039 ━━ mutual agreement

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"BLOOD COMES at a price," Iona says, watching Octavia's eyes narrow in confusion. Iona gestured with her hands, looking at her expectantly, and she shakes her head.

"Blood comes at a price," Iona translates, sighing.

Day four of language learning and Octavia hadn't made it very far.

It was something she had been thinking about for months now, always trying to memorize the little things that Lincoln and Iona said in their native tongue. Their snarky remarks and continuous comments had piqued her interest, and she'd been teaching herself ever since.

Lincoln, busy with teaching the men of Camp Jaha how to brawl, had decidedly been not a very good choice, despite Octavia's close relationship with the man.

Lincoln hardly spoke as is, and even when he did, it was mostly in English.

Iona, however, still muttered to herself on the daily in her primary language. When she messed up, she'd mutter fuck under her breath, and she'd even turn her comments into full blown third person sentences.

Do better, Iona.

You're too rusty, Iona.

Octavia had picked up on them, deciphering them slowly but surely. It was when she muttered something about Bellamy- something that Octavia couldn't understand nor remember to ask Lincoln to translate- did Octavia finally gather the courage to ask Iona for lessons.

They hadn't been particularly close, especially since Iona hadn't seemed too fond of Lincoln- which wasn't a good starting place, considering Lincoln was the most important person in Octavia's life- but Octavia recognized the woman's vigor.

Iona had talent, was ruthless, and had risked her own life in an attempt to save Octavia and Maya from the Mountain Men.

Iona, too, seemed to share these thoughts, smiling proudly at how far Octavia had come since the pair met. She was unafraid and determined; two things you rarely find at once anymore, but they also happen to be the traits of a good warrior.

They had a mutual agreement: somewhat friends.

"Will I ever be fluent?" Octavia asked suddenly as Iona began to write down the translations she'd taught today. "At least, in your opinion?"

Iona leaned back on her hands, letting the notepad fall lifelessly into her lap, pen rolling across the floor before coming to a very slow, gradual stop.

"Yes and yes," Iona said with a shrug. "You have a natural knack for it, Octavia. You've learned more in your time with me and Indra than you have several children in my home village. The language is hard, you should be proud."

Octaivia's cheeks- though hidden behind her warpaint (courtesy of Iona)- lit up with a rosy pink. A proud smile overcame her face and she tugged on her bottom lip to conceal a small chuckle escaping.

"Thank you," Octavia said.

She wasn't sure if now was the time.

After all, Iona always seemed unapproachable, more so now that she stiffly nodded at the words of appreciation, tensing slightly and staring down at the notebook.

Since Octavia had discovered that Iona had lost her position as commander for Bellamy- something Bellamy begrudgingly revealed after she drunkenly admitted it- she felt pure gratitude towards the woman.

Of course, there was still the occasional hint of fear and animosity, but overall, Octavia appreciated having Iona around.

She'd never gotten the guts to mention it, nor had she ever properly thanked the woman for her sacrifice, but now- regardless of whether or not it seems like a good time- would be the best chance to mention it if there ever was one.

"For everything," Octavia added on slowly.

Iona sighed out through her nose, dragging her gaze up until she was staring into Octavia's eyes. The motion had the woman swallowing anxiously, somewhat scared of what might happen as a result of her words.

To her surprise, Iona smiled slightly.

"Don't mention it," Iona said, shrugging to herself as if it was nothing. Deep down, though, her heart still ached from what she had lost; it did mean a lot. "Just repaying a favor."

Octavia nodded, gnawing on her bottom lip. The favor. All of it started with Lincoln's favor.

"How big of a favor will he have to do for it to be considered even?" Octavia asked suddenly, her heart flaring at the idea of Iona cruelly sending Lincoln headfirst into danger.

Iona chuckled, shaking her head.

"He killed Cage. Couldn't ask for nothin' more."

Octavia sighed in relief, smiling to herself.

Damn right.


sorry for no update yesterday :( i moved around my whole house and got rid of some old furniture and replaced it with some stuff i ordered

hopefully some octavia iona bonding makes up for it <3

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