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"Don't lie, Nii- san.. That silence means everything. We know you and Osamu- nii are having a problem you won't even share with us, and he might fail in some things but we all know how much you still love him. How much he means to you... You may keep lying to yourself, but Nii- san... We aren't blind or stupid... We know for certain that those sleepless nights, bags under your eyes, spacing out, and everything you do is all because of Osamu- nii. Your words are nothing but empty denials, we never believed that you hated Osamu- nii because we knew that..." Rinmarō stopped and looked at his sister before they both continued.

"-you still love him."

Rintarō stared at them like he finally understood something. Being lectured by his younger siblings is not as shameful as it seems. It's amazing how mature they were compared to him. The barrier between him and Osamu will always be there. If there's another chance, they could finally be reunited then why not take it, right? Rin knew they were both being burdened and hurt staying like this, being away like this.

"Will you please talk to him at least, Nii-san?"

And... that's what Rintarō finally decided to do.

It was the middle of the night. Rin was walking down the road dialing Osamu's number which was never answered. He doesn't even know where he's going. Osamu could just be around the area but there is no sign of his car anywhere. Suna sighed realizing that it might be a bad idea to head out and leave his siblings behind in their apartment.

He never understood himself either. He's still upset and mad, yet he couldn't help but care about Osamu's welfare. Maybe the reason is... He's stupid in love or he's just madly in love with the same guy who made a promise back when they were in Wakkanai.

Osamu is undeniably handsome and attractive. No one can ever resist that man-how lucky could I be? Rin thought as he stopped under a light post and decided to keep his phone. It was useless he concluded after trying to call almost every minute. It was in vain or not worth it.

At least I tried. He tried convincing himself that what he'd done was enough effort though it wasn't helping at all. He wanted to prove to himself that he had done something to fight for their broken love.

He let out a heavy breath and finally decided to walk back to their apartment when his eyes darted towards a dark forested sidewalk heading towards a small park nearby. There, a black Rolls Royce was parked. He knew for certain it was Osamu's, but he needed to be sure, so he slowly moved near it, studying the plate number as he stood silently in front of the car.

Right, this is Osamu's. He peeked inside through the highly tinted car. No one was in there. Osamu wasn't around either. Rin looked around anxiously, well worried.

He knew for certain that his ex-boyfriend's just nearby, and so he turned his head in all directions, squinting his eyes trying his best to locate the man he had been seeking this entire evening. It was like searching for a needle in a tall haystack.

He took a few steps and reached a little playground in the middle of that small park. The moonlit place highlighted a gray-haired man sitting on a metal swing, slightly moving back and forth in a very light motion.

Osamu was there. Rintarō's heart skipped a beat as he took a step closer- he feels like walking against the gravity of the Earth by the way his feet make trivial progress.

When he has gotten enough distance, he heard his ex-lover's cries, and it broke his heart. To hear a man weeping and sobbing about his lost love is a heartbreaking scene, and even Rin started to feel himself crying. He bit his bottom lip, suppressing all his emotions, however, his lips were trembling. He opened his mouth, a silent whimper echoed through that moonlighted park.

Slowly, Osamu looked back, and saw someone he least expected-Rin. He quickly stood, facing Suna, and at that moment, he knew that time almost freezes. Osamu tried controlling himself for an instant, but in the next second, he finds himself clinging, and hugging Rintarō Suna. It was at this moment that both of them melted with the warmth of this embrace, with the warmth of love they thought disappeared. Love is still there, and as they parted, Osamu caressed Rin's cheeks and closed the gap between them. It was instinctive, a reflex of his body upon seeing the person he loves the most. All the frustration, anxiety, and depression he kept inside, vanished in that instant.

Osamu wasn't sure why, but for certain, he knew Rintarō being there is the reason. It's always Rin...

As their lips connected, Rin responded to the kiss. Unexpectedly he did, and he knew he won't regret it. He knew somewhere inside of him that he missed this, he missed Osamu. He missed the guy who made him fall deeply in love. He slowly wrapped both his arms around Osamu's body and all that consumed him were happy memories they had together-and all the bad things that happened were completely forgotten as they share a kiss that makes them whole again.

They separated after a minute, Osamu putting his hands down on his sides and Rin has done the same, and they stared into each other's eyes, just melting into those gazes.

"I'm sorry, Rin... for everything... I've done... I'm sorry." Osamu cried and couldn't even keep a straight face as he lost himself in those grayish yellow eyes of Suna.

"Samu... I... I should have... I should have listened and been considerate... Sorry... Sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry... for leaving you, for making you suffer... I'm sorry... I... I'm... I-" Rin cried and couldn't continue to speak as words buckled up in his throat.

Osamu smiled bitterly.

"Ya don't need to apologize, Rin. It's all... my fault... Not yours. I should have been honest with ya... ... 'cause I know how ya feel about betrayal, I should be the one who is more considerate 'bout yer feelings. Rin-can ya forgive me?"

"But... I did horrible things, too... Please, forgive me, Samu." Rin mumbled still crying.

"Of course, I forgive ya, my Love." Osamu replied calmer now.

"You... you still love me, Samu, after all, that happened?" Suna asked, covering his mouth with the back of his right hand, obviously trembling.

"Yes. I love you still and nothing can change that... I will always love you, even if the world goes against us, I'll fight for you, cause ye'r the only strength I needed, even if I suffer and fall, I'll stand for you... fight until I see you smile, hold your hand tight, embrace you... Rin, I love you."

Rintarō fell to his knees, both palms covering his teary crying face, and Osamu knelt beside him slowly at a very close distance. The younger twin leaned closer, and their foreheads are touching, they could feel each other's breath and sobs. Osamu held Rin's hands off the latter's face.

Samu, seeing how Rin broke down, pulled him into a very strong embrace. The cold breeze of the night is nothing because at that moment, they both find the warmth of their lonely bodies and hearts.

~To be Continued~

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