Main characters

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Tarynn Holland:
• played by Marla Sokoloff
•Scooters little sister
•15 years old

Tarynn Holland: • played by Marla Sokoloff •Scooters little sister•15 years old

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"You know,'re not half bad.."

Guy Germaine:
•played by Garrett Ratliff Henson
•Ducks player
•15 years old

Guy Germaine:•played by Garrett Ratliff Henson•Ducks player •15 years old

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"There's something different about her. I don't know what it is but it's there."

Gwen Buckley:
• played by Amanda Bynes
•Tarynn's roommate/ dean Buckleys daughter
•14 years old

Gwen Buckley:• played by Amanda Bynes •Tarynn's roommate/ dean Buckleys daughter •14 years old

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"What? He's hot okay?"

Scooter Holland
• played by Scott Whyte
• Tarynns older brother

Scooter Holland  • played by Scott Whyte • Tarynns older brother•17

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"Dude...That's my sister. "

Wyatt Hayes:
• played by Christian Bale
•tarynns ex
•15 years old

Wyatt Hayes:• played by Christian Bale •tarynns ex •15 years old

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"God, Tarynn, you're so boring."

And all of the TMD team will be included in the story.

Her Rules| Mighty Ducks Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now