━━ before you begin

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━━━ hello everyone. it's me, heather (autumn for those of you that know me from tumblr). this was a previous author's note posted in the middle of nowhere, so I decided to just change the formatting and use this as an informational chapter.

I apologize to those of you that got a notification for this. I just wanted everyone to read this, even if you're up to date with the story!!

first of all, thank you so much for reading this story. it truly means a lot to me!

second, I feel the need to include a few warnings.

Iona, the main character of this story, is not your average mc. I've put a ton of work into her. she has a lot of character development throughout the story, but until then, she's not nice. I don't want you to misunderstand Iona. yes, she's an absolute badass and we stan that but she isn't healthy.

she makes rash decisions, doesn't think things through, is reckless, isn't open to change, is very biased, holds grudges, and acts on impulse. add this to her stubborn and careless nature, plus the fact that she is a trained killer, and you get pure chaos. 

Iona isn't a good person, and I don't want you to go into this story thinking she is. in fact, I'd understand if a part of you despised her and stopped reading. that's fine, I get it. she isn't your typical fair leader, she isn't innocent, she doesn't just fall in love and act upon it.

she's a layered character with tons of trauma, greed, and bloodthirsty habits.

I put a lot of work into her- I'll say this again- so she means a lot to me. but, yet again, please don't look at this toxic character and be like "oh, this is so cool!" I do want you to like her, but I'm 100% okay with you taking note of her bad habits and watching her shape into a reasonable yet flawed character.

that's the beauty of character creation, after all!

third, this story contains a lot of dark content; such as gore, violence, detailed depictions of murder, the death of children, foul language, potential sexual content, and some very clearly sexist scenes between tribes.

the 100 is not a positive environment, and I feel like a lot of stories don't shape this very well. it's a very dark and cursed place to grow up in, especially as a child, and will only lead to bad habits. so, I emphasized on that in this story.

fourth, these chapters are very short. in a future AN I explain why, but I'll so do here instead.

longer chapters (and readers expectations of long chapters) does influence my mental. I like to write for myself and think the work is best when I'm happy with the result. I used to write super long stories with 5k+ works each chapter, but it'd just burn me out, and led to me getting overwhelmed every time I opened the book.

I also get overwhelmed when reading through my work and having to read a ton of content, so I try to focus primarily on providing a decent amount of content per chapter while still keeping it a reasonable length. I used to get really carried away with details, and when I'd read over it, the dialogue would be lost in details and the story felt like it was stuck.

I'm still working on bettering this habit, which is why every chapter here will be 600-1200 words.

fifth, a lot of things have changed for the sake of my story.

language has changed (so no kom skaikru) in order for it to be better for me to write and understand. some people have called me out for this, and I know it's wrong, but it helps me write the story.

there's also a commander per village. I know this can get confusing, but please bare with me. I won't overwhelm you with new commanders to learn the names of, this is simply to allow room for Iona to fit comfortably within the storyline.

scenes have also changed. your typical scenes found within the show have been edited, cutting out some of the dialogue in order to make it shorter (while still including the important details), as well as entire scenes changing.

I promise the story still goes the same direction, so things haven't changed that much, but these minor details might still bug you, so I want to make you aware of this.

sixth, i have a lot more stories!! this book is by far my most popular but i am an aspiring fanfic writer. i have plenty of books posted on my main page that i hope you can enjoy. they don't get very much love, and i'm trying to continuously improve and write!! please check them out if you get the chance <3 

━━━still, despite these things, I hope you can still enjoy my story and become immersed in the world I've created. thank you so much for spending the time to go through this little note. I hope it cleared any questions and allows you to comprehend the story better!

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