"Breathe, Tarynn."

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It had been two weeks since Hans had passed, and Guy had finally gotten out of his slump. It was so relieving to see him back to himself. It's not that he was moping around all day, but he was just different. You could just tell something was off.

We were sitting in study hall and Guy was talking about the game he had that day. It was an away game so I couldn't go. I had been going to his games often now.

I laid my head down on the desk as I closed my eyes. I was so tired. I was debating on wether or not to go back to my dorm. I wanted to lay in my bed, but I also didn't want to walk all the way there.

Guy went on to talk about whatever he was going on about and I would give a few 'uh-huh's and 'mmhmm's so he knew I was listening.

"If you're tired, I can stop talking, if you want." He suggested. I lifted my head and propped it ip on my hand.

"No, keep taking. It's good backgrounds noise." I teased. "Do you wanna go back to my dorm I wanna lay down." I offered.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go." We both got up and grabbed our bags and walked out. My dorm wasn't too far away. About a 2 minute walk.

We both walked side by side to my dorm. I went to grab the handle and realised it was unlocked. I pulled the handle down, and nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see.

"AHH!" I screamed before slamming the door and pushing Guy back before he could see.

"What?!" He asked urgently.

"Gwen and Adam are literally making out in there. Like quite literally eating eachother! And let's just say their hand are where hands should not be!" I ranted as he just laughed at me. I threw my hands over my face and let out a big breath.

"Breath, Tarynn." He joked.

"At least put a sock on the door or something! I don't wanna see that. I just wanna sleep!" I whined. The door swiftly opened and Gwen walked out, red cheeks, red lips, and embarrassment written all over her face.

"I'm so sorry, Tarynn. We forgot to lock the door!" Out came Adam, right behind her.

"Yeah. Clearly." I turned to Adam. "And you sir, watch that hand placement." I ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." He answered. I shuddered.

"How long have you guys been.." Guy trailed off. Surely they knew what he was getting at.

"I don't know, like, a week?" She turned to Adam slightly and he nodded.

I looked at Guy who was holding back a smile.

"Well, congrats to you two, but please, next time leave a sign. Or a sock. Or a locked door. Anything." I pleaded.

"Okay, sorry." She said.

"Yeah, sorry." Adam followed.

I waved them off, indicating that there was no hard feelings, I just like to be dramatic from time to time. I mean, who doesn't? I walked into the room, Guy following behind me. I sat on my un-made bed and him next to me.

"Sorry for the mess." I said as I smoothed out the sheets under me.

"Mess? You should see my room." He joked.

"That's a good idea." I grinned.

"What is?" He asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Let's go to your place. To see your room. We're always in my dorm." His mouth fell open as he tried to reason why we couldn't go to his place.

Her Rules| Mighty Ducks Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now