"Independent, not difficult."

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The game ended and Gwen, Adam and I waited for guy to come out so we could go eat. We were deciding on where to go when Charlie stormed out of the locker room and approached me.

"I thought you said your brother and his friends would leave us alone!" He yelled.

"That's what my brother said." I took a step back.

"Oh yeah? Well I guess your brother lied. You mean to tell me you knew nothing about this?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"About what?" I asked angrily.

"This." He threw a ball of wet clothes on the ground.

"What that?" I asked, having absolutely no idea what it was or what it meant.

"Varsity took all our clothes and put them in the running shower!" My jaw dropped. I was furious at varsity and at my brother.

"Gosh, Charlie. I'm so sorry. I swear I had no idea. If I knew I would have tried to stop them." I felt horrible. And I felt stupid for even believing my brother. "Really. I feel awful." I crossed my arms over my stomach. I felt sick. I looked down at the ground. He sighed and shook his head.

"Hey.." he put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed out. I shouldn't have approached you like that." I looked up and him and smiled.

"Thanks, Charlie." He nodded then walked off to his mom.

A few minutes later, Guy came out. Since his clothes were wet he was left in just the clothes that he wore under his gear. A dark blue t-shirt and some sweat pants.

"Good job, today." I said to him. He huffed and sighed.

"Thanks." He replied half heartedly.

"Hey, you're not mad at me, right? Because, I swear I had no idea about the clothes. I would have  stopped them, really-" I rambled on until his stopped me.

"Tarynn, I'm not mad at you." He let out an airy laugh.

"You're not?" I asked in disbelief.

"Are you crazy? No I'm not mad." I sighed in relief.

"Well, Charlie was." I laughed. "You we're right. Bad attitude, for sure!"

"You'll have to ignore him. He's still not  used to coach Orion."

"Oh, I can tell." I joked.

We all walked together to a diner down the street called Everyday diner.

We walked into the diner and got seated at a booth.

"Man, the tension in the locker room today was insane." Guy said as he shook his head.

"Oh,gosh. What happened?" I asked reluctantly.

"Charlie. He walked in and was all pissed that he got us to tie the game. They everyone kinda stated to go at eachother, and Fulton and Russ almost got into it." He said, and he looked down almost as if it widened him to explain that moment.

"So, what you're saying is; you had a nice team bonding experience today, and the tie bright you guys closer as a team?" I teased.

"Yes, Tarynn, that's exactly what I'm saying." He smiled at me. "So Tarynn, is your ego bruised from attending our game today?"

"Bruised? Hah! That shit is absolutely shattered." I retorted back.

"I can't get over how cold it was in there!" Gwen chimed in.

"Oh yeah, miss damsel I'm distress here, decided to come to the game in a t-shirt and no jacket." Adam teased.

"Well I have a jacket now, don't I?" She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yeah, thanks to me."

"I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom as then we can pay and get out of here." I got up, not to use the bathroom but to track down our waitress. I'm all for independence so, I was determined to pay for us because they paid for Gwen and I the last time. After successfully paying in secret, I made my way back to the table.

"Here's your receipt." The waitress said while putting down the thin paper on the table. "Have a great night!"

"But we didn't pay yet." Guy spoke up.

"Sure you did, your friend, over there paid." She said motioning to me. All eyes on me. I gave a dainty smile.

"Really?" Guy asked in disbelief.

"Yes really. You guys paid last time. Let me have my moment. Just once."I begged.

"You are so difficult." Guy teased.

"Ah ah, independent, not difficult." I corrected.

"Yeah yeah. For you, same thing. Let's go back to our dorm." Gwen suggested.

We all walked to the dorm and walked inside and I immediately pushed the boys out.

"Give us one second!" I called out.

"Oh my- Tarynn! I told you to clean up before we left!" Gwen called to me from her side of the room.

"I forgot!"

I had completely forgot that I brought back some laundry that day and I had my garments scattered all over my bed. I quickly picked them all up and shoved them in a drawer before letting them back in.

"Y'know we don't care if your rooms messy, right?" Adam asked.

"Yeah? Well I do." I shot back playfully.

"So Adam, when's your first game?" Gwen asked flirtatiously

"Tomorrow at 3:00." He said back.

"Great, I'll be there! What about you Tarynn?" She asked while looking at me.

"Me? Going to a varsity game?" I laughed at the thought. "That'll be the day."

"Oh, come on! Cant you be fun just for once?" She asked with urgency.

"I was fun today. I'm maxed out. No hard feeling, Adam." He just shrugged at me.

At about 8:00 the boys decided to leave but reassured they'd be back tomorrow.

"Bye Adam!" Gwen said while tightly hugging him, and he hugged back.

I looked at Guy, then at Gwen, then back at Guy, and made a face. "We don't have to do that, do we?"

He looked at them then back at me. "Nahh." He replied cooly. Then held out his hand for a handshake. I slipped my hand into his and shook up and down. Then they left.

Fun fact #3: the original script for D3 had a scene where all the ducks who were not local (ex:Russ,Julie etc.) met up Right after getting off the plane to come to Eden hall

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