"...Im untouchable..."

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Gwen dragged me over to the table. She was so happy to see new people. Me, on the other hand, I was not.

"Guys, this is Tarynn and Gwen." Adam introduced us to his friends.

They all said hello and we sat down with them, they all started talking about how they feel about the school. The emotions were mixed. The boy who I believed to be Charlie, wholeheartedly hated the school.

"I can't stand this school. Too many rich snobs who hate jocks." Charlie growled.

I looked down embarrassed, he had described me. A rich "snob" who hates jocks. Gwen looked over at me only to see me playing with my hands. Luckily the conversation was quickly changed.

"Hey,that's the deans daughter right there." The boy with curly hair and glasses warned.

"It's okay," said Gwen "I don't really like it here either. It's definitely not awful, but it has its moments."

Gwen talked and talked, and everyone enjoyed her energy. My brother kept glancing over at our table and I got sick of it.

"Take a picture, Scott, it'll last longer!" I yelled to him and his table. He rolled his eyes and then began to whisper again.

"How are you not scared of them?" Goldberg asked in shock.

"Please, they'll never do anything to me." I laughed "I'm untouchable. So is Gwen."

"How?" Asked the boy with the bandana.

"Gwen is Dean Buckleys daughter. They'll leave you all alone as long as you're with us." I sighed before continuing, "and scooter is my brother, unfortunately."

"Woah, you really are untouchable." The boy with curly hair said in disbelief.

"Eh, I could take 'em." Luis states cockily

"Yeah...anyway, they're not as big and tough as they seem. Get this, they were at my house for a team party, and this frog jumped on one of them, they screamed like little girls, I swear." The table erupted with laughter.

"A frog? Like a bull frog?" Asked Guy.

"No, I mean, like a tree frog." I saw him try to hold back his laughs but ended up letting it slip. As soon as he started laughing, I started laughing. He had one of those laughs that just make you laugh.

He was nearly in tears, "It wasn't that funny." I said in between laughs. He finally pulled himself together and I looked over at Gwen who was chit chatting with Adam. I looked at Guy who was looking at me. She was trying to flirt with him but he was pretty oblivious. I turned to Guy,
"Is he usually this clueless." He nodded in disappointment. I laughed a bit, it seemed like he was trying to figure out if she was flirting or not.

Gwen didn't care. She just kept talking. She was so carefree. Adam was oblivious, and Gwen was super talkative. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They're not that bad, for jocks anyway. The bell had rang and I had study hall and Gwen had French. The only good thing about this school was it ended an hour before my old school.

Guy and I walked Gwen to French.
"Meet me at the dorm afterwards, ok?" Gwen asked.


We then walked to study hall. We walked in and sat donw at a table at the back. The teacher walked in and basically explained what was expected.

"Hi, Everyone! I'm Miss.Grant. Welcome to study hall! You all are welcome to stay in the classroom but you are not required. After attendance is taken everyday, the period is yours."

"Ok, say what you want about this school, but talk about independence." I said while leaning towards guy.

"Yeah, you gonna take off after attendance?" He asked.

"Not sure. Maybe walk around the school."

"Mind if I tag along?" He asked.

"Not at all." He smiled big when I said he could come.

After attendance was taken we decided to grab our bags and leave. We walked around the school for about 30 minutes then decided to check out the rink.

"Do you think we could skate?" I asked him.

"You know how?" He looked shocked.

"Duh.." I didn't really believe myself. It had been a few years since I last went,but I was sure I'd be fine.

We went into the locker room and I went to scooters locker and grabbed his old skates that didn't fit him anymore, walked out to the rink and laced them up. Guy did the same. He stepped onto the ice and he skated with ease. I stepped out and held onto the wall.

"I thought you knew how to skate." He teased.

"I do!" I lied.

"Ok, then let go of the wall." He said.

I tried to let go but could barely keep my balance,I immediately grabbed back on.

"Here." He held out his hand.

"No." I said while clutching onto the wall.

"C'mon. I won't let you fall." He insisted.

I grabbed his hands and he began to pull me around the rink. He helped me get my balance and I was ready to go off on my own.

"Ok, you got it?" He asked.

"Think so." He nodded and slowly let go of my hands. I pushed off and skated forward, and I was feeling a bit rebellious so I did an upright turn on the ice. I finally got the hang of it and began to go off on my own. Guy and I skated next to each other.

After about 25 minutes of skating we decided to get off the ice before we got caught. We put skates back in the lockers and put our shoes back on. We heard someone walk into the rink and we ran out of the rink while trying not to laugh.

"That was fun." I said as we finally made it out.

"Yeah, we should do that again."

"Well we have study hall everyday, we'll be able to." He smiled at me and we started walking towards my dorm I had to meet Gwen there. The bell had just rung.

As we made it to my dorm we saw Adam and Gwen there already. We met up with them and we're talking until my brother walked up to us.

"Hey Tar, hi Gwen." He said.

"Can I help you?" I asked nastily.

"Just wanted to say sorry bout my buddies. I didn't realize he was friend of yours. Plus would had to get on the bad side of the deans daughter." He said while smiling down at Gwen."

"Yeah, good idea. Anyway, we still on for later Adam?" She asked.

He scoffed and walked away.

"Yeah, definitely." He answered. "We gotta get ready for practice,man." He reminded Guy.

"Right, see you guys later." We all said goodbye and me and Gwen walked into our dorm.

"You and Adam?" I asked.

"Nope, me,you,guy, and Adam. I invited them to the diner after school to hang out. Double date!!" She was beaming.

"You set me up on a date?!" I yelled.

"Don't worry, they don't know it's a date."

"What? Gwen-" she has walked into the bathroom
And locked the door. I flopped on my bed in defeat.

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