051 ━━ apprehended

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1) hello yall, ik i disappeared for a few days sorry bout that
2) 10k reads oml tysm!
3) im officially 20 woo


BELLAMY'S HANDS held tightly on Iona's thighs- whether it was because it was comforting or possessive, or he just had nowhere else to grab, he didn't know- as he stared up at her.

She seemed calm and collected, holding tightly onto the katana to her left, while her other hand grabbed gripped her typical throwing knife, concealing it closer to her body, pressed up against the side of her leg.

Iona stared down into in Bellamy's eyes, remaining unaware of their position- well, she was aware, but she couldn't allow herself to think further on what they were doing, or what effect it might be having on her- as she mouthed stay still to the man below her.

They remained like that for a few hours, light peeking through the trees, darkness having faded into the early hours of sunrise.

At one point, Bellamy had grown tired of sitting on his knees, opting to sit with his legs crossed instead. However, once he realized how awkward that appeared, he sat with his back to the door of the rover, legs stretched out in front of him.

"It's been hours," he complained, resting his head to the left, against Iona's leg. "What are they waiting for?"

Kane glanced out of the windows, confusion eating away at him, and he shook his head. "Even with light, I can't see anyone."

"I say we make a run for it," Monty added hurriedly.

Kane instantly shook his head again, "No. That's what they want us to do."

"The boy is right. They can wait longer than we can."

Everyone glanced back and forth between one another, looking slightly panicked and confused. Was this the end of them? Would they all die, right then and there, having their last breath mix with the frosty air as darkness overcame them?

Iona stared forward wordlessly, clearly unphased by whatever thoughts the others might have been unknowingly sharing.

She knew she could fight. She could kill, she could torture, she could torment. If she wanted to, she could rip their will to fight right from them and turn them against themselves.

Instead, she sat, staring, hand twitching to take her katana and slaughter whoever was awaiting them beyond the door. But she didn't. She didn't plan to murder- she needed to slow it down. Iona needed to practice self control.

If her looming thoughts about her relationship with Bellamy has affected her in any way other than the obvious, it would be this: her ruthlessness would only cost her more precious hours with the man.

If he would be afraid to learn of the massacre, how would he feel about slowly realizing she's been killing hundreds- one by one- right in front of him?

It wouldn't be good.

So instead, Iona sat, occasionally staring down at the man who haunted her thoughts and overwhelmed her senses on the daily. It was like he lived inside her head, twisting her will towards him- and so far, it was working.

Finally, Kane appeared to have given in. He glanced around, eyes searching everyone in the rover, before sighing, "Okay, fine. Bellamy, get in the turret and cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there, we'll cover you."

Bellamy didn't hesitate. He grabbed his gun, throwing the strap over his shoulder, and said, "Copy that. Run fast."

As Bellamy slid into position, however, a force grabbed him from around the neck, threatening to slice his throat with their knife, and causing him to let go of the gun. He held his hands up in surrender.

"I think they're here."

Iona scowled, rising to her feet and staring up at the hatch. She twirled her knife between her fingers, contemplating going for a shot between Bellamy and the man but decided against it; too dangerous.

Instead, she huffed as a new voice rang out- the man holding Bellamy, "Everybody out or the boy dies."

Then, Bellamy was forcefully pulled from the top, making Iona's eyes widen. She reached for her katana, ready to climb out of the hatch and follow after whoever took him, only to be stopped by Kane's hand.

"We're coming out!" He yelled, sending Iona a pointed look. "Don't hurt him!"

Everyone dropped their weapons to the ground of the rover- well, everyone except Iona. She'd never let go of her katana without a fight. The blade was far too precious to her.

Kane pulled the door to the rover open, only to met by a ton of guards in hoods. They all pulled him out, sending him tumbling to the ground, and reached forward to grab everyone else.

"Touch me and I'll kill you," Iona hissed at the woman who tried to apprehend her. She held her katana at arms' length. The woman hesitated for a small moment, letting Iona step out of the rover herself.

Everyone else was on the ground, face down, with their arms tied across their backs.

So, she dropped to her knees- albeit begrudgingly- and sent dangerous stares in the direction of their captors.

"We got them all, sir!"

There was an aggressive beeping from a radio-like monitor, similar to the one that Monty had previously. It was annoying, to say the least, as it only grew in intensity as the person holding it approached Monty.

They roughly picked him up, revealing his red tracker. They attempted to grab it from him, but he argued, thrashing against their hold.

"No, that's mine!"

Bellamy shook his head, "Monty, no! Let it go."

Something seemed to change once Monty's name was said aloud. Instantly, a woman stepped forward, her hood coming off and revealing the face of a sweet mother.



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