090 ━━ illusions

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THE WORLD was beautiful. It was unlike Iona had ever seen before; there stood modernized building, paned glass all different shades of the rainbow stacked higher than the summit, all with their own amazing gadgets inside.

Iona twirled around, an awe-filled look overtaking her features. She was stunned speechless. She'd only heard rumors of how the world used to look before it became uninhabitable, but this rivaled even that- and she thought that was impressive.

When she glanced down, she realized her outfit had changed, too.

She was now wearing something more... well, modern.

Small boots that came up a few inches past her ankles, the laces tied in a small, black bow. Her pants had to be that of a fabric she'd never felt before. They were loose and kind of tough but covered in strange pockets and an assortment of different shades of black, red, white, and grey- a camo pattern, she realized.

She wondered what the rest of her outfit looked like, overtaken by curiosity- as if reading her mind, a mirror materialized in front of her, and Iona took a hesitant step back, furrowing her brows- was this some sort of magic?

Still, Iona admired herself in the mirror, overcoming her suspicions and stepping closer yet again.

She wore two shirts. One was a black long sleeve layered behind a white top. The writing on it was unfamiliar- it appeared to be representing a band of sorts, with plenty of unique symbols and colors on the front.

Iona looked pretty, though, and she couldn't deny it. Her hair had been pulled forward, framing her face in some sort of jagged wolf cut- she liked it though. It was so different from her typical long, braided locks, and was free of all dirt and grime (and blood) that had been there prior.

She liked her look. She liked how- although very suddenly and via means she couldn't understand- everything about her seemed to shift. Her appearance, her clothing- even her scars were gone, momentarily wiped away for her enjoyment.

When Iona realized her scars- and her tattoos- had disappeared, she furrowed her brows, and glanced into the mirror, staring at her stomach.

Her bullet wound was gone, too.

It was amazing, really, and Iona found it in herself to smile joyously. Abby had been telling the truth. This chip- or whatever it was- had really made all her worries fade away like sand in a heavy wind.

Twirling herself around, Iona laughed, outstretching her arms and closing her eyes. She let the sun beat down on her, filling her with a warmth she'd never felt before- it was a pleasant feeling, and she was reluctant to end it.

When Iona finally opened her eyes, she was alarmed to see the scenery around her shift drastically.

Opposed to standing in the middle of an empty road like she had been merely seconds ago, she was now in the middle of a beautiful home. She was in a kitchen, surrounded by granite countertops and machinery she couldn't begin to fathom.

Iona found her breath catching in her throat as someone approached her- and wow did she look beautiful.

She'd always been stunning- words couldn't describe her charm mixed with her appearance, but there was something so addictive about the younger (but now appearing twenty years old) blonde girl.

"Eyvana..." Iona whispers breathlessly. She feels tears gather in her eyes as they get wider, surprise overcoming her beautiful features.

Her sister was alive.

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