"Save it for your mother."

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About a month and a half later, Guy and Adam coming over became a normal thing. Adam and Gwen were getting really close, really fast. Like, I mean those two are practically on top of each other when they're at our dorm, makes me shudder to think about what they do when they're alone.

Guy and I, on the other hand, we're not quite there yet. I was still in denial, and just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he could maybe, possibly, slightly like me. Anyhow, we had become really close. Not as physically as Gwen and Adam, but emotionally.

Like, anytime I would be getting overly frustrated with anything, he was there to talk me down from it.

I was there for him when he didn't understand the homework, and he was there for me when I didn't understand the homework. It checks out.

One random Thursday afternoon , I heard a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone. I had assume it was my brother, or Gwen had forgotten her key...again, or maybe Adam was looking for Gwen.

All my guesses were wrong. I opened the door to see Guy standing there with bloodshot eyes. It looked like he has been crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know." He mumbled quietly.

I opened the door more to let him in. "Here, sit." I motioned to my bed and I sat beside him. "You wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head, and I just sat there in the silence for a moment until he said: "I just don't wanna be alone right now."

He looked so sad and I grabbed his hand as he looked down at his lap. I sat there keeping him company until he wanted to talk about it,if he ever did.

Eventually he was able to choke out that a very close friend of the team had passed away that very day.

"I'm...I'm so sorry.." I didn't know what else to say. All I knew was that in situations like these, it's best just to be willing to listen rather than to be like: "oh em gee. Im so so sorry. You know I'm always here for you. Talk to me if you want to don't worry." Although when people say that, it comes from a good place, most of the time someone who is grieving, just needs someone to be willing to listen. Even if they don't wanna talk about it.

I looked over at him and saw him wipe his eyes and sigh. I could tell he was trying not to cry. I completely understand his hurt. His pain.  My mom passed away a few years ago, and it was really painful. I can understand not wanting to look weak but in times like these, it's not weakness. It's vulnerability. And it's okay.

I was debating on doing this...would it be awkward, would it be comforting? Who knows. There was only one way to found out. I leaned over and hugged him tightly. I felt his body relax as he hugged me back.

For the past month, Adam and Gwen would hug and Guy and I would joke around with eachother. He'd open his arms for a hug and I'd turn him down and say " Save it for your mother." But that day was an exception, clearly.

We stayed in eachothers embrace for a few mins before we both pulled away. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Thank you."

"For what?" I asked with a smile.

"For being here." He replied.

"You would do the same for me, so." He smiled and for the rest of the evening we just sat in silence, completely content with just being in each-others presence. The silence was broke around 7:00 when he asked if I was hungry.

"I could eat." I replied. We both got up and walked out of the dorm. We walked to Mickeys, standing a little closer they day.

Despite the circumstances being mournful, I felt really special, beacause he came to me for comfort. It made me feel significant.

We walked into Mickeys and sat down at a smaller booth, since Adam and Gwen weren't with us. About a minute after we sat down, Guy noticed a blonde waitress with curly hair sitting at one of the bar stools, sulking.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go talk to Charlies mom." I nodded at him and watched as he walked over to the waitress and put a hand on her back. She turned around to see him and stood up to give him a hug. It has become clear to me that the man who has passed away played a significant role in her life aswell.

After talking for a few minutes, Guy returned to the table. His eyes looked red and glossy. He had been crying.

"Hey, uhm, we don't have to stay. We can go if you want." I suggested. He shook his head.

"No, it's okay."

This boy was trying to hard to be strong, but I could see in his eyes that he was hurting. He had never been anything but happy and playful, but his grief seemed to drain the light in his eyes.

After we had finished eating and paid we walked out into the cool outside air. We again, walked in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was comforting silence, almost.

Towards the end of our walk back to the dorm Guy had asked me a very important question.

"Will you come with me...Y'know, to the funeral." He asked with a pleading voice.

"Uhm, of course I will, but, wouldn't the team want to mourn together. I don't want to intrude or anything." I suggested.

"I really want you to be there. Please." He begged. How could I say no? That would be like, inhumane.

"Yeah, I'll be there." He gave me a faint smile as we walked up to the door of my dorm. I stuck my key in the doorknob and opened it. "You wanna stay for a little bit?"

"I think I'm gonna head home.." He replied. I nodded. "Thanks for everything today... it means a lot.."

"You don't have to thank me, I just want you to be okay." Before he left I gave him one more hug.

"Wow, two in one day?" He joked.

"Don't get used to it.." I teased back. "Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, goodnight Tarynn." He bid as he walked off.

"Goodnight, Guy." I walked into the door and flopped on my bed.

Gwen had come in just a little after I did. She had been with Adam, who had sought her company just as Guy did mine.

About a week later, the funeral took place. I dressed in modest black dress with a sweater to go over it. Guy was able to hold it together for the funeral. Charlie on the other hand was not doing so well. Neither was their coach.

I walked with Guy after funeral had concluded, because he wanted to go check up on his coach. He walked over as gave him a hug.

"Hey, coach, how's it going?" He asked as they pulled away.

"It's going. How are you holding up?" His coach asked him.

"It's been a little rough, but I'm okay." I stood a step or two behind Guy and looked at the ground.

"And who's this?" He asked, motioning to me.

"This is my friend, Tarynn." I stepped forward and greeted his coach. "I asked her to come with me, I hope that's okay."

"It's more than okay." He smiled at Guy, then me. "I think it's great to share his legacy with as many people as possible. What'd you think of the ceremony?" He asked me.

"It was beautiful. Hans sounded like a saint." I replied sincerely.

"Hans would have loved her, Coach." Guy told him. I smiled to myself and kicked a rock that was in-front of me.

After Guy had gotten done talking with his coach, he went to go check on some of his other teammates.

We had caught up with Adam and he had told us that he had the chance to talk to Charlie, and they patched things over. As sad as it is, death really brings people closer.

Fun fact #7: in one of the og scripts Connie and Guy were supposed to be broken up in the second movie, Connie tells Julie he was too protective and jealous.

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