anything- quite contrary, in fact; she recognized every hall, every painting, every decoration- but more so by how it felt to navigate her way through the massive tower.

She felt oddly unwelcome, despite the various exclamations of every guard she passed, all welcoming her back home.

Did they not know she resigned?

It seemed very plausible, considering how Lexa likes to work. If she told her people that Iona quit her post for the Sky People, a war might ensue- something neither side wanted- and it would eliminate every opportunity they had to make things up.

Thinking back to the whole 'making things up' idea, Iona's heart squeezed painfully. She hated knowing there was even a reason she had to make up with Lexa.

They never should've fought; never should've disagreed about anything in the first place.

They should've remained peaceful.

But that domino had long fallen.

Iona quickly approached the counsel room, not even hesitating to push open the large double doors. Lexa sat upon the throne, a group all bowing before Lexa.

All except one.

Lexa and the disobedient man stared at each other wordlessly, faces relaxed, not even glancing over at the door as Iona entered.

"Ona," Lexa said, her eyes still on the man, "How nice of you to join us."

For once, Iona felt lost as to what actions to take.

Typically, she'd stand by Lexa's side, staring out at the clans that bowed before her emotionlessly. Then, she'd smite whoever didn't bow, her katana leaving a stinging array of scars.

What was she supposed to do now?

They were yet to speak of her resignation, even less so of her possible re-entry into the clan, and now she wasn't entirely sure what place she had.

Was she still by Lexa's side? Or was she one of the few bowing down to her?

With one small, subtle gesture, her questions were temporarily answered, and a part of Iona felt relieve. Lexa tapped a finger against her thigh at an angle Iona would see, and instantly, she marched to the front, taking her place by her side.

It didn't mean anything, it was just for show- at least, that's what Iona attempted to tell herself. She wasn't Trikru anymore; this wasn't her home, and Lexa wasn't her leader.

It meant nothing- right?

"Ice Nation will bow before the commander," Titus booms loudly, and it is then that Iona recognizes the man as the chosen commander of Ice Nation.

Then, she realizes that all of the clan commanders are present, Indra included.

What was going on?

"The commander should bow before Ice Nation," he argues back. "We know not to make treaties with our enemies."

Titus approaches the man, "The commander bows before no one."

"Stand down, Titus," Lexa orders, making Titus retreat back to his place beside her.

The Azgedan commander shakes his head, "She even prefers the enemy's language."

"And you will use it, too," Lexa says, making him pause, "in honor of our guest this evening. Now, sit, we have far more important matters to discuss."

"Yes, we do; like why Wanheda is still alive. If this is your weakness again, Azgeda will happily step in," Iona felt herself tense up, lip twitching, and his eyes landed on her, "And like why your lapdog has been playing fetch with the Sky People."

"Speak for yourself, mutt-"

Lexa's arm reached over, landing before her, silencing any more words she might have to say. But with his angered expression, it was quite clear her message came across just fine.

He chuckled quietly- Lexa was merely proving his point. Iona was her lapdog, trained to obey every command by instinct.

The thought angered Iona, because now, she saw it too.

Lexa stood, nodding to herself, as she began walking back towards her balcony. She glanced back at the Azgedan operative, "Come, let us speak in private. I have a message Queen Nia must hear."

He approached her, smirking at Iona as he passed, only fueling the fire in her eyes.

Then, within seconds, he had gone flying over the ledge of the balcony.

"I do believe that he is the lapdog," Lexa smirked, patting Iona's shoulder as she headed back to her throne. "Good riddance."

It took Iona a second, but she smiled, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Now, we have business to discuss."


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