053 ━━ seeing the future

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THERE WAS no way.

Not a chance in hell could Iona be in love, right?

It was a feeling she'd never experienced. She hadn't ever considered being in love before, nor had she thought she'd want to be in love.

To Iona, love was what made her vulnerable. She loved Lexa, and now, a part of her was broken because of their split. She loved her sister, and because of that, her mind had been jumbled in hundreds of ways, making her unable to think properly.

When in love, she made rash decisions, often leading herself into countless situations that she struggled to get out of.

So, was she in love with Bellamy?

And better question, did she want to love him?

He had a loving- albeit incredibly annoying- girlfriend. Bellamy claimed to love her, to want to be with her- would Iona not mess that up?

Say she did love him, and she approached him about it- which she certainly wouldn't, considering she had no idea if she even was- what would happen? Would Bellamy break up with Gina or would their friendship become awkward forever?

Iona hadn't ever considered these details before. She'd never felt like she had to- but now, she understood the struggle of most couples. They want to make decisions but are afraid of how it'll affect their relationship or their partner.

No-no! It's not the same.

Iona is not in love, and she certainly shouldn't think about it.

Despite the feelings urging her to think on them more, she realized that her current situation required far more serious thinking. Her fantasies about love could wait, and so could her continuous denial.

Right now, she's surrounded by Sky People that hate Grounders, wishes death upon them all, and believes they're all murderers.

News flash, Iona's a Grounder.

Not good.

She watched with a careful eye as the group started moving the tree that was previously blocking their path. Monty appeared angry- or perhaps hurt. Iona wasn't sure which.

Beside him was Bellamy- she internally cursed herself for even looking at him, considering how it brought all of the thoughts flooding right back in a tidal wave- who was whispering quietly to him.

Together with the rest of the Sky People, they managed to break off most of the tree and clear a path for the rover to travel.

"63? Farm Station left with about three times that number," Iona overheard from her position a few feet away from Kane and Pike. She certainly didn't feel comfortable near the man, but if push came to shove, she preferred a place where she could pounce on him.

"Yeah, and we landed with that number too," Pike said aggressively. He stared right over at the two Grounder women, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

Iona wanted to hit him.

"The Ice Nation can be ruthless," Indra said slowly. No one seemed to notice, but she reached a hand down behind Iona, tapping on her lower back. Three taps; a signal to back down. "Take pride in the number you saved."

Pike seemed ready to kill the women, veins bulging as he became tense, stare unwavering.

"Indra, Iona, this is Charles Pike," Kane patted his shoulder, appearing to notice the tension between the three. "He was a teacher on the Ark. This is Indra, she's the leader of Trikru and a trusted ally. This is Iona, a previous commander of Trikru. She is one of us now."

Pike scoffed, "I'll have to take your word for it."

In the far most passive aggressive way possible, Iona reached for her katana, unsheathing the weapon and holding it between her hands. She maintained perfect eye contact with Pike as she began to clean blood off her blade.

Once the shiny surface was clean, she ran her fingers against the sharp side of the blade, splitting her finger open with hardly any pressure.

"Too sharp," She noted, swiping the blood against her lip, "perfect."

He huffed through his nose and she smiled; one of those devious, taunting little smirks that showed she knew how to get under his skin.

It was working.

For a moment, the pair just stared, anger between both of their gazes, distrust swimming in the in-between. It was enough to drown anyone that tried to interfere, and as such, a harsh silence settled over the group.

Finally tired of it, Kane attempted to distract them- but his plan only seemed to propose more problems, considering it consisted of Pike joining their settlement; meaning they'd have to see each other daily.

"Your people will be safe with us," Kane reassures.

Only, Iona highly doubted that.

Someone would certainly get hurt- and by someone, she meant the leader of their people.

Pike would certainly find death within their camp; she just knew it.


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