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What on Earth am I thinking going to this place?! Osamu wondered walking back and forth in front of the hotel Akagi suggested.

"I must be crazy agreeing to do this..." he mumbled to himself.

He decided to go back to his car, sat there, and reflect on whether his decision is right, or it will turn worst again. He regretted his past decisions... but guess remorse has always been at the end of the line... He let out a sigh staring at the nightlights of the town. This is a peaceful place... who would have expected an escort agency exists here... Well, that is probably the reason why it is particularly established here.

"I'll definitely regret this decision." He concluded with a deep sigh.

His deep conversation with himself was cut short as his phone beeped.

It is from his least favorite person at this very moment.

Mr. Bad Influence
-Yoooh! Tomo said you aren't at the meeting place... She's there already...

Mr. Bad Influence
-Don't you back out now!

Mr. Bad Influence
-Osamu Miya! Don't ya fucking ignore me!

Osamu felt extremely annoyed, so he replied.

-Damn it, Kagi... I'm here in the car.

Mr. Bad Influence
-Get out of the car, Mr. Multimillionaire! She'll meet u there.

Osamu just locked the car door, and his attention was caught by an intentional cough from behind him.

"Excuse me... You must be Osamu-san... Just call me Tomo...I'll be your guide" a girl with pink blush and reddish lipstick stood in front of Osamu. She is wearing a mini.... Tiny mini.. literally mini skirt, and a hanging sleeveless shirt exposing her belly button.

Osamu flinched at the sight but tried his best to hide it by smiling.

"Yes..." he briefly replied, and the girl smiled again as she pointed toward the direction of the hotel.

"This way, Sir..."

They walked past the front desk, but the receptionist there just gave a nod and looked away. Osamu felt something weird around the place, he started looking to his sides checking the lounge area. The reception is empty, but there are bouncers standing in front of each entrance. He instantly felt eyes watching him as they turned to the left where the corridors are filled with dozens of men and women standing next to each other and drinking alcoholic drinks in their wine glasses.

Again, Osamu felt extremely weirded out. He stopped realizing how an old man glared at him, Osamu stepped back and stopped gulping his uneasiness.

"Sir... This way..." Tomo said walking back to Osamu as she realized the client stops.

"B.. But..."

"It's okay... They are scheduled for tomorrow morning, around 3 am..." Tomo replied smiling and placing her hand behind Samu pushing him forward a little.

They continued inside, and the lady opened a metal door using a card she placed on the scanning pad. Osamu stared and amazement bewitched him. This place is something else.

"This place is safe, Sir... Don't worry... Besides, Akagi asked me to keep you secure... I will make sure you'll be enjoying your stay here..."

The hall they entered was dim and the next thing Osamu knows is facing another table for a receptionist where Tomo finds her way in. She stood and grabbed a walkie-talkie from under the table.

"Please, secure the door. Thank you." She said and placed the phone back under the table.

She faced the gray hair and smiled brightly.

"I have your name in our system, reserved for a 6-month duration. Just like we promised... we are offering you the best..." she continued handing a red menu-like book with 'ESPECIALTIES' on top of the cover.

Osamu frowned a little. Akagi must be visiting this place often for knowing how the transactions go. Michinari Akagi has always been good at school, let's just say... he got the brains, and no one would be expecting him to do unreasonable stuff like hanging out in places like this. But of course, Osamu knew that behind that mask, Akagi's true identity lies. The twins knew their childhood best friend through and through.

"Check the names, the pictures, the positions, likes and dislikes... then choose your bet." Tomo casually explained like she's a waitress at a restaurant... Osamu's thoughts were interrupted

Osamu has been into different clubs and bars... escort bars... but this is kind of unique.

"I know the price doesn't really matter... But everyone in that selection costs more than our regular escorts... I recommend you Kita Shinsuke... He can be top or bottom... Your preference." She continued as Osamu just succinctly opened the book.

On the front page, the name mentioned appeared, and a photo... It's a guy with white hair and black tips. He is smirking and has dull brown eyes with thin eyebrows. He's attractive, yes, but he isn't Osamu's type for a partner... Well of course he isn't looking for a lifetime partner here of all places.

The younger Miya continuously browses through the menu, but just clicks his tongue as he reads each one's description.

"Isn't there anyone gaining your attention so far? Those are all the best men we have here... Are you interested in women perhaps? Wait... I'll just get the directory-..." Tomo asked interrupting Osamu's thoughts on the book.

"N... No.. I don't... I.. I prefer men..." Osamu just said then gazed away a little shy.

"You don't have to be embarrassed... It's alright, Sir..."

"D... Don't you have other people or list? I mean... I would want to check them out myself..." Osamu asked handing the first book over to Tomo.

"We do have... But they might perhaps not be good enough to satisfy your needs-..." Osamu cut her off

"Well, I guess that's for me to decide, don't ya think?" Osamu posed as he raised his brow.

"Oooh.. Right.." Tomo replied cowering down the table and then facing Osamu again with another book she placed on top of the desk.

"Here... We have our new and regulars... Suit yourself, Sir..." the lady offered. "You can take the seat over there to make yourself comfortable."

Osamu nodded carrying the book and sitting on the couch adjacent to the reception desk.

The gray hair started to scan each page, but no one even catches his attention.

"Tch.. This is stupid... I'll just say I didn't find anyone then leave afterwar-.." he mumbled and stopped as he reached the last page of the book where he stare at a very particular someone with attractive facial features.

"Rintarō... Rintarō Suna..." he muttered.

~To be Continued~

From a Hooker to a Millionaire | OsaSunaWhere stories live. Discover now