"Well, manifest quieter."

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"He is absolutely, positively in love with you!" Gwen squealed.

"Here we go." I groaned as I flopped on my bed.

"You cannot lie to me, Tarynn. You totally like him." For the first time my face went blush pink when she said that and I cracked a smile.

"Yeah, right." I remarked sarcastically.

"I'm so serious. You two are knee deep in love land!"

"I think your getting Guy and I confused with you and Adam. Anything new there?" I asked while sitting up. Her face turned red as she smiled wide.

"Oh, nothing much...just that he held my hand.." she said nonchalantly.

"No way, when?" I asked urgently.

"Oh, Y'know, just the.. whole night!" She screeched.

"What?" I asked in shock. "How'd I miss that?"

"You didn't notice because you were too preoccupied with Guy." She taunted.

"Yeah, sure." I muttered sarcastically. For the first time, I couldn't even convince myself that was true.

"Isn't it cute how we've gone on like two unofficial double dates?!" I glared at her,causing her to wink at me.

"Not dates, outings." I corrected.

"What's the difference?" She questioned.

"Outings: simply going outside into the world beyond your bedroom. Date: a type of outing that is considered romantic and is done with a romantic partner." I smiled proudly.

"Okay, 'miss.dictionary'." She teased. "But they were still dated. An outing with a romantic partner? That's literally us going out with Guy and Adam."

"Maybe Adam is your romantic partner, but as for Guy and I, we're strictly platonic." I clarified.

"Not for long." She mumbled.

"Even if I did like him, I don't think he sees me that way anyway." I explained.

"Are you blind?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "He is so into you. Ever notice how he progressively moved closer to you in the booth tonight?"


"Or the fact that he's always staring at you?" I looked up at her and shook my head. "Or the fact that—" I stopped her before she could keep going on.

"I get it." I chuckled. "I'm too tired to keep discussing. Goodnight Gwen." I reached to turn off my Lamp then slid under the covers.

"Alright. Good night Mrs.Germaine." She taunted from her side of the room.


"I'm manifesting for you." She said with a cheery voice.

"Well, manifest quieter." I teased.


The next morning when I woke up, or should I say, the next afternoon when I woke up as I had woken up at 2:03 PM I looked over at Gwen's bed and she was already gone. Off with Adam I assumed. I did not want to get up. I wasn't tired but I had no motivation for the day.

Eventually, I got myself up and showered, then got dressed. It was a lazy day. Sweat pants and a red zip up with my white low rise shoes. I grabbed my tote bag and walked to my door, where I saw a note from Gwen

"Hey Tarynn, gone out to see Adam. Still going to the game. 3:00. If u change ur mind, u should come.

Considering I had absolutely nothing else to do that day, I decided to squash my pride for just one more day and just go to the game. Unfortunately this meant I actually had to put some effort into my outfit and hair. I swapped out my sweatpants for some ripped jeans and did my hair in half up half down pig tails. I looked down at my watch and had seen it was 2:45. I had made my way to the rink and scanned the bleachers looking for Gwen. I spotted her on the 5th row up, so I walked up the steps to her.

Her Rules| Mighty Ducks Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now