━━ end

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um words cant express how happy i am to have FINISHED this book like omg its been such a journey. truthfully, i had no idea it would be as popular- and loved- as it is currently, and im just so ecstatic to see it come to an end.

book two will be out whenever i can find someone to make me a cover for it.

until then, ilyvm and i hope you enjoyed this book as much as i did!!! i had no idea where i was going with it but it all worked out in the end haha (bless)

love you <3

(i pray the ending wasnt awful and a huge let down)

-- im an angsty person so i try not to get super sappy im sorry if this doesnt seem very genuine IM JSUT BAD AT THE WORD HAPPY OK thats why all my shit is so sad LMFAO

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