035 ━━ one step away

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IONA DID not allow herself to think of Emerson's death. In fact, his death was the furthest thing from her mind.

She did not regret taking his life. In fact, she believed he deserved it. Iona wasn't sure he deserved to even be recognized as a tally on her katana, but she knew she'd end up adding him once she got the chance regardless.

What Iona did focus on, however, seemed to be a far more daunting task that it appeared at first.

She chased down the halls, occasionally slipping on the smooth tile, and panted at the run. She'd been lost in the maze of hallways, doors, openings that lead to nowhere, and she was beginning to grow frustrated.

Iona searched every room that she figured they'd try to hide in to escape the guards, but all of them appeared empty, and she was nearing her defeat.

Eventually, despite what had to be minutes of pure torture, did Iona stumble upon the hall she witnessed Cage stand before- the giant mess hall holding their survivors- as she saw a blurry brown jacket disappear within the doorway.

Taking out her katana, she eased forward, slipping through one of the unguarded entrances and taking note of Octavia and Maya in the center. People- some of which Iona remembers helping them- gasped at the intrusion, crying out at the armed guards and clear outsiders (plus one traitor).

Maya and Octavia were soon pushed to the ground, not noticing Iona until she made her presence known with a vicious war cry. She held up her katana in sign of battle and charged forward.

One of the guards was tackled off of Octavia, allowing the woman- freshly a Grounder- to spring to action alongside her.

They both drew their blades in their battle stances, standing back-to-back and threatening the guards to come any closer. By this point, Iona had tuned out all but Octavia's strategic whispers- of which were out loud, though they mean to remain within her head- but she knew people were screaming.

Maya was crying, covering her head and praying silently to herself. The Mountain People were huddled in the corners, trying their best to remain calm but most continued to cry. Some brave souls lurched forward, attempting to help the women in their battle against the armed- and in far more numbers- guards.

Iona appreciated their attempts, noticing how they'd managed to down one guard together as a team, and now, Iona could see the hesitation on their faces.

Did they really want to try to win this fight?

Two Grounders, six guards. Yet, it was made clear who had more experience when a guard dove for Iona, only to meet the tip of her katana of it pierced straight through his jacket, leaving him staggering to the ground, blood foaming at his mouth.

However, before the fight could truly become a display of Iona's talent, she heard a soft whirr echo throughout the mountain, then an alarm aggressively blaring through the loudspeaker.

Mountain People began coughing, gasping for air to no avail, before falling to the ground. Their faces had all broken out, their skin turned a deep shade of red, as the light finally left their eyes with a few final gasps.

Clarke had done it.

Iona, not completely heartless, walked around the room, closing the eyes of the people that sprung to her aid when she threw herself into the fight. Murmuring a few kind words, she quietly admired them before inhaling sadly and moving on to the next.

When she came to Maya, one of the few still alive, fighting against the intrusion of outside air, she kneeled down.

Maya didn't speak, merely maintaining a soft, though desperate eye contact. She knew she was dying- was going to die- but she did not beg. She did not ask for more than she could receive, simply raising her hand to the woman above her.

Wordlessly, she intwined her hand with Iona's, giving a soft squeeze- with what was left of her energy, Iona assumed- before dropping her hand back down.

As if on cue, Jasper came darting into the room, pushing Iona to the side and taking her place.

Deciding it best to leave the pair to say their final goodbyes, Iona approached the camera in the mess hall and stared directly into it.

It felt as if she was staring at freedom, at her final chance of survival- and for a moment, if only a brief second, she could practically feel Bellamy's nod back in response.

Because this was the end.

They'd reached the final destination of their seemingly impossible task, and freedom was one step away.


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