069 ━━ needing time

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sry for no updates i just like havent been getting any sleep and im drained </3


IONA FELT like a giddy child. She'd never felt such a way, and she'd never had the urge to bury her head into her pillows and scream before. Yet, here she was, laying on her bed, legs kicking at the air as she internally squealed.

She knows she shouldn't find so much joy in such a devastating time, but she truly couldn't help it. Bellamy made her happy, and he'd continue to make her happy regardless of what was going on beyond them.

Eventually, they'd have to talk- she knew that much- about what just occurred between the two of them. For now, though, they'd have to settle with that awkward silence they left when they parted, sparing blushing looks back at the other as they walked away.

That was good enough- for now.

Sleeping, though, was harder than she had ever imagined.

Bellamy was still freshly imprinted in her mind, his lips haunting her own, and the places where he had touched lit up like a fire.

It was as if you could see the marks from his hands- that's how fresh they felt.

Bellamy, much like Iona, lay awake, staring at the ceiling. He didn't regret what he had done- no, he'd do it a million times if given the chance to go back- but what he had done was officially hitting him.

He kissed his best friend. He confessed to his best friend. He broke the unspoken boundary between lovers and friends, and something about it was oddly intimidating.

It didn't help that every time he thought of Iona in a romantic light, an image of Gina would dart into his head. He had feelings for the woman, despite using her to cover his feelings for the woman he swore there was nothing to worry about.

She's just a friend, he'd say, and even now, the sting of betrayal hurt.

He knows she's gone. Gina's dead and he can't do anything about it, especially not by grieving over his losses, but it still felt wrong for him to move on so quickly- so effortlessly. He felt like an absolutely awful person, and it was eating at him every time he thought about Iona.

Which, sadly, was every second of every minute of every day.

She was always on his mind, no matter what he did. If he was out on an excursion, he was wondering what Iona was doing, how she was doing, and always wondering if she needed him at all.

And, of course, he was always curious as to whether or not she felt the same anxiety cripple her heart when they were separated.

Now, after sharing their first fiery kiss, he knows the answer- still, though, he was hesitant to pursue it. Not because he didn't want to, but because he knew they had more important matters to deal with, and that he had just lost his girlfriend.

He needed time, and time was a risky thing to require when the world you lived in was ever changing- but time was what he'd ask for.

Time was what he'd rely on to get him through this dilemma.


sorry just a filler bc im gonna go pass out :D

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